Univ.-Prof. Mark Handy
A. First-author articles
B. Co-authored articles
A. First-author articles:
Handy, M.R., Hirth, G. and N. Hovius (2007): Tectonic Faults – Agents of Change on a Dynamic Earth. pp. 2-8 in: Tectonic Faults – Agents of Change on a Dynamic Earth, edited by M.R. Handy, G. Hirth, N. Hovius, Dahlem Workshop Report 95, 504 pp., The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., USA.For other papers and reports on related subjects, see
For a description of the Dahlem Conferences, see
Handy, M.R., Hirth, G. and R. Bürgmann (2007): Fault Structure and Rheology from the Frictional-Viscous Transition Downward. pp. 139-181 in: Tectonic Faults – Agents of Change on a Dynamic Earth, edited by M.R. Handy, G. Hirth, N. Hovius, Dahlem Workshop Report 95, 504 pp., The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., USA.
For other papers and reports on related subjects, see
For a description of the Dahlem Conferences, see
Handy, M.R., Babist, J., Rosenberg, C.L., Wagner, R. and M. Konrad (2005): Decoupling and its relation to strain partitioning in continental lithosphere– Insight from the Periadriatic fault system (European Alps). In: Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics, edited by Gapais, D., Brun, J.P. and P.R. Cobbold, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 243, 249-276.
Handy, M.R. and R. Oberhänsli (2004): Age of the Metamorphic Structure of the Alps – Tectonic Interpretation and Outstanding Problems. In: “Explanatory Notes to the Map: Metamorphic Structure of the Alps.” Edited by R. Oberhänsli. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 149, 97-121.
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Handy, M.R., and J.-P. Brun (2004): Seismicity, structure and strength of the continental lithosphere. Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 223, 3-4, 427-441.
Handy, M.R., Mulch, A., Rosenau, M., and C.L. Rosenberg (2001): The role of fault zones and melts as agents of weakening, hardening and differentiation of the continental crust - a synthesis. in: The Nature and Tectonic Significance of Fault Zone Weakening, edited by Holdsworth, R.E., Strachan, R.A., Magloughlin, J.F., and R.J. Knipe, Geological Society, London, Special Publication, 186, 303-330.
Handy, M.R., Braun, J., Brown, M., Kukowski, N., Paterson, M.S., Schmid, S.M., Stöckhert, B., Stüwe, K., Thompson, A.B., and E. Wosnitza (2001): Rheology and geodynamic modeling: The next step forward, in: Deformation Mechanisms, Microstructures and Rheology, edited by Dresen, G. and M.R. Handy, International Journal of Earth Sciences, 90, 1, 149-156.
Handy, M.R., Franz, L., Heller, F., Janott, B., and R. Zurbriggen (1999): Multistage accretion, orogenesis and exhumation of continental crust (southern Alps, Italy and Switzerland), Tectonics, 18, 6, 1154 - 1177.
Handy, M.R., Wissing, S., and J.E. Streit (1999): Strength and structure of mylonite with combined frictional-viscous rheology and varied bimineralic composition. Tectonophysics, 303, 1-4, 175-192.
Handy, M.R. and J.E. Streit (1999): Mechanisms and mechanics of magmatic underplating: Inferences from syntectonic mafic veins in deep crustal mylonite. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 165, 271-286.
Handy, M.R. (1998): Fault rocks from an exhumed intracrustal extensional detachment: The Pogallo ductile fault zone, in: Fault-related rocks: A Photographic Atlas, edited by A.W. Snoke, J.A. Tullis, and V.R. Todd, Princeton University Press, 617 p.
Handy, M.R. (1996): The Transition from Passive to Active Margin Tectonics: A Case Study from the Zone of Samedan (eastern Switzerland), Geologische Rundschau, 85, 4, 832-851.
Handy, M.R., Herwegh, M., Kamber, B., Tietz, R., and I. Villa (1996): Geochronologic, petrologic and kinematic constraints on the evolution of the Err-Platta boundary, part of a fossil continent-ocean suture in the Alps (eastern Switzerland), Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 76, 3, 453-474.
Handy, M.R. (1994b): The energetics of steady state heterogeneous shear in mylonitic rock, Materials Science and Engineering, A175, 261-272.
Handy, M.R. (1994a): Flow laws for rocks containing two nonlinear viscous phases: A phenomenological approach, Journal of Structural Geology, 16, 3, 287-301, Correction, 1994, Journal of Structural Geology, 16, 12, 1727.
Handy, M.R., Herwegh, M., and C. Regli (1993): Die Tektonische Entwicklung der westlichen Zone von Samedan (Oberhalbstein, Graubünden), Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, 86, 3, 785-817.
Handy, M.R. (1992): Correction and Addition to "The solid-state flow of polymineralic rocks", 1992, Journal of Geophysical Research, 97, B12, 1897-1899.
Handy, M.R. and A. Zingg (1991): The tectonic and rheologic evolution of the Ivrea Crustal Cross Section (Southern Alps of northwestern Italy and southern Switzerland), Geological Society of America Bulletin, 103, 236-253.
Handy, M.R. (1990): The solid-state flow of polymineralic rocks, Journal of Geophysical Research, 96, B6, 8647-8661.
Handy, M.R. (1990): The exhumation of cross sections of the continental crust: structure, kinematics and rheology, Exposed Cross-Sections of the Continental Crust, edited by M.H. Salisbury and D.M. Fountain, NATO-ASI Series C, 317, 485-507, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, the Netherlands.
Handy, M.R. (1989): Deformation regimes and the rheological evolution of fault zones in the lithosphere: The effects of pressure, temperature, grain size, and time, Tectonophysics, 163, 119-152.
Handy, M.R. (1987): The structure, age, and kinematics of the Pogallo fault zone, Southern Alps, northwestern Italy, Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, 80, 3, 593-632
B. Co-authored articles
Fusseis, F. and Handy, M.R. (2008): Micromechanisms of shear zone propagation at the brittle to viscous transition, Journal of Structural Geology, doi :10.1016/j.jsg.2008.06.005.
Schrank, C.E., Handy, M.R. and F. Fusseis (2008): Multiscaling of shear zones and the evolution of the brittle-to-viscous transition in continental crust, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, B01407, doi:10.1029/2006JB004833.
Furlong, K., Beroza, G.C., Brun, J.-P., Cowie, P.A., Handy, M.R., Mooney, W.D., Taymaz, T., Teyssier, C., Vauchez, A., and B. Wernicke (2007): Nucleation and Growth of Fault Systems. pp. 78-98 in: Tectonic Faults – Agents of Change on a Dynamic Earth, edited by M.R. Handy, G. Hirth, N. Hovius, Dahlem Workshop Report 95, 504 pp., The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., USA
For other papers and reports on related subjects, see
For a description of the Dahlem Conferences, see
Rosenberg, C., Medvedev, S., and M.R. Handy (2007): On the effects of melting on faulting and continental deformation. pp. 357-401 in: Tectonic Faults – Agents of Change on a Dynamic Earth, edited by M.R. Handy, G. Hirth, N. Hovius, Dahlem Workshop Report 95, 504 pp., The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., USA
For other papers and reports on related subjects, see
For a description of the Dahlem Conferences, see
Babist, J., Handy, M.R., Konrad-Schmolke, M., and K. Hammerschmidt (2006). Precollisional, multistage exhumation of subducted continental crust: The Sesia Zone, western Alps. Tectonics, 25, 25 pp., TC6008, doi:10.1029/2005TC001927.
