Prof. Dr. Frank Postberg

Head of Planetary Sciences and Remote Sensing
Professorship Planetary Sciences
Room D-233
12249 Berlin
- since 1st October 2018 University Professor for Planetary Sciences at the Department of Earth Sciences at FU Berlin and head of Planetary Sciences and Remote Sensing at FU Berlin
- 2023 Co-Investigator of the BioSigN (Bio-Sig-natures and habitable Niches) microbiology experiment on the ISS
- 2022 Member of ESA Expert Team to study next strategic space mission - L4 - to icy ocean moons
- 2021 Project Lead: Machine Coregistration of large heterogeneous datasets of planetary surfaces for the systematic generation of global image and topography models (BMWK 50OO2204)
- 2019 Co - Investigator of JANUS Camera System on ESA’s JUICE mission
- 2018 project leader of HRSC on Mars Express, ISS on Cassini and the Framing Camera on Dawn
- 2017 ERC Consolidator Grant for project "Habitat-OASIS - Habitability of Oceans and Aqueous Systems on Icy Satellites"
- 2017 Co-Investigator of the Destiny Dust Analyzer (DDS) Experiment on JAXA’s Destiny Plus mission
- 2015 Co-Investigator of the Surface Dust Analyzer (SUDA) experiment on NASA's Europa Clipper mission
- 2014 Heisenberg fellowship of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- 2012 Habilitation as Assistant Professor (Privatdozent) Faculty of Chemistry and Geoscience, University of Heidelberg
- 2010 Co-Investigator of the Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA) experiment on the ESA/NASA mission Cassini-Huygens
- 2008 Member of the Interstellar Preliminary Examination Team (ISPE) of the Stardust space mission to comet Wild 2
- 2007 PhD (Dr. rer. nat.), Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, University of Heidelberg, carried out at MPI for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Eberhard Grün
Previous positions
- 2016 - 2018 Research Group Leader, Planetary Science by Space Missions, Institute of Earth Science, University of Heidelberg
- 2015 - 2016 Visiting Scientist (DFG Heisenberg Fellowship), Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
- 2015 Research Scientist (DFG Heisenberg Fellowship), Institute of Earth Science, University of Heidelberg
- 2011 - 2014 Research Scientist, Institute of Space Systems (IRS), University of Stuttgart
- 2008 - 2011 Postdoc (Research-Fellowship), Cosmochemistry Group Prof. Dr. Mario Trieloff, Institute of Earth Science, University of Heidelberg
- 2005 - 2008 Research Assistant and Postdoc, Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Cosmic Dust Group, Prof. Dr. Eberhard Grün
SoSe 23
- AG Seminar Planetologie (Seminar), MSc Planetary Sciences and Space Exploration
- Insight into the Professional and Research Landscape (Internship), MSc Planetary Sciences and Space Exploration
WiSe 22/23
- AG Seminar Planetologie (Seminar), MSC Geological Sciences
- Introduction to Planetary Sciences and Planet Formation (Lecture, Seminar), MSc Planetary Sciences and Space Exploration
- Planetologie Literaturseminar (Seminar), MSc Planetary Sciences and Space Exploration
SoSe 22
- AG Seminar Planetologie (Seminar), MSc Geological Sciences
- Planetologie Literaturseminar (Seminar), MSc Geological Sciences
WiSe 21/22
- Active Bodies in the Solar System: Exploring Asteroids, Comets and Moons through Cosmic Dust (Lecture, Exercise), MSc Geological Sciences
- AG Seminar Planetologie (Seminar), MSc Geological Sciences
SoSe 21
Habitat-OASIS – Habitability of Oceans and Aqueous Systems on Icy Satellites
Habitat-OASIS addresses the question of habitability of the outer solar system by looking at spacecraft data and preparing for future space missions using novel approaches. The classical view held that for a planet or moon to be habitable requires liquid water at or near its surface. This view has been challenged by the discovery of numerous subsurface oceans below the icy crusts of moons orbiting Jupiter and Saturn. In particular, the cryo-volcanic moons Enceladus and Europa, orbiting Saturn and Jupiter respectively, are considered to have the largest astrobiological potential. On these two moons, the ocean floor is in contact with a rocky core and there are indications for hydrothermal activity - hot water flowing out from the rocky sea floor into the ocean. On Earth, these kinds of hydrothermal vents are places where life developed independently of sunlight.
