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„Welcome @FU Berlin“ for Lecturers & Researchers at Freie Universität Berlin

Your start package from the University Library

News from Aug 17, 2023

In order to make it easier for newly appointed professors to settle into their new position and get started in research and teaching at Freie Universität, the University Library has launched a special service: The UB Starter Package for Newly Appointed Professors.

The start-up package, specially designed for newly appointed professors and their staff, offers initial needs-based introductions to working with the FU Libraries, familiarizes the newcomers with the diverse services and offerings of the University Library, and establishes contact with our experts according to individual needs.

The University Library's Startup Package for Newcomers includes services from all areas of the University Library - including the Central Library in Garystraße, the subject libraries, the University Archives, and the services of the Center for Digital Systems (CeDiS), which has been part of the University Library since 2021. It is thus a further development of the long-established "CeDiS Starter Package", which has now been expanded to include a variety of library-specific services.

A personal consultation - in German or English - is the starting point of the initial package. Depending on individual needs, the university library presents its services in more detail and develops tailored support options together with the newly appointed. In addition to a personal contact person in the respective subject library, the professors and their employees get to know other colleagues from the University Library who can provide them with targeted support in various areas of their everyday academic life.

Optionally, the consultation can be combined with an individual guided tour of the respective subject library

When registering online for a personal consultation appointment, interested parties have the opportunity to specify which of the services included in the start-up package they are particularly interested in. The UB will then be happy to put together a suitable team of experts.

If you have any questions about the University Library's Startup Packet for New Appointees, the Startup Packet Team will be happy to answer them at: 


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