Medvedev, S., Podladchikov, Y.Y., Handy, M.R. and E. Scheuber (2006): Controls on the evolution of the Central Andes (10-35°S): Insight from thin-sheet numerical modeling. Chapt. 23 (pp. 475-494) in: The Andes, Active Subduction Orogeny, edited by Onken, O., Chong, G., Franz, G., Giese, P. Götze, H.-J., Ramos, V.A., Strecker, M.R., and P. Wigger, Frontiers in Earth Sciences, 1, 568 pp., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, New York
Konrad-Schmolke, M., Babist, J., Handy, M.R., and P.J. O’Brien (2006): The physico-chemical properties of a subducted slab from garnet zonation patterns (Sesia Zone, Western Alps). Journal of Petrology, 47, 11, 2123-2148, doi: 10.1093/petrology/egl039
Fusseis, F., Handy, M.R., and C. Schrank (2006): Networking of shear zones at the brittle-to-viscous transition (Cap de Creus, NE Spain). Journal of Structural Geology, 28, 1228-1243.
Wagner, R., Rosenberg, C.L., Handy, M.R., Möbus, C. and M. Albertz (2005): Fracture-induced intrusion to buoyancy-driven upwelling of a mid-crustal pluton fed from a transpressive shear zone – the Rieserferner pluton (Eastern Alps). Geological Society of America Bulletin, 118, 1/2, 219-237: doi: 10.1130/B25842.1
Konrad, M., Handy, M.R., Babist, J., and P.J. O´Brien (2005): Thermodynamic modeling of diffusion-controlled garnet growth. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 16, 181-195.PDF
Rosenberg, C.L. and Handy, M.R. (2005): Experimental deformation of partially-melted granite revisited: Implications for the continental crust. Journal of metamorphic Geology, 23, 19-28.
Mulch, M.R. Rosenau, M., Dörr, W. and M.R. Handy (2002): The age and structure of dikes along the tectonic contact of the Ivrea-Verbano and Strona-Ceneri Zones (southern Alps, Northern Italy, Switzerland), Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 82, 55-76.PDF
Mulch, A., Cosca, M., and M.R. Handy (2002): In-situ UV-laser 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of a micaceous mylonite: an example of defect-enhanced Ar-loss, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 142, 738-752.PDF
Rosenberg, C.L. and M.R. Handy (2001): Melt migration during pure shear deformation of a partially molten rock analogue (norcamphor-benzamide), Journal of Structural Geology, 23, 1917-1932.PDF
Herwegh, M., Handy, M.R., and R. Heilbronner-Panozzo (2000): Evolution of Mylonitic Microfabrics, in: Stress, Strain and Structure, A volume in honour of W.D. Means, edited by M.W. Jessell and J.L. Urai. Journal of the Virtual Explorer, 2, 18 (full-length contribution on CD-ROM).
Bauer, P., Palm, S., and M.R. Handy (2000): Strain localization and fluid pathways in mylonite: Inferences from in-situ deformation of a water-bearing quartz analogue (norcamphor), Tectonophysics, 320, 141-165.PDF
Rosenberg, C.L. and M.R. Handy (2000): Syntectonic melt pathways during simple shearing of an anatectic rock analogue (norcamphor-benzamide), Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, 3135-3149.PDF
Bauer, P., Rosenberg, C.L, and M.R. Handy (2000): Deformation experiments on rock-analogue materials at controlled confining pressure: A new approach for studying strain localization at the brittle to viscous transition, Journal of Structural Geology, 22, 3, 281-289.PDF
Herwegh, M., Handy, M.R., and R. Heilbronner-Panozzo (1999): Evolution of Mylonitic Microfabrics (EMM): A Computer Application for Educational Purposes, Tectonophysics, 303, 1-4, 141-146.
Herwegh, M. and M.R. Handy (1998): The origin of shape preferred orientations in mylonite: inferences from in-situ experiments on polycrystalline norcamphor, Journal of Structural Geology, 20, 6, 681-694.
Zurbriggen, R., Kamber, B. S., Handy, M.R., and T. Nägler (1998): Dating syn-magmatic folds: A case study of Schlingen structures in the Strona-Ceneri Zone (southern Alps, northern Italy), Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 16, 3, 403-414.
Herwegh, M., Handy, M.R., and R. Heilbronner-Panozzo (1997): Temperature and strain rate dependent microfabric evolution in monomineralic mylonite: Evidence from insitu deformation of a rock analogue, Tectonophysics, 280, 1-2, 83-106.
Zurbriggen, R. Franz, L., and M.R. Handy (1997): Pre-Variscan deformation, metamorphism and magmatism in the Strona-Ceneri Zone (southern Alps, northern Italy and southern Switzerland), Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 77, 3, 361-380.
Herwegh, M. and M.R. Handy (1996): The evolution of high temperature mylonitic microfabrics: Evidence from simple shearing of a quartz analogue (norcamphor), Journal of Structural Geology, 18, 5, 689-710.
Schmid, S.M., and M.R. Handy (1991): Towards a genetic classification of fault rocks: Geological usage and tectonophysical implications, 1991, pp. 339-361 in: Controversies in Modern Geology, edited by K.J. Hsü, J. Mackenzie, and D. Müller, Academic Press, London
Prior, D.J., Knipe, R.J., and M.R. Handy (1990): Estimates of the Rates of Microstructural Change in Mylonites, Geological Society Special Publication, 54, 309-320.
Zingg, A., Handy, M.R., Hunziker, J.C., and S.M. Schmid (1990): Tectonometamorphic history of the Ivrea Zone and its relation to the crustal evolution of the Southern Alps, Tectonophysics, 182, 169-192.
Schmid, S.M., Zingg, A., and M.R. Handy (1987): The kinematics of movements along the Insubric Line and the emplacement of the Ivrea Zone, 1987, Tectonophysics, 135, pp. 47-66
Handy, M.R., Bousquet, R., Kissling, E., and D. Bernoulli (in review): Reconciling plate tectonic reconstructions of Alpine Tethys with the record of spreading and subduction in the Alps. Submitted to Earth Science Reviews.
Konrad-Schmolke, M. and Handy, M.R. (in prep.): Volatiles, mineral stabilities and their effect on the forces driving exhumation of subducted continental crust in the Sesia Zone (Western Alps).
Tectonic Faults – Agents of Change on a Dynamic Earth, edited by M.R. Handy, G. Hirth, N. Hovius, Dahlem Workshop Report 95, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., USA, 2007
Deformation Mechanisms, Microstructures and Rheology, edited by G. Dresen, and M.R. Handy, 2001, International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geologische Rundschau), 90, 1, 216 pp.
Handy, M.R. und F. von Blankenburg (2008): Aktuelles zur geowissenschaftlichen Hochschulbildung, Seite des Vorsitzenden, Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen (GMIT), 34, 73-75.
Die Steineversteher, Interview of M.R. Handy by Carsten Wette, Januar 2007, Tagespiegel
Erdbeben nach Stundenplan: Erdbebensicherheit im Gespräch. Lassen sich tektonische Schwankungen vorhersehen?Interview of M.R. Handy by Berndt Wannemacher in FUndiert, 1/2005, Das Wissenschaftsmagazin der Freien Universität. S. 38-47.PDF
Wo die Erde bebt: Störungszonen beeinflussen ihre Umwelt - aber auch umgekehrt. Interview of M.R. Handy by Kerstin Koch, Natur, 2/2005, 48-49.
Handy, M.R. and C. Heubeck (2003): Kartierung in Gefahr? Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen (GMIT), 12, 19-21.
Handy, M.R. (2002): On experimental tectonics: Comparative Analysis of Three Types of Displacement, by H. Cloos, Translation and Commentary of "Zur experimentellen Tektonik, Vergleichende Analyse dreier Verschiebungen" in: International Journal of Earth Sciences, 91, 111-122.
