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Coffee lectures in the Earth Sciences Library (summer semester 2024)



News from Apr 01, 2024

In the summer semester 2024 we offer the following Coffee Lectures.

  • Thursdays 3:15 - 3:45 pm in the Earth Sciences Library in Lankwitz and simultaneously online.
  • To participate online, simply use the meeting link. The online stream will not be recorded.
  • Without registration.
  • We have space for about 20 people in the library: first come, first served. Of course there will be fresh coffee free of charge.
  • The presentations will be held in German or English.
  • Presentation slides will be made available on this website.


2 May, 6 Ethical Ways to Use AI in Your Studies (in English)

Using AI as a student can put you at risk of plagiarism - but it doesn’t have to. In this coffee lecture, you’ll learn the basics of ethical AI use in a university context, while also discovering 6 safe and responsible ways to leverage AI tools in your studies. As always: ask your instructor if you’re allowed to use AI for your assignments, and if so, under which conditions! Presentation slides


16 May, Publication Charges for Open Access Publishing: What Does Freie Universität Pay for? (in English)

When publishing journal articles in Open Access, authors usually face costs. We explain which costs are covered by the Freie Universität and how this works in practice. Presentation slides


23 May, Web of Science Basics: Wie finde ich Literatur zu meinem Thema? (in German)

In this coffee lecture, we will introduce the popular literature database Web of Science and demonstrate how it can be used to effectively find scientific literature on a specific topic. Presentation slides


30 May, Eine Karte ist (k)ein Buch: Kartenrecherche 101 (in German)

Have you ever wondered how and where to search for maps and cartographic material? Then you should not miss this Coffee Lecture. We will show you some options how to get started with map research and provide updates on the progress of the Library’s Map Collection. Presentation slides


6 June, CANCELLED - Bibliometrics 101: Collecting Data in Web of Science (in English) - CANCELLED

Are you interested in analyzing research output using bibliometric indicators such as article citation count, h-index and journal impact factor? Then join us in this coffee lecture to understand why Web of Science is one of the leading sources for bibliometric data – and learn how to use it effectively yourself!


13 June, Research Data Management Services at FU Berlin (in English)

Delve into the world of research data management over a cup of coffee and discover how our university is supporting research practices through services tailored to your needs. Presentation slides


20 June, NFDI4Earth's Impact on Earth Sciences Data Management (in English)

Learn about recent initiatives of the NFDI4Earth to support the management of your research data. The NFDI Earth System Sciences consortium (NFDI4Earth) started work in the autumn of 2021 and aims to standardise existing and future strategies and services for research data management in the Earth Sciences. Presentation slides


27 June, Wie organisiere ich mein Wissen? Literaturverwaltung (in German)

Using the free software Zotero, you will learn what you can use literature management for and how it makes your studies, research (and your life) easier. Presentation slides


4 July, "Ownership" of Research Data (in English)

The generation of research data is usually associated with great financial, personnel and time expenditure. But who actually "owns" this research data? Who can decide to publish data and which rules hold when a researcher leaves FU to work in another university? We explore the complexity of this topic, touching on copyright, legal positions arising from the employment status, and good scientific practice. Presentation slides


11 July, FID GEO: Services for Openness in Earth Sciences (in English)

The FID GEO, the Specialised Information Service for Geosciences, offers comprehensive support and consultancy in Open Science for the Earth Sciences. Get to know FID GEO´s free digital map collection, open access publication opportunities, and much more. Presentation slides


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