The project Habitat-OASIS includes the following aspects:
1 Exploring Enceladus’ Subsurface Organic Material
The compositional analysis of organic material emerging from the subsurface ocean of Enceladus is vital for constraining the astrobiological potential of Saturn’s small icy moon. Cryovolcanically active, Enceladus ejects a plume of water vapour and ice particles from fractures in the icy crust of its south polar terrain. Grains emitted fast enough can leave the region dominated by the moon’s gravity, and enter Saturn’s diffuse E ring, itself formed largely by these plume particles. The mass spectrometer of the Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA) aboard the Cassini spacecraft analysed ice grains in both the plume and the E ring between 2004 and 2017. Over 200,000 mass spectra were recorded during this period. Our investigation of the wealth of spectra returned by Cassini’s CDA is ongoing, with analysis of flight data supported by further laboratory analogue experiments. Characterizing signatures from organic material to enhance further our knowledge about the organic inventory and also to further explore the astrobiological potential of the moon.
2 Inorganics in Ocean Worlds – a Rocky Interaction with Water
When water interacts with rocks and minerals, it can leach inorganic compounds into solution. However, unlike on the Earth, where rain water running off the land is primarily responsible for the salinity of the sea, on ocean worlds such as Enceladus and Europa this is not the case. Instead, interaction between a subsurface ocean and the rocky core it surrounds, produces a salt-rich, briny, ocean within the bodies. To predict the appearance of such inorganic signatures, and understand the concentrations within the grains at which they can be detected, a comprehensive programme of analogue laboratory experiments is underway within the group. The data from these analogue experiments will be used to predict, and subsequently interpret, the likely results from future missions to ocean worlds, such as those from the Surface Dust Mass Analyzer (SUDA) instrument onboard the upcoming Europa Clipper mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa.
3 Laboratory Facility to Simulate Impacts of Hypervelocity Ice Grains from Ocean Worlds in Space
Simulating hypervelocity dust/ice grain impacts onto space detectors is crucial for our ongoing and future research projects. During an impact, a fraction of the dust/ice particle is converted into elemental and molecular ions (a process known as impact ionization) that can then be analyzed by mass spectrometry. This is the principle method we use in Habitat-OASIS to explore the subsurface oceans of Enceladus with the Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA) aboard Cassini and the Surface Dust Analyzer (SUDA) on Europa Clipper. Laboratory analogue experiments are an essential element of the interpretation of impact ionization mass spectra recorded in space.
4 Spectral Reference Library for Future Space Missions
With the first laboratory spectra recorded in 2012, the facility has been running for over 7 years, generating approximately 10.000 mass spectra. The huge range of mass spectra encompasses different analogue materials for icy grains as well as variations in instrument parameters that can be adjusted individually for each measurement. To facilitate the easy searching, access and extraction of spectra from this large and growing library, an internally accessible database (spectral reference library) containing all recorded spectra has been created.
In addition to Habitat-OASIS, Prof. Postberg is involved in the following projects:
Composition of Saturn’s Rings and Mineral Dust at Saturn
The dynamical and compositional characterization of Saturn's ring system is a prime goal of our dust detector, Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA), on-board the Cassini spacecraft. In the years 2016 and 2017, during the Grand Finale, Cassini has frequently dived through the small gap between the inner edge of the ring system and Saturn's upper atmosphere, allowing for compositional in situ measurements of debris particles emitted from the main rings. In collaboration with ESA we started a project to explore exogenic mineral dust that CDA detects and that does not stem from Saturn’s ring system. The goal is to perform the complete mapping of the composition of these non-icy micro-meteoroids within the Saturnian system, and to relate the compositional information to the grains dynamics, such as to constrain the properties of their parent bodies.