Handy, M.R. (2002): Wozu Geologie? pp. 6-12 in: Der belebte Planet. Böse, M. and H. Keupp (eds), Sonderheft der Berliner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen zum “Jahr der Geowissenschaften 2002”
Handy, M.R. (1999): Fieldwork, mapping and vocation- a German take. Geoscientist, 9, 11, 14.
(inverse chronological order since 1999)
Handy, M.R. Bousquet, R., Kissling, E., Bernoulli, D. (2009): The fate of Alpine Tethys in light of Jurassic-Tertiary plate motions between Europe and Africa. Geophysical Research Abstracts, X, xxx, EGU 6th General Assembly, 19-24. April, 2009, Vienna
Bousquet, R., Goffé, B., Oberhänsli, R., Koller, F., Schmid, S.M., Schuster,, R., Wiederkehr, M., Handy, M.R., and M. Engi (2007): Metamorphic structure of the Alps: contribution from studies of the metasediments and consequences on the geodynamic evolution. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, xxx, EGU 4th General Assembly, 30. April - 4. May, 2007, Vienna
Fusseis, F. and M.R. Handy (2007): The propogation of greenschist-facies mylonitic shear zones in rocks with structural anisotropy. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 06815, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-06815, EGU 4th General Assembly, 30. April - 4. May, 2007, Vienna
Handy, M.R., Konrad-Schmolke, M., Babist, J., and K. Hammerschmidt (2006): Exhumation of subducted continental lithosphere in the Western Alps - From pre-orogenic transpression to lateral extension to collision. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, 377, EGU 3rd General Assembly, 1.-6. April, 2006, Vienna
Fusseis, F. and M.R. Handy (2006): Evolution of a weak fault at the fossil brittle-to-viscous transition, Cap de Creus. Spain. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, 279, EGU 3rd General Assembly, 1.-6. April, 2006, Vienna
Konrad-Schmolke, M., Babist, J., Handy, M.R., and P.J. O’Brien (2006): Insight into subduction and exhumation processes from thermodynamic and rheological forward modeling – A case study from the Sesia Zone (Western Alps). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, 282, EGU 3rd General Assembly, 1.-6. April, 2006, Vienna
Hauten, S., Handy, M.R., and C. Dobmeier (2006): Feldspar deformation in greenschist facies shear zones (Aar-Massif, Switzerland). In: Philipp, S.L., Leiss, B., Vollbrecht, A., Tanner, D., Gudmundsson, A. (eds), pp. 84-85 in abstract volume of the 11. Symposium “Tektonik, Struktur- und Kristallingeologie” (TSK)
Handy, M.R. (2005): Earthquakes and strength of the continental lithosphere. Eos Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 86 (52), Abstract V14A-08, p. 168, Fall Meeting Supplement , 2.-9. December, 2005, San Francisco. In: URL:
Handy, M.R., Babist, J., and M. Konrad (2005): Subduction and exhumation of continental crust in the internal Western Alps – a comparison of field-based and dynamic models. Eos Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 86 (52), Abstract T12A-04, p. 130, Fall Meeting Supplement , December 2-9, 2005, San Francisco. In: URL:
Schrank, C.E., Handy, M.R., Fusseis, F. (2005): Length Scaling of Shear Zones at the Frictional-Viscous Transition (FVT). Eos Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 86 (52), Abstract S32B-02, p. 278, Fall Meeting Supplement, December 2-9, 2005, San Francisco.
Handy, M.R. (2005): How are large strike-slip faults structured at the Frictional-to-Viscous Transition (FVT)? p. 47 in Abstract volume, International Symposium on the Geodynamics of Eastern Mediterranean: Active Tectonics of the Aegean, June 15-18, 2005, Istanbul, Turkey.
Christmann, R., Fusseis, F. and M.R. Handy (2005): Influence of pre-existing anisotropies on strain localization at the brittle-ductile transition. p. 63 in Abstract volume, “Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics” (DRT), May 2-4, 2005, Zürich, Switzerland.
Fusseis, F., Georgieva, V. and M.R. Handy (2005): The growth and termination of shear zones at the brittle-to-ductile transition. p. 81 in Abstract volume, 15th conference on “Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics” (DRT), May 2-4, 2005, Zürich, Switzerland.
Fusseis, F. and M.R. Handy (2005): Weakening at the the brittle-to-ductile transition (Cap de Creus, Spain). p. 83 in Abstract volume, 15th conference on “Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics” (DRT), May 2-4, 2005, Zürich, Switzerland.
Fusseis, F. and M.R. Handy (2005): Evolution of a weak fault at the fossil brittle-to-ductile transition, Cap de Creus, Spain. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7, p. 01872, European Geosciences Union Meeting, April 26-29, 2004, Vienna.
Medvedev, S., Handy, M.R., Scheuber, E., Podladchikov, Y. (2005): Controls on the deformation of the Central Andes (10–35°S): Insight from thin-sheet numerical modelling. P. 27 in Abstract Volume, International Final Symposium for Sonderforschungsbereich 267: Deformation Processes in the Andes, April 21-22, 2005, Potsdam, Germany.
Handy, M.R. (2004): Faults from top to bottom - Research trends and case studies, also in the Alps. pp. 169-171 in Abstract volume, Swiss Geoscience Meeting, November 19-20, 2004, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Handy, M.R. and R. Oberhänsli (2004): Tectonometamorphic Age Map of the Alps – A New Approach. pp. 171-172 in Abstract volume, Swiss Geoscience Meeting, November 19-20, 2004, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Babist, J. Konrad, M. and M.R. Handy (2004): Multistage exhumation of subducted continental crust, Sesia Zone (Western Alps). p. 64 in Abstract volume, Swiss Geoscience Meeting, November 19-20, 2004, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Sämann, S., Babist, J., Konrad, M., Hammerschmidt, K. and M.R. Handy (2004): Evaluation of a diffusion profile in garnet from the Sesia Zone (Valle Chiusella), Western Alps. Terra Nostra, 2004/1, p. 109, Proceedings of Tektonik-Strukur-Kristallin “TSK 10”, March 31-April 2, 2004, Aachen, Germany.
Sperber, Ch. Konrad, M., and M.R. Handy (2004): Evaluation of a diffusion profile in garnet from the Sesia Zone (Valle Chiusella), Western Alps. Terra Nostra, 2004/1, p. 94, Proceedings of Tektonik-Strukur-Kristallin “TSK 10”, March 31-April 2, 2004, Aachen, Germany.
Schrank, Ch., Fusseis, F., and M.R. Handy (2004): Quantification of strain localization in shear zones: three simple geometric paramters. Terra Nostra, 2004/1, p. 86, Proceedings of Tektonik-Strukur-Kristallin “TSK 10”, March 31-April 2, 2004, Aachen, Germany.
Janitschke, M., Lütke, S., Babist, J. and M.R. Handy (2004): Late-collisional reworking of the Euroopean-Apulian suture in the Valle Sermenza transect, Western Alps. Terra Nostra, 2004/1, p. 37, Proceedings of Tektonik-Strukur-Kristallin “TSK 10”, March 31-April 2, 2004, Aachen, Germany.
Häusler, R., Konrad, M., Babist, J. and M.R. Handy (2004): Relative age of structures in the Sesia Zone (Val Chiusella), Western Alps. Terra Nostra, 2004/1, p. 28, Proceedings of Tektonik-Strukur-Kristallin “TSK 10”, March 31-April 2, 2004, Aachen, Germany.
