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Official and non-official disaster volunteering: Changing actor constellations and areas of tension

News from May 08, 2024

Crises and disasters are accompanied by a number of social challenges - one of which is the clash between different stakeholder and volunteering groups. A new publication from the ATLAS-ENGAGE project explores the causes of (structural) conflicts between emergency personnel and those involved outside of authorities and organizations in population protection. The focus here is on different logics of action and the effects of new stakeholder groups on established operational processes and understandings:   

Merkes, S. T.; Zimmermann, T.; Voss, M. (2024): Whose disaster? Disaster response as a conflicted field between cooperation and competition. In: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 106, 104459. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2024.104459  

You may find further publications on that topic here

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