Composition of Interplanetary and Interstellar Dust in our Solar System
Interstellar dust particles can be analyzed in situ from a spacecraft or can be captured and brought back to Earth by a sample-return mission. Prof. Frank Postberg is Co-Investigator of the Destiny+ Dust Analyzer (DDA) experiment on-board the Destiny+ mission that is prepared for launch in 2024. Destiny+ was designed by JAXA to acquire the compact deep space explorer technology, fly-by observation of a meteor shower parent body, and in situ analysis of interplanetary dust. It will conduct flyby exploration of the asteroid 3200 Phaethon, which is well known as a parent body of a meteor shower.
» Selection (more publications and conference contributions on Google Scholar)
2020Klenner, F., F. Postberg, J. Hillier, N. Khawaja, M. L. Cable, B. Abel, S. Kempf, C.R. Glein, J.I. Lunine, R. Hodyss, R. Reviol and F. Stolz (2020), Discriminating Abiotic and Biotic Fingerprints of Amino Acids and Fatty Acids in Ice Grains Relevant to Ocean Worlds, Astrobiology 20 (10): 1168-1184. doi:10.1089/ast.2019.2188.
Klenner, F., F. Postberg, J. Hillier, N. Khawaja, R. Reviol, F. Stolz, M. L. Cable, B. Abel, and L. Nölle (2020), Analog Experiments for the Identification of Trace Biosignatures in Ice Grains from Extraterrestrial Ocean Worlds, Astrobiology 20 (2). doi:10.1089/ast.2019.2065.
Taubner, R.-S., K. Olsson-Francis, S. D. Vance, N. K. Ramkissoon, F. Postberg, J.-P. de Vera, A. Antunes, E. Camprubi Casas, Y. Sekine, L. Noack, L. Barge, J. Goodman, M. Jebbar, B. Journaux, Ö. Karatekin, F. Klenner, E. Rabbow, P. Rettberg, T. Rückriemen-Bez, J. Saur, T. Shibuya, and K. M. Soderlund (2020), Experimental and Simulation Efforts in the Astrobiological Exploration of Exooceans, Space Sci Rev, 216(1), 1531, doi:10.1007/s11214-020-0635-5.
Buratti, B. J., P. C. Thomas, E. Roussos, C. Howett, M. Seiß, A. R. Hendrix, P. Helfenstein, R. H. Brown, R. N. Clark, T. Denk, G. Filacchione, H. Hoffmann, G. H. Jones, N. Khawaja, P. Kollmann, N. Krupp, J. Lunine, T. W. Momary, C. Paranicas, F. Postberg, M. Sachse, F. Spahn, J. Spencer, R. Srama, T. Albin, K. H. Baines, M. Ciarniello, T. Economou, H.-W. Hsu, S. Kempf, S. M. Krimigis, D. Mitchell, G. Moragas-Klostermeyer, P. D. Nicholson, C. C. Porco, H. Rosenberg, J. Simolka, and L. A. Soderblom (2019), Close Cassini flybys of Saturn's ring moons Pan, Daphnis, Atlas, Pandora, and Epimetheus, Science, 364(6445), doi:10.1126/science.aat2349.
Khawaja, N., F. Postberg, J. Hillier, F. Klenner, S. Kempf, L. Nölle, R. Reviol, Z. Zou, and R. Srama (2019), Low-mass nitrogen-, oxygen-bearing, and aromatic compounds in Enceladean ice grains, MNRAS, 489(4), 5231–5243, doi:10.1093/mnras/stz2280.
