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Lean Library. Your library - findable everywhere

The browser extension shows you the easiest way to access literature – no matter where you search.

News from Oct 20, 2023

What is Lean Library?
Lean Library is a free, privacy-compliant browser plugin.

How does it work?
Once installed, it directs you to digital content available through the University Library or to open-access texts, no matter where you search – Google, Google Scholar, Wikipedia, JSTOR, Amazon, etc.
For example, if you search for articles on Google, Lean Library will provide a link to a full-text version available for Freie Universität members. Information about the availability of physical copies also shows up in this case. If the text you are looking for is not available through the University Library, Lean Library indicates an open-access version if there is one.

That way, Lean Library makes access to digital content easier.

Advantages of Lean Library:

  1. Time-saving: You can access relevant resources much more quickly.
  2. Efficiency: Finding literature becomes easier through automatic recognition and provision of access options.
  3. Use of our collections: Lean Library helps you to make better use of our digital and physical resources.
  4. User-friendly: It is easy to install, easy to use, and requires no training or guidance.

Visit www.leanlibrary.com/download, get the extension, and select „Freie Universität Berlin“ as your institution. Done.

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