Christman, R., Georgieva, V., Fusseis, F. and M.R. Handy (2004): Ductile shear zone networks on different scales: A view from above. Terra Nostra, 2004/1, p. 11, Proceedings of Tektonik-Strukur-Kristallin “TSK 10”, March 31-April 2, 2004, Aachen, Germany.
Babist, J. Konrad, M. and M.R. Handy (2004): Structural record of multistage exhumation of subducted continental crust, Sesia Zone (Western Alps). Terra Nostra, 2004/1, p. 3, Proceedings of Tektonik-Strukur-Kristallin “TSK 10”, March 31-April 2, 2004, Aachen, Germany.
Giese, J., Rosenberg, C. and M.R. Handy (2004): Constriction in front of the Dolomite Indenter (Alto Adige, Italy): Evidence from field studies and quartz textures. Terra Nostra, 2004/1, p. 26, Proceedings of Tektonik-Strukur-Kristallin “TSK 10”, March 31-April 2, 2004, Aachen, Germany.
Handy, M.R. and J.-P. Brun (2003): Seismicity, Structure and Strength of the Continental Lithosphere. p. 29 in abstract volume, Proceedings for International Workshop on “Subduction Zone Processes in Southern Chile”, October 12-14, 2003, Pucon, Chile.
Konrad, M. Babist, J., C.L. Rosenberg, C.L., Völker, D. and M.R. Handy (2003): A new approach to reconstructing HP/LT paths from zoned garnets – An example from the Sesia Zone (Western Alps). European Journal of Mineralogy, 15, 1, 104, Proceedings for meeting on “Earth Sciences into the 3. Millenium”, September 22-25, 2003, Bochum, Germany.
Babist, J., Konrad, M., Rosenberg, C.L. and M.R. Handy (2003): The termination at depth of a lithospheric transpressional fault zone: the Periadriatic Line in the Western Alps. p. 19 in abstract volume for meeting on “Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics” (DRT), April 14-16, 2003, St. Malo, France.
Schrank, C., Fusseis, F. and M.R. Handy (2003): Patterns of strain localization in folded mylonitic marbles (Laas, Southern Tirol). Abstract volume for meeting on Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics (DRT), p. 139 in abstract volume for meeting on “Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics” (DRT), April 14-16, 2003, St. Malo, France.
Konrad, M., Babist, J., Handy, M.R. and C.L. Rosenberg (2003): Polyphase Exhumation of HP Rocks in the Western Alps (Sesia Zone). p. 97 in abstract volume for meeting on “Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics” (DRT), April 14-16, 2003, St. Malo, France.
Vietor, T. and M.R. Handy (2003): Numerical shear-box experiments with cyclic boundary conditions reveal localisation phenomena in particle aggregates. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, EGS-AGU-EUG meeting, April 7-11, 2003, Nice, France.
Handy, M.R., Babist, J., Konrad, M. and C.L. Rosenberg (2003): Intracrustal decoupling during transpression. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, EGS-AGU-EUG meeting, April 7-11, 2003, Nice, France.
Rosenberg, C.L., and M.R. Handy (2003): On the rheology of crustal rocks containing low melt fractions. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, EGS-AGU-EUG meeting, April 7-11, 2003, Nice, France.
Fusseis, F., Handy, M.R., and J. Carreras (2003): Resolving shear zone networks in mylonitic shear zones (Cap de Creus, NE Spain). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, EGS-AGU-EUG meeting, April 7-11, 2003, Nice, France.
Babist, J., Handy, M.R., Konrad, M. and C.L. Rosenberg (2003): Partitioning of transpressional strain at the termination of an intracrustal fault zone (Periadriatic Fault Zone, Western Alps). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, EGS-AGU-EUG meeting, April 7-11, 2003, Nice, France.
Handy, M.R., Rosenberg, C.L., Wagner, R. and M. Wegman (2003): Tertiary exhumation and strike-slip tectonics in the Austroalpine basement- Implications for deep structure of the TRANSALP section. Abstract for talk, Proceedings of the TRANSALP Conference, 10.-12. February, 2003, Trieste, Italy, Memorie di Scienze Geologiche, 54, 179-182.
Wagner, R., Rosenberg, C.L. and M.R. Handy (2003):Sill inflation in the middle crust: Emplacement mechanisms of the Rieserferner Pluton (Eastern Alps). Abstract for poster presentation, Proceedings of the TRANSALP Conference, 10.-12. February, 2003, Trieste, Italy, Memorie di Scienze Geologiche, 54, 231-232.
Handy, M.R. (2002): The brittle-viscous transition: A playground for the interaction of deformation and metamorphism. Abstract on pp. 81-82 in proceedings of the Winter Conference on "Timing, Transition, and Tectonics", January 7-9, 2002, British Mineralogical Society, Univ. of Derby, Great Britain
Konrad, M., Babist, J., and M.R. Handy (2001): HP Metamorphism and Tectonics in the Southwestern Part of the Sesia-Lanzo Zone (Western Alps). Geologisch-Paläontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck, 25, 21-22. Abstract for poster presentation at the 5th Workshop of Alpine Geological Studies, 18-20 Sept., 2001, Obergurgl, Austria.
Babist, J., Handy, M.R., and M. Konrad (2001): High P Metamorphism and Tectonics in the Northeastern Part of the Sesia-Lanzo Zone (Western Alps). Geologisch-Paläontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck, 25, 21-22. Abstract for oral presentation at the 5th Workshop of Alpine Geological Studies, 18-20 Sept., 2001, Obergurgl, Austria.
Wagner, R.., Rosenberg, C.L., and M.R. Handy (2001): Emplacement Tectonics of the Rieserferner Pluton and its Country Rocks (Eastern Alps). Geologisch-Paläontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck, 25, 235-236. Abstract for oral presentation at the 5th Workshop of Alpine Geological Studies, 18-20 Sept., 2001, Obergurgl, Austria.
Dresen, G. and M.R. Handy (2001): Editorial for International Conference on "Deformation mechanisms, rheology and microstructures" Neustadt an der Weinstrasse, 22-26 March 1999. in: Deformation Mechanisms, Microstructures and Rheology, edited by Dresen, G. and M.R. Handy, International Journal of Earth Sciences, 90, 1, 1-3.
Konrad, M., Babist, J. and M.R. Handy (2001): Extensional exhumation and oblique-slip tectonics in front of the Insubric indenter (Sesia–Lanzo Zone, Western Alps). Addendum in abstract volume for meeting on Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics (DRT), 2-4 April, 2001, Leiden, The Netherlands.
Mulch, A., Cosca, M., and M.R. Handy (2001): Effects of deformation on Ar-Ar geochronology- a case study of defect-enhanced Ar-loss in slowly cooled muscovite. Terra Abstracts, 6, 601, April 8-12, 2001, EUG XI, Strasbourg, France.
Handy, M.R., and H. Stünitz (2001): Strain localization by fracturing and reaction weakening -A mechanism for extensional exhumation of subcontinental mantle beneath rifted margins. p. 62 in abstract volume for meeting on Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics (DRT), 2-4 April, 2001, Leiden, The Netherlands.
Konrad, M., Babist, J. and M.R. Handy (2001): Extensional exhumation and oblique-slip tectonics in front of the Insubric indenter (Sesia–Lanzo Zone, Western Alps). Addendum in abstract volume for meeting on Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics (DRT), 2-4 April, 2001, Leiden, The Netherlands.
