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Degree Theses

You have the possibility to write your bachelor and/or master thesis within the WEXICOM project. Your topic and academic background do not have to be within a meteorological framework. We welcome students from all other departments that are interested in research on natural hazards.

A member of our team would supervise you and support you with data, methods and interpretation of your results - even if you are not a student at the Institute of Meteorology of the Freie Universität Berlin! 

Please contact a team member, if you are interested in writing your degree thesis with us.

Degree Year Title (most of them in German)
M.Sc. 2020

Weather Influence on Traffic - How Machine Learning Can Enrich Impact Research

M.Sc. 2020

Entwicklung eines Schätzverfahrens mittels Künstlicher Neuronaler Netze zur Ermittlung der Zwischenschicht zwischen Reifen und Fahrbahn

B.Sc. 2019

Windstauvorhersage für die Deutsche Bucht - Probabilistische Modellierung und Verifikation

B.Sc. 2019

How does the coarseness of a forecast influence perception?
