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ClimXtreme - Module C Coordination (COO)

Principal Investigator:
Research Team:
Loss ratio [per thousand] accumulated over Germany for winter storm events from 1997-2016.

Loss ratio [per thousand] accumulated over Germany for winter storm events from 1997-2016.

Module C coordination and index clustering (COO)

ClimXtreme Module C focuses on extreme events that have an impact on socio-economic systems. This means that it is not only a local extreme value of a meteorological parameter that is of interest, but the combination of specific environmental attributes that make it impact relevant. Module C includes nine projects and two associated projects covering different impacts and hazard types. The project COO coordinates Module C, supports individual projects to meet overarching module and ClimXtreme research questions and synthesizes results.

Furthermore, the project COO aims to build and continuously expand a database on damaging weather conditions on the basis of past and recent observational datasets (reanalysis data) as well as recent and future climate model projections. This starts from well-established extreme indices and integrating novel extreme indices through collaboration with the other projects from Module C focusing on impacts of multiple hazards considered in Module C. The database allows to evaluate compound events of different types. The analysis of multivariate compounds, here the co-occurrence of extreme wind and precipitations shows the increased impact of such events in comparison to single extremes. As a key scientific question, the project COO will address such damaging weather events which are particularly relevant in the (re)insurance context.

Further information: https://climxtreme.net/