INVOLVE - INitiate VOLunteerism to counter VulnErability (completed)
The joint project INVOLVE investigates the concepts of vulnerability, resilience, and volunteerism in a cross-cultural context in both India and Germany. In this specific sub-project, “Transdisziplinäre Integrative Vulnerabilitäts- und Resilienzbewertung und freiwilliges Engagement auf Miliueebene” (TIV-MILIEU, or in English, “Transdisciplinary integrative Evaluation of Vulnerability, Resilience, and Volunteerism at the Milieu-level”), the Disaster Research Unit (DRU) is developing an integrated, and transdisciplinary conceptual framework for evaluating vulnerability and resilience to extreme events with the aim to facilitate volunteerism in disaster aid and recuperation. The primary focal-point of the research lies with investigation of milieu-contingent causes and effects in various socio-spatial entities. The findings of said investigation aim to serve as aid in the development, evaluation, and betterment of strategies and training for key actors in disaster management.