Klenner, F., F. Postberg, J. Hillier, N. Khawaja, R. Reviol, R. Srama, B. Abel, F. Stolz, and S. Kempf (2019), Analogue spectra for impact ionization mass spectra of water ice grains obtained at different impact speeds in space, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 33(22), 1751–1760, doi:10.1002/rcm.8518.
Postberg, F. (invited), N. Khawaja, L. Nölle, F. Klenner, J. Hillier, H.-W. Hsu, R. Srama, G. Tobie, A. Bouquet, J. H. Waite, and C. R. Glein (2019), Origins of Organic Matter in Enceladus' Plume, in Astrobiology Science Conference, 203–4.
Sterken, V. J., A. J. Westphal, N. Altobelli, D. Malaspina, and F. Postberg (2019), Interstellar Dust in the Solar System, Space Sci Rev, 215(7), 1797, doi:10.1007/s11214-019-0607-9.
Denk, T., and F. Postberg (2019), Hutkrempen und Schwimmreifen – Cassini erkundet die seltsamen Ringmonde des Saturn, Sterne und Weltraum, 40-45,
Glein, C. R., F. Postberg, and S. D. Vance (2018), The Geochemistry of Enceladus: Composition and Controls, in Enceladus and the Icy Moons of Saturn, edited by P. M. Schenk et al., pp. 39–56, University of Arizona Press.
Hedman, M. M., F. Postberg, D. P. Hamilton, S. Renner, and H.-W. Hsu (2018), Dusty Rings, in Planetary Ring Systems, edited by M. S. Tiscareno and C. D. Murray, pp. 308–337, Cambridge University Press.
Hillier, J. K., J. Schmidt, H.-W. Hsu, and F. Postberg (2018), Dust Emission by Active Moons, Space Sci Rev, 214(8), 189, doi:10.1007/s11214-018-0539-9.
Hillier, J. K., Z. Sternovsky, S. Kempf, M. Trieloff, M. Guglielmino, F. Postberg, and M. C. Price (2018), Impact ionisation mass spectrometry of platinum-coated olivine and magnesite-dominated cosmic dust analogues, Planetary and Space Science, 156, 96–110.
Hsu, H.-W., J. Schmidt, S. Kempf, F. Postberg, G. Moragas-Klostermeyer, M. Seiß, H. Hoffmann, M. Burton, S. Ye, W. S. Kurth, and others (2018), In situ collection of dust grains falling from Saturn’s rings into its atmosphere, Science, 362(6410), 3185, doi:10.1126/science.aat3185.
Mitri, G., F. Postberg, J. M. Soderblom, P. Wurz, P. Tortora, B. Abel, J. W. Barnes, M. Berga, N. Carrasco, A. Coustenis, and others (2018), Explorer of Enceladus and Titan (E2T): Investigating ocean worlds’ evolution and habitability in the solar system, Planetary and Space Science, 155, 73–90.
Postberg, F., N. Khawaja, B. Abel, G. Choblet, C. R. Glein, M. S. Gudipati, B. L. Henderson, H.-W. Hsu, S. Kempf, F. Klenner, and others (2018), Macromolecular organic compounds from the depths of Enceladus, Nature, 558(7711), 564-568, doi:10.1038/s41586-018-0246-4.
Postberg, F., R. N. Clark, C. J. Hansen, A. J. Coates, C. M. Dalle Ore, F. Scipioni, M. M. Hedman, and J. H. Waite (2018), Plume and Surface Composition of Enceladus, in Enceladus and the Icy Moons of Saturn, edited by P. M. Schenk et al., 129/162, University of Arizona Press.
Choblet, G., G. Tobie, C. Sotin, M. Běhounková, O. Čadek, F. Postberg, and O. Souček (2017), Powering prolonged hydrothermal activity inside Enceladus, Nature Astronomy, 1(12), 841.
Postberg, F., G. Tobie, and T. Dambeck (2016), Under the Sea of Enceladus, Scientific American, 315(4), 38–45.
