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Research Data Day 2022 at Freie Universität Berlin: programme and call for posters

News from Sep 16, 2022

The programme of the second Research Data Day at Freie Universität has now been published.

In several online modules in the morning and one face-to-face module in the afternoon (each of which can be individually booked), the Research Data Day on 27 October 2022 offers a forum for networking and exchange about subject- and data-specific needs and research data management solutions at Freie Universität. Present your own data-based project in the afternoon with a poster (Call for Posters), or join us in the get-together.

All interested parties - doctoral students, researchers, teachers and other members of Freie Universität - are welcome.


During the week of the Research Data Day, we will also offer three training sessions (online) on the topic. You are invited to participate in these trainings as well:

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