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Project Management Cycle

The project management cycle describes the life cycle of a project. It includes all the steps which are essential for the success of project management. The five steps are the executive duties of the project management authority. They include: Planning, control, personal, organization and leadership.

The first step of the cycle is planning, which means defining aims and goals, generating general strategies and taking care of the time frame and budgeting.

Organization comprises the establishment of an organizational framework and the definition of jobs and responsibilities within the project group.

The personal step includes the allocation of the jobs and responsibilities and the training and evaluation of employees and college.

All persons involved in a project have to be lead by one person or a small team which is/are resonsible for the progress in the project. One important job of a leader or a team of leaders is to solve >>problems within the project group. >>Representation and coordination of the project are also part of the leaders role, which includes the managment of the >>fincances.

The last step is >>controlling. This consists of evaluation, reporting and necessary corrections.