Altobelli, N., F. Postberg, K. Fiege, M. Trieloff, H. Kimura, V. J. Sterken, H.-W. Hsu, J. Hillier, N. Khawaja, G. Moragas-Klostermeyer, and others (2016), Flux and composition of interstellar dust at Saturn from Cassini’s Cosmic Dust Analyzer, Science, 352(6283), 312–318.
Hsu, H.-W., S. Kempf, S. V. Badman, W. S. Kurth, F. Postberg, and R. Srama (2016), Interplanetary magnetic field structure at Saturn inferred from nanodust measurements during the 2013 aurora campaign, Icarus, 263, 10–16.
Hsu, H.-W., F. Postberg, Y. Sekine, T. Shibuya, S. Kempf, M. Horányi, A. Juhász, N. Altobelli, K. Suzuki, Y. Masaki, and others (2015), Ongoing hydrothermal activities within Enceladus, Nature, 519(7542), 207.
Sekine, Y., T. Shibuya, F. Postberg, H.-W. Hsu, K. Suzuki, Y. Masaki, T. Kuwatani, M. Mori, P. K. Hong, M. Yoshizaki, and others (2015), High-temperature water‐rock interactions and hydrothermal environments in the chondrite-like core of Enceladus, Nature communications, 6, 8604.
Wiederschein, F., E. Vöhringer-Martinez, A. Beinsen, F. Postberg, J. Schmidt, R. Srama, F. Stolz, H. Grubmüller, and B. Abel (2015), Charge separation and isolation in strong water droplet impacts, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17(10), 6858–6864.
Postberg, F., J. K. Hillier, S. P. Armes, S. Bugiel, A. Butterworth, D. Dupin, La Fielding, S. Fujii, Z. Gainsforth, E. Grün, and others (2014), Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination IX: High-speed interstellar dust analog capture in Stardust flight-spare aerogel, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 49(9), 1666–1679.
Arridge, C. S., N. Achilleos, J. Agarwal, C. B. Agnor, R. Ambrosi, N. André, S. V. Badman, K. Baines, D. Banfield, M. Barthélémy, and others (2014), The science case for an orbital mission to Uranus: Exploring the origins and evolution of ice giant planets, Planetary and Space Science, 104, 122–140.
Bechtel, H. A., G. J. Flynn, C. Allen, D. Anderson, A. Ansari, S. Bajt, R. K. Bastien, N. Bassim, J. Borg, F. E. Brenker, and others (2014), Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination III: Infrared spectroscopic analysis of interstellar dust candidates, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 49(9), 1548–1561.
Brenker, F. E., A. J. Westphal, L. Vincze, M. Burghammer, S. Schmitz, T. Schoonjans, G. Silversmit, B. Vekemans, C. Allen, D. Anderson, and others (2014), Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination V: XRF analyses of interstellar dust candidates at ESRF ID 13, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 49(9), 1594–1611.
Butterworth, A. L., A. J. Westphal, T. Tyliszczak, Z. Gainsforth, J. Stodolna, D. R. Frank, C. Allen, D. Anderson, A. Ansari, S. Bajt, and others (2014), Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination IV: Scanning transmission X-ray microscopy analyses of impact features in the Stardust Interstellar Dust Collector, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 49(9), 1562–1593.
Fiege, K., M. Trieloff, J. K. Hillier, M. Guglielmino, F. Postberg, R. Srama, S. Kempf, and J. Blum (2014), Calibration of relative sensitivity factors for impact ionization detectors with high-velocity silicate microparticles, Icarus, 241, 336–345.
Flynn, G. J., S. R. Sutton, B. Lai, S. Wirick, C. Allen, D. Anderson, A. Ansari, S. Bajt, R. K. Bastien, N. Bassim, and others (2014), Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination VII: Synchrotron X-ray fluorescence analysis of six Stardust interstellar candidates measured with the Advanced Photon Source 2-ID-D microprobe, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 49(9), 1626–1644.