Mulch, A., Cosca, M., and M.R. Handy (2000): Deformation during slow cooling: What happens to argon in muscovite? Abstract for DMG 2000 Meeting (German Mineralogical Society), Sept. 24-29, 2000, Heidelberg, Germany
Babist, J., and M.R. Handy (2000): Evidence for Extensional Exhumation and Transpressive Shearing in the Northeastern Sesia Zone (Western Alps). Abstract for Geology 2000 Meeting, April 14-17, 2000, Vienna, Austria.
Mulch, A., Rosenau, M., Dörr, W., and M.R. Handy (2000): The age and role of the CMB Line in the post-Variscan evolution of the southern Alpine continental basement (Ivrea-verbano and Strona-Ceneri Zones, southern Alps). Abstract for Geology 2000 Meeting, April 14-17, 2000, Vienna, Austria.
Wagner, R., Albertz, M., Handy, M., Möbus, C., and C.L. Rosenberg (2000): Oligo-Miocene Tectonics South of the Tauern Window and its Relation to the Emplacement of the Rieserferner Pluton. Abstract for Geology 2000 Meeting, April 14-17, 2000, Vienna, Austria.
Handy, M.R., Mulch, A., Rosenau, M.R., and C.L. Rosenberg (2000): The role of transcurrent shear zones as melt conduits and reactors, and as agents of weakening in the continental crust. Geological Society Meeting "The Nature and Tectonic Significance of Fault Zone Weakening", March 7-9, 2000, London, Great Britain.
Handy, M.R., Mulch, A., Rosenau, M.R., Rosenberg, C.L., and J.E. Streit (1999): Mafic veining during mylonitization as a mechanism for the formation of granitoids in intermediate to deep continental crust. Documents du BRGM, 290, 52. Fourth Hutton Symposium "The Origin of Granites and Related Rocks". 20-25 September, 1999, Clermont-Ferrand, France. Poster and Abstract.
Albertz, M., Rosenberg, C.L., Möbus, C., and M.R. Handy (1999): The Roof of the Rieserferner Pluton: Implications for syntectonic magma ascent and emplacement along crustal scale shear zones. Documents du BRGM, 290, 52. Fourth Hutton Symposium "The Origin of Granites and Related Rocks". 20-25 September, 1999, Clermont-Ferrand, France. Poster and Abstract.
Handy, M.R. (1999): Towards a realistic model for the structure and rheology of polyphase rocks, EOS 80/17, 347, June 1-4, 1999, AGU Spring Meeting, Boston, Mass., U.S.A.
Mulch, A., Cosca, M., Palm, S., and M.R. Handy (1999): In-situ 40Ar/39Ar UV-laser spot dating of microshears in an S-C mylonite, Terra Abstracts, 11, 434, 29. March-2. April, 1999, EUG X, Strasbourg, France
Rosenberg, C. and M.R. Handy (1999): Syntectonic melt pathways during simple shearing of an anatectic rock analogue (norcamphor-benzamide), p. 131 of abstract volume in International Conference on Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Microstructures, 22.-24. March, 1999, Neustadt, Germany. Poster and Abstract
Bauer, P., Palm, S., Streit, J.S., and M.R. Handy (1999): Non-steady state rheology at the brittle to viscous transition: Inferences from the development of shear surfaces in a quartz analogue (norcamphor), p. 66 of abstract volume in International Conference on Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Microstructures, 22.-24. March, 1999, Neustadt, Germany. Poster and Abstract
Palm, S., and M.R. Handy (1999): Rheological Instability at the Brittle to Viscous Transition Related to Rotating Shear Surfaces in S-C- Mylonites, p. 127 of abstract volume in International Conference on Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Microstructures, 22.-24. March, 1999, Neustadt, Germany. Poster and Abstract
Handy, M.R., and C.L. Rosenberg (1999): The Role of Large Shear Zones in Generating and Transporting Melts, and in Changing the Rheology of Variscan Continental Crust, Terra Nostra, 99/1, 93-94, Proceedings of Final Colloquim of the DFG-Program "Orogenic Processes: Their Quantification and Simulation in the Variscan Belt", 22.-26. February, 1999, Geologische Vereinigung Meeting, Freiberg, Germany. Talk and Abstract
Mulch, A., Rosenau, M.R., Dörr, W., Haack, U., and M.R. Handy (1999): U-Pb Ages of Syn-Mylonitic Mafic and Granitoid Veins in the Middle to Lower Continental Crust (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, CH and I), Terra Nova, 99, 1, 150, Proceedings of Final Colloquim of the DFG-Program "Orogenic Processes: Their Quantification and Simulation in the Variscan Belt", 22.-26. February, 1999, Geologische Vereinigung Meeting, Freiberg, Germany. Poster and Abstract
Rosenau, M.R., Mulch, A., and M.R. Handy (1999): Petrogenesis of Syn-Mylonitic Mafic and Granitoid Veins in the Intermediate to Lower Continental Crust of the Southern Alps (I, CH), Terra Nostra, 99/1, 171, Proceedings of Final Colloquim of the DFG-Program "Orogenic Processes: Their Quantification and Simulation in the Variscan Belt", 22.-26. February, 1999, Geologische Vereinigung Meeting, Freiberg, Germany. Poster and Abstract
Rosenau, M.R., Mulch, A., and M.R. Handy (1999): Petrogenesis of Syn-Mylonitic Mafic and Granitoid Veins in the Intermediate to Lower Continental Crust of the Southern Alps (I, CH), Terra Nostra, 99/1, 171, Proceedings of Final Colloquim of the DFG-Program "Orogenic Processes: Their Quantification and Simulation in the Variscan Belt", 22.-26. February, 1999, Geologische Vereinigung Meeting, Freiberg, Germany. Poster and Abstract
Handy, M.R., Rosenberg, C.L., and J.E. Streit (1998): *Effects of syntectonic magmatism on the structure and strength of continental crust, Terra Nostra, 98/2, 65-68, Proceedings of 7th Colloquim of the DFG-Program "Orogenic Processes: Their Quantification and Simulation in the Variscides", 16.-17. April, 1998, Giessen, Germany. Talk and Abstract
Rosenberg, C.L., and M.R. Handy (1997): Synkinematic melt migration in a migmatite and in a norcamphor /benzamide rock analogue: a comparison. p. A-127 in abstract volume, Geological/Mineralogical Association of Canada, Annual Meeting, Ottawa, May 19-21, 1997.
