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Curriculum vitae







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Prof. Dr. Ulrich Cubasch

Chair of " Interactions of Earth s Climate System "
Meteorologisches Institut der Freien Universität Berlin



Research Interests

Climate Variability, Climate Modeling, Global Change, Urban Climate


Academic training

1993 Habilitation in Meteorology at the University of Hamburg, Germany
1984 Dissertation (Dr. rer. nat.) in Meteorology at the University of Hamburg, Germany
1977 Diploma in Meteorology (minor Oceanography) at the University of Kiel, Germany


Professional experience

2007-2011 Dean of the Geoscience Faculty
2003-2007 Vice-Dean of the Geoscience Faculty der Freien Universität Berlin
since 2002 Professor(C4) at the Meteorologisches Institut der Freien Universität Berlin
1999-2002 Head of the Model and Data Group, Max-PIanck-Institute für Meteorologie,
1991-1999 Leader of the Model Application Group, Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum,
Hamburg, Germany
1987-1999 Senior Scientist, Max-PIanck-Insitute für Meteorologie, Hamburg, Germany
1978-1986 Scientist/Numerical Analyst, ECMWF, Reading, UK


Running Projects

since 2011         CADY: Central Asian Climate Dynamics (BMBF)

2005-2011 DFG SPP CAWSES: Climate and Weather of the Sun-Earth-System (ProSECCO)
2006-2012 DFG FOR Rift-Link: Rift dynamics, uplift and climate change in Equatorial Africa
2009-2014 DFG FOR SHARP: Stratospheric Change and its Role for Climate Prediction
2010-2016 DFG FOR HIMPAC: Himalaya: Modern and Past Climates
since 2010 GeoSim Helmholtz Graduate School
since 2006 Bosch Foundation NatWorking: cooperation with schools
2010-2013 IPCC Chapter I WG 1 (BMBF)
2009-2013 MILIEU - Men in Agglomerations, the influence of climate and environmental issues


Finished Projects

2001-2006 BMBF DEKLIM EEM: Simulating the Eemian climate with a fully coupled
ocean atmosphere circulation model
1999-2006 EU SOAP: Simulations, Observations & Paleoclimatic data: climate variability
over the last 500 years
2005-2006 DFG MOPUK: Mobilisierung rezent-historischer Forschungsinformation zu
Phytodiversität und Klima in der integrierten Erdsystemforschung
2004-2009 EU ENSEMBLES: ENSEMBLE-based Predictions of Climate Changes and their
2004-2010 DFG SPP Quantitative Niederschlagsvorhersage


Awards & Nominations

2004 Distinguished Scientist, Chinese Meteorological Administration
2007 Nobel Peace Price jointly with the members of the IPCC team


Cooperation/consultancy in national & international committees

convening lead author IPCC WG1: FAR, TAR, AR5; lead author: AR4
scientific advisory board EU-project QUANTIFY (Quantifying the Climate Impact of
Global and European Transport Systems)
member of the CAWSES/SCOSTEP committee
member of the IIASA-Support organization, Germany
member of the DFG-Forschungskommission FK 313
member of the DFG-Geokommission (Senatskommission für Zukunftsaufgaben der Geowissenschaften)
member of the GKSS technical advisory committee
chairman of the "Deutsche Meteorologische Gesellschaft" (2009)
member of the evaluation board of ResClim, Norway
Vice-Speaker of the Geo.X Alliance


Editorial activities

review editor "Climate Research"


Selected invited lectures since 2004

2005 Solar Variability-Conference, Frascati, Italy
2006 SCOSTEP/STP 11, Rio, Brasil
Second Korea-Japan-China Joint Conference on Meteorology, Seoul, Korea
2007 WCRP workshop, "Future Climate Change Research", Sydney, Australia
2008 International Symposium on the Directions of Climate Change, Incheon, Korea
Berkeley Conference on Research Management, Berkeley, USA
AGU, Ft. Lauderdale, USA
Solar Variability, Earth Climate and Space Weather, Bozeman, USA
Tribuna del Agua, EXPO 2008, Zaragoza, Spain
2009 MOCA-09 Montreal, Canada
NICE, Nanjing University, China
2010 Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt
SCOSTEP/STP 12, Berlin, Germany