Frank, D. R., A. J. Westphal, M. E. Zolensky, Z. Gainsforth, A. L. Butterworth, R. K. Bastien, C. Allen, D. Anderson, A. Ansari, S. Bajt, and others (2014), Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination II: Curating the interstellar dust collector, picokeystones, and sources of impact tracks, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 49(9), 1522–1547.
Gainsforth, Z., F. E. Brenker, A. S. Simionovici, S. Schmitz, M. Burghammer, A. L. Butterworth, P. Cloetens, L. Lemelle, J.-A. S. Tresserras, T. Schoonjans, and others (2014), Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination VIII: Identification of crystalline material in two interstellar candidates, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 49(9), 1645–1665.
Hillier, J. K., Z. Sternovsky, S. P. Armes, L. A. Fielding, F. Postberg, S. Bugiel, K. Drake, R. Srama, A. T. Kearsley, and M. Trieloff (2014), Impact ionisation mass spectrometry of polypyrrole-coated pyrrhotite microparticles, Planetary and Space Science, 97, 9–22.
Li, Y. W., S. Bugiel, M. Trieloff, J. K. Hillier, F. Postberg, M. C. Price, A. Shu, K. Fiege, La Fielding, S. P. Armes, and others (2014), Morphology of craters generated by hypervelocity impacts of micron-sized polypyrrole-coated olivine particles, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 49(8), 1375–1387.
Simionovici, A. S., L. Lemelle, P. Cloetens, V. A. Solé, J.-A. S. Tresseras, A. L. Butterworth, A. J. Westphal, Z. Gainsforth, J. Stodolna, C. Allen, and others (2014), Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination VI: Quantitative elemental analysis by synchrotron X-ray fluorescence nanoimaging of eight impact features in aerogel, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 49(9), 1612–1625.
Sterken, V. J., A. J. Westphal, N. Altobelli, E. Grün, J. K. Hillier, F. Postberg, R. Srama, C. Allen, D. Anderson, A. Ansari, and others (2014), Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination X: Impact speeds and directions of interstellar grains on the Stardust dust collector, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 48.
Stroud, R. M., C. Allen, A. Ansari, D. Anderson, S. Bajt, N. Bassim, R. S. Bastien, H. A. Bechtel, J. Borg, F. E. Brenker, and others (2014), Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination XI: Identification and elemental analysis of impact craters on Al foils from the Stardust Interstellar Dust Collector, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 49(9), 1698–1719.
Tobie, G., N. A. Teanby, A. Coustenis, R. Jaumann, F. Raulin, J. Schmidt, N. Carrasco, A. J. Coates, D. Cordier, R. de Kok, W. D. Geppert, J. P. Lebreton, A. Lefevre, T. A. Livengood, K. E. Mandt, G. Mitri, F. Nimmo, C. A. Nixon, L. Norman, R. T. Pappalardo, F. Postberg, S. Rodriguez, D. Schulze-Makuch, J. M. Soderblom, A. Solomonidou, K. Stephan, E. R. Stofan, E. P. Turtle, R. J. Wagner, R. A. West, and J. H. Westlake (2014), Science goals and mission concept for the future exploration of Titan and Enceladus, Planetary and Space Science, 104, 59–77.
Westphal, A. J., D. Anderson, A. L. Butterworth, Frank, B. Hudson, R. Lettieri, W. Marchant, J. V. Korff, D. Zevin, A. Ardizzone, and others (2014), Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination I: Identification of tracks in aerogel, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 10.
Westphal, A. J., R. M. Stroud, H. A. Bechtel, F. E. Brenker, A. L. Butterworth, G. J. Flynn, Frank, Z. Gainsforth, J. K. Hillier, F. Postberg, and others (2014), Evidence for interstellar origin of seven dust particles collected by the Stardust spacecraft, Science, 345, 786–791.