Handy, M.R., Zurbriggen, R., Franz, L., and B. Janott (1997): Multistage accretion, orogenic stacking and exhumation of continental crust (southern Alps, Italy and Switzerland), Terra Abstracts , 7/1, 380-381, EUG IX Conference, March 23-27, 1997, Strasbourg, France. Talk and Abstract
Rosenberg, C.L., and M.R. Handy (1997): Synkinematic melt migration in a norcamphor/benzamide rock analogue. Terra Abstracts , 9/1, 456, March 23-27, 1997, EUG IX, Strasbourg, France
Handy, M.R. and R. Zurbriggen (1997): A field guide to the bottom of the crust: Ivrea and Strona-Ceneri Zones (Valle Cannobina, northern Italy and southern Switzerland). pp. 1-38. Excursion to International Conference on Deformation Mechanisms in Nature and Experiment, 20.-22. March, 1997, Basel, Switzerland. Field Guide
Herwegh, M, Handy, M.R., and R. Heilbronner (1997): An interactive Computer Program for Understanding the Evolution of Mylonitic Microfabric in Polcrystalline Norcamphor. p. 28 of abstract volume in International Conference on Deformation Mechanisms in Nature and Experiment, 17.-19. March, 1997, Basel, Switzerland. Poster, Talk and Abstract
Palm, S., and M.R. Handy (1997): Non-steady state behaviour inferred from the evolution of foliation surfaces in mylonitic gneisses. p. 50 of abstract volume in International Conference on Deformation Mechanisms in Nature and Experiment, 17.-19. March, 1997, Basel, Switzerland. Poster and Abstract
Persaud, M., Handy, M.R., and D.J. Prior (1997): Nucleation of phases in some naturally deformed feldspars. p. 51 of abstract volume in International Conference on Deformation Mechanisms in Nature and Experiment, 17.-19. March, 1997, Basel, Switzerland. Poster and Abstract
Rosenberg, C.L., and Handy, M.R. (1997): Strain localization and melt segregation in partially melted norcamphor-benzamide aggregates. p. 28 in abstract volume, "Deformation Mechanisms in Nature and Experiment". March 17-19, Basel, Switzerland
Schlaefke, A., and M.R. Handy (1997): The strain dependence of the frictional to viscous transition: An example and a computer simulation. p. 62 of abstract volume in International Conference on Deformation Mechanisms in Nature and Experiment, 17.-19. March, 1997, Basel, Switzerland. Poster and Abstract
Wissing, S.B. and M.R. Handy (1997): The strength and structure of bimineralic rocks with combined frictional and viscous ("semi-brittle") behaviour. p. 81 of abstract volume in International Conference on Deformation Mechanisms in Nature and Experiment, 17.-19. March, 1997, Basel, Switzerland. Poster and Abstract
Rosenberg, C.L. and M.R. Handy (1997): Synkinematic melt segregation and migration in a partially molten rock analogue: "See-through" experiments in a norcamphor-benzamide aggregate, Terra Nostra, 97, 5, 145-148, Proceedings of 6th Colloquim of the DFG-Program "Orogenic Processes: Their Quantification and Simulation in the Variscides", 13.-14. April, 1997, Bayreuth, Germany. Poster and Abstract
Handy, M.R., Zurbriggen, R., L. Franz, and B. Janott (1996): Multistage accretion, orogenic stacking and exhumation of the southern Alpine basement. p. 13 in abstract volume,14th Annual Swiss Tectonics Meeting, Basel, Switzerland, 6.-7. December, 1996. Talk and Abstract.
Janott, B. and M.R. Handy (1996): Kinematics and Metamorphic Evolution of the Val Colla Shear Zone (Tessin, Switzerland). p. 16 in abstract volume,14th Annual Swiss Tectonics Meeting, Basel, Switzerland, 6.-7. December, 1996. Talk and Abstract.
Handy, M.R. (1996): *The Swiss Alps: A geological detective story, Journal of Structural Geology, 18, 4, 529-530, (Review of "The Geology of Switzerland: An Introduction to Tectonic Facies" by Kenneth J. Hsü)
Zulauf, G., Scheuvens, D., Dörr, W., Fiala, J., Handy, M.R., Kleinschmidt, G., and Z. Vejnar (1996): Die Grenze Teplá-Barrandium/Moldanubikum s. str.: Ergebnisse von gravitativem und rheologischem Plateaukollaps, Terra Nostra, 96, 2, 211-214, Proceedings of 5th Colloquim of the DFG-Program "Orogenic Processes: Their Quantification and Simulation in the Variscides", 14.-15. March, 1996, Giessen, Germany. Poster and Abstract
Handy, M.R. (1995): *Structure & rheology of the lithosphere: What have we learned from nature, experiment and theory?, Journal of the Czech Geological Society, Vol. 40, No. 3, p. 95, paper presented at Structures and Tectonics at Different Lithospheric Levels, September 27-October 1, 1995, Prague, Czech Republic. Talk and Abstract
Herwegh, M., Handy, M.R., and R. Panozzo (1995): Strain localization on different scales during simple shear of a viscous rock analogue, Journal of the Czech Geological Society, Vol. 40, No. 3, p. 97, paper presented at Structures and Tectonics at Different Lithospheric Levels, September 27-October 1, 1995, Prague, Czech Republic. Talk and Abstract
Handy, M.R. (1995): *The Deep Crust at the Transition from the Western to Eastern Alps: Its Early Evolution, Some Implications, and Natural Analogues, p. 54 of abstract volume, 175. Annual Meeting, Swiss Academy of Natural Sciences (SNG), September 6-9, 1995, St. Gallen, Switzerland. Talk and Abstract
Handy, M.R. (1995): *Structure & rheology of the lithosphere: What we know and should seek from nature, experiment and theory, IUGG meeting, July 3-14, 1995, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A. Talk and Abstract
Zurbriggen, R., B.S. Kamber, T. Nägler, M., and M.R. Handy (1995): Intracrustal synmagmatic shearing Part A: Schlingen folding in a convergent setting (Ivrea crustal section, N. Italy), Terra Abstracts 7/1, p. 270, EUG VIII Conference, April 9-13, 1995, Strasbourg, France. Talk and Abstract
Handy, M.R. and R. Zurbriggen (1995): Intracrustal synmagmatic shearing Part B: Transtensional uplift (Ivrea crustal section, N. Italy), Terra Abstracts 7/1, p. 270, EUG VIII Conference, April 9-13, 1995, Strasbourg, France. Talk and Abstract
Herwegh, M. and M.R. Handy (1995): Strain localization and texture evolution in quartz mylonite: Evidence from simple shearing of norcamphor, Terra Abstracts 7/1, pp. 47-48, EUG VIII Conference, April 9-13, 1995, Strasbourg, France. Talk and Abstract
Herwegh, M. and M.R. Handy (1994): Einfache Scherung eines Quarz-Analogmaterials (Norcamphor): Evidenzen für ein heterogenes, mikrostrukturelles Gleichgewicht?, Göttinger Arb. Geol. Paläont., Sb1, pp.42-45, paper presented at 5th annual Tektonik-Strukturgeologie-Kristallingeologie Symposium, April 7-9, 1994, Göttingen, Germany. Talk and Abstract
Herwegh, M. and M.R. Handy (1994): Microfabric Evolution during Simple Shear Deformation of a Quartz-Analogue, p. xx in abstract volume, 11th Annual Swiss Tectonics Meeting, February 25-26, 1994, Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Poster and Abstract
Handy, M.R. (1993): Continental Margin Evolution in the Upper to Middle Crust: The Transition from Rifting to Subduction, Thickening and Extension (Lower Austro-Alpine Nappes), Terra abstracts, Vol. 5, No. 2, p.13, paper given at Structures and Tectonics at Different Lithospheric Levels, September 6-8, 1993, Graz, Austria. Talk and Abstract
Handy, M.R. (1993): *The Mechanical Paradox of Stress Concentration in Mylonitic Shear Zones, abstract volume, NATO-Workshop on Polyphase Polycrystal Plasticity, May 17-21, 1993, Palm Springs, California. Talk and Abstract
Handy, M.R. (1993): The Energetics of Heterogeneous Shear in Mylonite, Terra Abstracts , 5/1, p. 304, EUG VII Conference, April 4-8, 1993, Strasbourg, France. Talk and Abstract
