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ClimXtreme Workshop: How can research knowledge on extreme events and climate change be put into practice?

News from Apr 29, 2024

On April 25, the DRU, DWD and GERICS held a workshop with practitioners on their knowledge and communication needs with regard to climate-related extreme events as part of the ClimXtreme project. The two-hour workshop with around 60 participants followed on from the DWD user workshop “Climate forecasts and climate projections”.

The workshop explored the needs, expectations and challenges of practitioners with a view to an exchange between science and practice on research findings on extreme events and climate change. A particular focus was on the effects of heat and drought on forests, heavy precipitation and storm damage. The results of the workshop serve to shape the research work in ClimXtreme in a practice-oriented way and to develop a guideline for the successful exchange between science and practice.

Further information on the project: https://www.geo.fu-berlin.de/en/geog/fachrichtungen/anthrogeog/katastrophenforschung/forschung-lehre/forschung/forschungsprojekte/ClimXchange/index.html

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