Westphal, A. J., H. A. Bechtel, F. E. Brenker, A. L. Butterworth, G. Flynn, D. R. Frank, Z. Gainsforth, J. K. Hillier, F. Postberg, A. S. Simionovici, and others (2014), Final reports of the stardust interstellar preliminary examination, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 49(9), 1720–1733.
Westphal, A. J., R. M. Stroud, H. A. Bechtel, F. E. Brenker, A. L. Butterworth, G. J. Flynn, D. R. Frank, Z. Gainsforth, J. K. Hillier, F. Postberg, and others (2014), Coordinated Microanalyses of Seven Particles of Probable Interstellar Origin from the Stardust Mission, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 20(S3), 1692–1693.
Hsu, H.-W., K. C. Hansen, M. Horányi, S. Kempf, A. Mocker, G. Moragas-Klostermeyer, F. Postberg, R. Srama, and B. Zieger (2013), Probing IMF using nanodust measurements from inside Saturn’s magnetosphere, Geophysical Research Letters, 40(12), 2902–2906.
Simionovici, A. S., L. Lemelle, P. Cloetens, V. A. Solé, J.-A. Sans Tresseras, A. L. Butterworth, A. J. Westphal, Z. Gainsforth, J. Stodolna, C. Allen, and others (2013), Quantification of Element Abundances of Stardust Interstellar Candidates by Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement, 76.
Christophe, B., L. J. Spilker, J. D. Anderson, N. André, S. W. Asmar, J. Aurnou, D. Banfield, A. Barucci, O. Bertolami, R. Bingham, and others (2012), OSS (Outer Solar System): A fundamental and planetary physics mission to Neptune, Triton and the Kuiper Belt, Experimental Astronomy, 34(2), 203–242.
Grün, E., Z. Sternovsky, M. Horanyi, V. Hoxie, S. Robertson, J. Xi, S. Auer, M. Landgraf, F. Postberg, M. C. Price, and others (2012), Active cosmic dust collector, Planetary and Space Science, 60(1), 261–273.
Hillier, J. K., F. Postberg, S. Sestak, R. Srama, S. Kempf, M. Trieloff, Z. Sternovsky, and S. F. Green (2012), Impact ionization mass spectra of anorthite cosmic dust analogue particles, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 117(E9).
Hsu, H.-W., H. Krüger, and F. Postberg (2012), Dynamics, composition, and origin of Jovian and Saturnian dust-stream particles, in Nanodust in the Solar System: Discoveries and Interpretations, pp. 77–117, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Kempf, S., R. Srama, E. Grün, A. Mocker, F. Postberg, J. K. Hillier, M. Horányi, Z. Sternovsky, B. Abel, A. Beinsen, and others (2012), Linear high resolution dust mass spectrometer for a mission to the Galilean satellites, Planetary and Space Science, 65(1), 10–20.
Srama, R., H. Krüger, T. Yamaguchi, T. Stephan, M. Burchell, A. T. Kearsley, V. Sterken, F. Postberg, S. Kempf, E. Grün, and others (2012), SARIM PLUS—sample return of comet 67P/CG and of interstellar matter, Experimental Astronomy, 33(2-3), 723–751.
Sterken, V. J., N. Altobelli, S. Kempf, H. Krüger, F. Postberg, R. H. Soja, R. Srama, and E. Grün (2012), An optimum opportunity for interstellar dust measurements by the JUICE mission, Planetary and Space Science, 71(1), 142–146.
Trieloff, M., F. Postberg, J. K. Hillier, S. Armes, S. Bugiel, A. Butterworth, D. Dupin, La Fielding, S. Fujii, Z. Gainsforth, and others (2012), Capture of High-Speed Interstellar Dust Analogues in Stardust Flight Spare Aerogel, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement, 75.
Postberg, F., C. Allen, S. Bajt, H. A. Bechtel, J. Borg, F. E. Brenker, J. Bridges, D. E. Brownlee, M. Burchell, M. Burghammer, and others (2011), High Fidelity Studies of Interstellar Dust analogue Impacts in Stardust Aerogel and Foil, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement, 74.