Tietz, R., Handy, M.R., Villa, I., and B. Kamber (1993): Strukturgeologische und Radiometrische Untersuchungen an der Grenze Unterostalpin-Penninikum im Raume Piz Lunghin und Piz dal Sasc (GR), p. 33 of abstract volume, 10th Annual Swiss Tectonics Meeting, March 7, 1993, ETH Zürich, Switzerland. Poster and Abstract
Handy, M.R. (1992): Heterogeneous Shear, Strain Energy Partitioning, and the -T-t History of Mylonitic Fault Rocks, p. 67 of abstract volume, 172. Annual Meeting, Swiss Academy of Natural Sciences (SNG), October 2, 1992, Basel, Switzerland. Talk and Abstract
Handy, M.R., Herwegh, M., Regli, C., and I. Mercolli (1992): The Evolution of the Zone of Samedan, p. 4 of abstract volume, 9th Annual Swiss Tectonics Meeting, March 7, 1992, University of Lausanne, Switzerland. Poster and Abstract
Handy, M.R. (1991): Flow laws for composite viscous materials: A phenomenological approach, Terra Abstracts 3/1, p. 75, EUG VI Conference, March 24-28, 1991, Strasbourg, France. Talk and Abstract
Handy, M.R. (1991): Polyphase thrusting, folding, and extension in the Lower Austroalpine Julier and Err nappe complex: A first look and some paleogeographical implications, p. 13 of abstract volume, 8th Annual Swiss Tectonics Meeting, March 8-9, 1991, University of Bern, Switzerland. Talk and Abstract
Handy, M.R. (1990): *A basic tectonic dilemma: The exposure of the Earth's continental crust in cross section, p. 14 in abstract volume, 7th Annual Swiss Tectonics Meeting (the Hans Laubscher Symposium), January 19-20, 1990, University of Basel, Switzerland. Talk and Abstract
Handy, M.R. (1989): The structure and rheology of polyphase rocks: A brief review, some new ideas, and tectonic implications, p. 40 in abstract volume, Tectonic Studies Group Annual Meeting, December 18-20, 1989, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, Great Britain. Talk and Abstract
Handy, M.R. (1989): Ductile fault evolution: Constraints from nature, theory, and experiment, International Conference on Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology, and Tectonics, March 29-31, 1989, University of Leeds, Great Britain. Poster and Abstract
Lieberman, J., Oberhänsli, R., and M.R. Handy (1989): Multiple P-T paths within the Sesia Zone: Speculations on differential movement during Eo-Alpine metamorphism, abstract volume, Third International Eclogite Conference, April 18-21, 1989, Universität Würzburg, Germany. Talk and Abstract
Handy, M.R. (1988): Rheologische Pfade von deformierten Gesteinen, p. 9 in abstract volume, 6th Annual Swiss Tectonics Meeting, December 9-10, 1988, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland. Talk and Abstract
Handy, M.R. (1988): *Structure and rheology of the continental crust: Inferences from nature, theory and experiment and implications for seismology, p. 26 in abstract volume, NATO-ASI on Exposed Cross Sections of the Continental Crust, September 17-27, 1988, Killarney, Ontario, Canada. Talk and Abstract
Handy, M.R., and A. Zingg (1988): The Ivrea - Strona-Ceneri Section as a Model for the Evolution of Lower Continental Crust, Ricerca scientifica ed educazione permanente, Università degli Studi di Milano, 65, pp. 41-43, edited by A. Boriani and L. Burlini, Italy-U.S. Workshop on the Nature of the Lower Continental Crust, May 23-27, 1988, Verbania, Italy. Talk and Abstract
Handy, M.R. (1987): Mesozoic extensional tectonics in the Southern Alpine basement (NW-Italy),Geological Society Newsletter, 16/2, pp. 17-18, Alpine Tectonics Meeting, May 27-28, 1987, Geological Society, London, Great Britain. Talk and Abstract
Handy, M.R. (1987): Evidence for the role of fracturing and fluids in the deformation of some quartz-rich rocks, Terra Cognita, 7/2, p. 130, EUG IV Conference, April 13-16, 1987, Strasbourg, France. Talk and Abstract
Handy, M.R. and A. Walker (1987): Placing rheological constraints on the evolution of fault zones with deformation mechanism maps and microstructures, Terra Cognita, 7/1, p. 58, 77th Annual Meeting of the Geologische Vereinigung: Detachment and Shear, March 4-7, 1987, University of Basel, Switzerland. Talk and Abstract
Handy, M.R. (1986): The Pogallo deformation: Evidence of Mesozoic extensional faulting associated with crustal thinning in the basement of the Southern Alps, NW-Italy, p. 27 in abstract volume, Tectonic Studies Group Annual Meeting, December 15-17, 1986, University of Hull, Great Britain. Talk and Abstract
Handy, M.R. (1986): Reflections on the seismic reflectivity of a ductile extensional fault, p. xx in Second International Symposium on Deep Seismic Reflection Profiling of the Continental Lithosphere, July 15-17, 1986, Cambridge University, Great Britain. Poster and Abstract
Handy, M.R. (1985): The structural development of the Pogallo Line- A deep crustal normal fault, pp. 80-81 in abstract volume, International Conference on Tectonic and Structural Processes, April 10-12, 1985, State University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. Poster and Abstract
Schmid, S.M., Handy, M.R., and A. Zingg (1985): The kinematics of movements along the Insubric Line and the emplacement of the Ivrea Zone, pp. 47-48 in abstract volume, International Conference on Tectonic and Structural Processes, April 10-12, 1985, State University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. Talk and Abstract
Handy, M.R. (1985): The timing and conditions of deformation along the Pogallo Line, Southern Alps, northwestern Italy, Terra Cognita 5, 2/3, p. 7 of program supplement, EUG III Conference, April 1-4, 1985, Strasbourg, France. Talk and Abstract
Handy, M.R. (1983): Mylonite längs der Pogallo Linie zwischen Val Grande und Val d'Ossola, 1st Annual Swiss Tectonics Meeting, November 5, 1983, University of Bern, Switzerland. Talk and Abstract
Handy, M.R. (1980): Geology of the Russell Mountain Area, Southwestern Massachusetts, p. xx in abstract volume, 1st Annual Five College Geology Symposium, April 21, 1980, Mt. Holyoke College, Massachusetts. Talk and Abstract
Handy, M.R., and C.L. Rosenberg (1998): Fabric and Rheology of Geological Materials, Lecture notes for short course, 270 pp., Institut für Geowissenschaften, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Germany
Handy, M.R., and J. Streit (1996): Fabric and Rheology of Geological Materials, Lecture notes for short course, 250 pp., Institut für Geowissenschaften, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Germany
Handy, M.R., Behrmann, J., and J. Streit (1995): Fabric and Rheology of Geological Materials, Lecture notes for short course, 230 pp., Institut für Geowissenschaften, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Germany
Handy, M.R., The Structure and Rheology of Heterogeneously Deformed Rock in Earth's Lithosphere, 1991, Habilitationsschrift, 70 pp. and Appendix, University of Bern, Switzerland
Handy, M.R., The Structure and Rheological Evolution of the Pogallo Fault Zone, A Deep Crustal Dislocation in the Southern Alps of Northwestern Italy (Prov. Novara), 1986, Ph.D. thesis, 327 pp., University of Basel, Switzerland
Handy, M.R., Geology of the Russell Mountain Area, Southwestern Massachusetts, 1980, B.A. honours thesis, 108 pp., Amherst College, U.S.A.
Tectonics of the Alps – current issues and future perspectives, October 20, 2008, Dept. of Earth Sciences, Amherst College, U.S.A.
What we don’t know about the Alps, December 14, 2007, Géosciences Rennes, Université de Rennes 1, France.
