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ClimXchange - Science-Stakeholder Exchange on Climate Extremes for Disaster Risk Reduction


Disaster Research Unit

Principal Investigator:

BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Grant: 01LP2324A

ClimXtreme II, Modul C „Impacts” – Module C Coordination, Climate Risks for Forests and Trees, Science-
Stakeholder Exchange on Climate Extremes for Disaster Risk Reduction

Project Partners:

  • Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) Regional Climate Office Potsdam
  • Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS)
Oct 01, 2023 — Sep 30, 2026


The research project "Science-Stakeholder Exchange on Climate Extremes for Disaster Risk Reduction" (ClimXchange, 2023-2026) is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the framework program Research for Sustainability (FONA) and carried out by the Disaster Research Unit (DRU), the Regional Climate Office Potsdam of the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) and the Helmholtz Center Hereon, Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS).

ClimXchange is a sub-project of the ClimXtreme research network, in which various research institutions in Germany are conducting research into extreme events in connection with climate change. The aim is to improve the understanding of extreme weather events and their changes, uncertainties and impacts in Central Europe, both in the past and in the coming decades.

ClimXchange aims to improve the exchange of knowledge between ClimXtreme projects and stakeholders involved in and affected by extreme events and investigates how existing climate research knowledge can best be communicated – taking into account the specific expectations, perceptions and needs of the various user groups. The results of the project will be a knowledge platform for stakeholders, provision of research-based and user-targeted climate knowledge for the forestry sector and a DIY toolbox for science-stakeholder knowledge exchange.

The DRU leads the ClimXchange project, conducts several workshops with projects participating in the ClimXtreme network and stakeholders, and focuses on the development of the toolbox.


Project Poster

  • Merkes, Sara T.; Zimmermann, Theresa; Knauf, Johanna; Knutzen, Florian; Voss, Martin; Tivig, Miriam; Lorenz, Philip; Kreienkamp, Frank; Groth, Markus; Rechid, Diana (2023): ClimXchange. Science-Stakeholder Exchange on Climate Extremes for Disaster Risk Reduction. Poster. Berlin/Potsdam/Hamburg: Disaster Research Unit, Freie Universität Berlin/Regional Climate Office Potsdam, Deutscher Wetterdienst/Climate Service Center Germany, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon. Project Poster.


  • Knauf, Johanna; Merkes, Sara T.; Zimmermann, Theresa; Knutzen, Florian (2024): ClimXchange. Science-Stakeholder Knowledge Exchange. Presentation. MeteoXchange ECS Conference. Virtual, 04.04.2024.


  • Merkes, Sara T.; Knauf, Johanna; Knutzen, Florian (2024): Klimawissen in die Praxis bringen. Perspektiven und Bedarfe von Nutzergruppen. Workshop. DWD-Nutzerworkshop „Klimavorhersagen und Klimaprojektionen“. Virtual, 25.04.2024.
  • Knauf, Johanna; Knutzen, Florian; Merkes, Sara T.; Zimmermann, Theresa (2024): ClimXchange Workshop. Scientists‘ perspectives on science-stakeholder knowledge. Workshop. ClimXtreme project. Virtual, 30.01.2024.