Postberg, F., E. Grün, M. Horanyi, S. Kempf, H. Krüger, J. Schmidt, F. Spahn, R. Srama, Z. Sternovsky, and M. Trieloff (2011), Compositional mapping of planetary moons by mass spectrometry of dust ejecta, Planetary and Space Science, 59(14), 1815–1825.
Postberg, F., J. Schmidt, J. Hillier, S. Kempf, and R. Srama (2011), A salt-water reservoir as the source of a compositionally stratified plume on Enceladus, Nature, 474(7353), 620.
Floss, C., C. Allen, A. Ansari, S. Bajt, N. Bassim, H. A. Bechtel, J. Borg, F. Brenker, J. Bridges, D. E. Brownlee, and others (2011), Auger Analysis of Impact Craters from the Stardust Interstellar Foils, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement, 74.
Hsu, H.-W., S. Kempf, F. Postberg, M. Trieloff, M. Burton, M. Roy, G. Moragas-Klostermeyer, and R. Srama (2011), Cassini dust stream particle measurements during the first three orbits at Saturn, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 116(A8).
Hsu, H.-W., F. Postberg, S. Kempf, M. Trieloff, M. Burton, M. Roy, G. Moragas-Klostermeyer, and R. Srama (2011), Stream particles as the probe of the dust-plasma-magnetosphere interaction at Saturn, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 116(A9).
Matson, D., J. Schmidt, and F. Postberg (2011), Marking the Fifth Anniversary of the Discovery of Enceladus's Plumes, Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 92(12), 101, doi:10.1029/2011EO120005.
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Postberg, F., S. Kempf, R. Srama, E. Gruen, J. K. Hillier, S. F. Green, and N. McBride (2008), Composition of Saturnian E-ring Particles. Probing subsurface Oceans of Enceladus?, International Journal of Astrobiology, 7(1), 68.
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Fujii, S., S. P. Armes, R. Jeans, R. Devonshire, S. Warren, S. L. McArthur, M. J. Burchell, F. Postberg, and R. Srama (2006), Synthesis and characterization of polypyrrole-coated sulfur-rich latex particles: New synthetic mimics for sulfur-based micrometeorites, Chemistry of materials, 18(11), 2758–2765.
Srama, R., S. Kempf, G. Moragas-Klostermeyer, S. Helfert, T. J. Ahrens, N. Altobelli, S. Auer, U. Beckmann, J. G. Bradley, M. Burton, and others (2006), In situ dust measurements in the inner Saturnian system, Planetary and Space Science, 54(9-10), 967–987.
Postberg, F., S. Kempf, R. Srama, S. F. Green, J. K. Hillier, N. McBride, and E. Grün (2006), Composition of jovian dust stream particles, Icarus, 183(1), 122–134.
Fujii, S., S. P. Armes, R. Jeans, R. Devonshire, S. Warren, S. L. McArthur, M. J. Burchell, F. Postberg, and R. Srama (2006), Synthesis and characterization of polypyrrole-coated sulfur-rich latex particles: New synthetic mimics for sulfur-based micrometeorites, Chemistry of materials, 18(11), 2758–2765.
Srama, R., S. Kempf, G. Moragas-Klostermeyer, S. Helfert, T. J. Ahrens, N. Altobelli, S. Auer, U. Beckmann, J. G. Bradley, M. Burton, and others (2006), In situ dust measurements in the inner Saturnian system, Planetary and Space Science, 54(9-10), 967–987.
Kempf, S., R. Srama, F. Postberg, M. Burton, S. F. Green, S. Helfert, J. K. Hillier, N. McBride, J. A. M. McDonnell, G. Moragas-Klostermeyer, and others (2005), Composition of Saturnian stream particles, Science, 307(5713), 1274–1276.