Strength, seismicity and the mechanical role of the fluid phase, October 24, 2007, Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
The Periadriatic Fault Zone from west to east – thoughts on its significance for Alpine plate motion and crustal response, June 27, 2007, Instituteof Earth Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Exhumierung von subduzierter kontinentaler Kruste: Wann und wie passiert es im orogenen Zyklus? May 18, 2006, Institute für Geologie und Mineralogie, Österreichische Geologische und Mineralogische Gesellschaften, Universität Innsbruck, Austria
Exhumation of subducted continental lithosphere in the Western Alps, May 10, 2006, Université de Paris VI, France
Structural geology as a tool for understanding processes in the Earth, March 10, 2005, Faculté des geosciences et de l’environement, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
The structure and rheology of continental fault zones (two lectures) Distinguished Lecture Series in Integrated Geodynamics, December 7-9, 2004, Vening-MeineszResearch School of Geodynamics, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Faults from top to bottom - Research trends and case studies, also in the Alps. Plenary Lecture, November 19-21, 2004, Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland
Die Sesia Zone – Ein Unikum in Deckenbau der Westalpen? Geologisches und Mineralogisches Kolloquium, Februar, 2003, Universität Basel, Switzerland
The brittle-ductile transition: A playground for interactive deformational and metamorphic processes. January 7-9, 2002, keynote lecture, British Mineralogical Studies Group, Derby, Great Britain
Length and time scales of mechanical events in the lithosphere, July 9-15, 2001, Tempus European Union Summer Graduate School in Earth Sciences, Kutná Hora, Czech Republic
Der spröd-duktile übergang. May 5, 1999, Geowissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany
Die Tektonik als Werkzeug zur Lösung von geologischen Problemen: Beispiele aus der Natur, Experiment, und Theorie. October 27, 1998, Institutskolloquium, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Evidence in the southern Alps for repeated orogenesis and exhumation at the northern margin of Gondwana. October 12-14, 1998, Cours romand de 3ème cycle: The Alps and their Variscan Framework, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Einsichten zur Magmatektonik aus der Natur und aus Experimenten. December 4, 1997, Institutskolloquium, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Der spröd-duktile übergang - Gibt es ihn? November 13, 1997, Geologisch-Mineralogisches Kolloquium, Universität Bonn, Germany
Lithospheric Rheology: Inferences from Nature, Theory and Experiment, June 28-July 3, 1997, TempusEuropean Union Summer Graduate School in Earth Sciences, Kutná Hora, Czech Republic
Das Schicksaal des ostalpinen-penninischen Suturs in den Alpen, 8. April, 1997, Institutskolloquium, Universität Potsdam, Germany
How general should geologists be? December 11, 1996, International Colloquium on General and Historical Geology, StockholmUniversity, Stockholm, Sweden
Mehrfache Bildung, Stapelung und Exhumation des südalpinen Kristallins. September 18, 1996, Kolloquium, GeoForschungs-Zentrum, Potsdam, Germany
Evolution of the southern Alpine crust; An overview and some unanswered questions, July 4, 1996, Kolloquium, Max-Planck Institut für Chemie, Mainz, Germany
Heterogeneous Flow in Rocks: Phenomenological Modelling and Implications for Lithospheric Rheology, June 24-25, 1996, Kolloquium, Bayerisches Geoinstitut, Universität Bayreuth, Germany
Lithospheric Rheology Part A: Inferences from Microstructures and Deformation Mechanisms and Part B: The Structure and Rheology of Heterogeneous Materials, July 8-14, 1995, Tempus European Union Summer Graduate School in Earth Sciences, Kutná Hora, Czech Republic
Gesteinsstrukturen und Rheologie in Mehrphasensystemen in der Tiefe, June 1, 1995, Gemeinschaftliches Geologisch/Geophysikalisches Kolloquium, Johann Wolfgang Geothe-Universität Frankurt, Germany
Von Rifting über Kollision zum postorogenen Kollaps: Das Schicksaal eines Kontinentalrandes im Unterostalpin, November 15, 1994, Geologisches Kolloquium, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
Rheologie der Lithosphäre: Probleme und ein phänomenologischer Ansatz, June 2, 1994, Geologisches Kolloquium, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Die Tektonik als Werkzeug zur Lösung von geologischen Problemen: Beispiele aus der Natur, Theorie, und Experiment, November 18, 1992, Geologisches Kolloquium, ETH-Zürich, Switzerland
Heterogeneous Flow in Mylonite: Phenomenological Modelling, and Implications for Lithosphere Rheology, November 17, 1992, Strukturgeologisches Seminar, ETH-Zürich, Switzerland
Strukturgeologie: Wie wird sie eingesetzt und wo geht sie hin?, November 12, 1992, Institut für Geowissenschaften und Lithosphärenforschung, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Germany
Erdbeben: Manifestation einer dynamischen Erde, Habilitationsvortrag, June 18, 1992, Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität Bern, Switzerland
The Agents of Change in Earth's Lithosphere: Inferences from Nature, Theory, and Experiment, April 22, 1992, Colloquium, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland
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What we still don't know about crustal rheology: The mechanics of mylonitic fault rocks, April 24, 1991, Research Seminar, Department for Geological & Geophysical Sciences, Guyot Hall, Princeton University, U.S.A.
The Ivrea crustal cross section (Southern Alps, Italy and Switzerland): A freak of nature or a typical slice of the continental crust?, April 22, 1991, Lecture, Department for Geological & Geophysical Sciences, Guyot Hall, Princeton University, U.S.A.
Exhumierte kontinentale Kruste: Kinematik und Rheologie bei der Hebung, June 13, 1990, Geologisches Kolloquium, ETH-Zürich, Switzerland
The evolution of ancient fault zones during the exhumation of cross sections of the continental crust, February 22, 1990, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Die strukturelle und rheologische Deutung von P-T-t Pfaden, February 1, 1990, Geologisches und Mineralogisches Kolloquium, Universität Basel, Switzerland
“Exhibitionist” tectonics or How complete sections of the continental crust are exposed at the surface, May 8, 1989, Instituts-Kolloquium, Universität Bern, Switzerland
Deformation regimes and grainsize-composition effects on the rheology of the lithosphere, November 15, 1987, Geology Department Seminar, Royal School of Mines, Imperial College, London, Great Britain
Extensional faulting and crustal thinning in the basement of the Southern Alps, June 19, 1986, Strukturgeologisches Seminar, ETH-Zürich, Switzerland
Handy, M.R. Wohin der Wind uns weht. Radio interview with Peter Kaiser, Deutschland Radio Kultur, 15. Nov., 2007, 19:30
Handy, M.R. Die Steineversteher, Newspaper interview by Carsten Wette, B5 in the Tagespiegel, 10. February, 2007
Handy, M.R. Warum stürzt der Eigerostwand ab? Radio interview on 14:05-14:10, 15. January 2006 with Radio Berlin Brandenburg 1
Handy, M.R. Tektonik und Erdbeben, Fernsehaufnahme im Rahmen eines Gesprächs mit Alexander Kluge. Aufgenommen im Hyatt, Potsdamer Mitte am 16. Februar, 2006
Handy, M.R. Erdbeben nach Stundenplan- Erdbebensicherheit im Gespräch: Lassen sich tektonische Schwankungen vorhersehen? FUndiert, Das Wissenschaftsmagazin der Freien Universität, 01/2005, 38-47. Interview by Bernd Wannenmacher and Oliver Trenkamp
Handy, M.R. Wo die Erde bebt: Störungszonen beeinflussen ihre Umwelt - aber auch umgekehrt. Interview by Kerstin Koch, Naturmagazin, 2, 48-49.
Handy, M.R. Radio interview on January 3, 2005 with Radio Freies Berlin regarding the earthquake and tsunami off of the coast of Sumatra on 26th December 2004
Handy, M.R. Radio interview with Inforadio Berlin-Brandenburg regarding the earthquake in Afghanistan
Handy, M.R., Radio interview with Hessische Rundfunk regarding the earthquake of Kobe, Japan, 1995