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Publikationen 1971-1980


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Autoren, die der AG Atmosphärendynamik zugeordnet sind werden in Fettdruck hervorgehoben.


1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980



Änderungen von stratosphärischen Druckflächen im Zusammenhang mit der Sonnenaktivität

B. Kriester (B. Naujokat)

Meteor. Rundsch., 24, 71-73, 1971


Satellitenmessungen der atmosphärischen Temperaturverteilung für den täglichen Wetterdienst

K. Petzoldt and B. Böhmert

Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 44/71, 1971


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Large scale circulation patterns of the stratosphere

B. Kriester (B. Naujokat)

Space Sci. Rev., 13, 258-273, 1972



B. Kriester (B. Naujokat)

Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 9/72, 1972


Stratosphärenerwärmung dauert an

B. Kriester (B. Naujokat)

Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 11/72, 1972


Endphase der Stratosphärenerwärmung

B. Kriester (B. Naujokat)

Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 14/72, 1972


Messungen der stratosphärischen Temperaturverteilung mit dem Selective Chopper Radiometer

B. Kriester (B. Naujokat) and K. Petzoldt

Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 10/72, 1972


Comparison between radiances of the Selective Chopper Radiometer (SCR) and rocketsonde data

K. Labitzke

Abstract in (COSPAR) Space Research, XIII (Madrid 1972), 1972


Temperature changes in the mesosphere and stratosphere connected with circulation changes in winter

K. Labitzke

J. Atmos. Sci., 29, No. 4, 756-766, 1972


The interaction between stratosphere and mesosphere in winter

K. Labitzke

J. Atmos. Sci, 29, No. 7, 1395-1399, 1972


The stratosphere in the southern hemisphere

K. Labitzke and H. van Loon

In: Meteorology of the Southern Hemisphere, AMS Meteor. Monogr., 13, No. 35, 113-138, 1972


Climatology of the stratosphere in the northern hemisphere. Part 1.

K. Labitzke et al.

Meteorol. Abh., Inst. f. Met. der F.U. Berlin, Bd. 100, Heft 4., 1972


Climatology of the stratosphere in the northern hemisphere. Part 2.

H. van Loon, R.L. Jenne and K. Labitzke

Meteorol. Abh., Inst. f. Met. der F.U. Berlin, Bd. 100, Heft 5., 1972


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Der Zirkulationsverlauf in der Stratosphäre in den Jahren 1960 und 1962 anhand monatlicher Mittelkarten der 30- und 10-mb-Fläche und seine Rolle in der Periode 1958-1969

I. Buschner

Abh. Inst. Met. FU Berlin, 134/1, 1973



B. Kriester (B. Naujokat), R. Lenschow and K. Petzoldt

Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 5/73, 1973


Global time and space changes of satellite radiances received from the stratosphere and lower mesosphere

K. Labitzke and J. J. Barnett

J. Geophys. Res., 78, No. 3, 483-496, 1973


Zonal harmonic standing waves

H. van Loon, R. L. Jenne and K. Labitzke

J. Geophys. Res., 78, No. 21, 4463-4471, 1973


A note on the annual temperature wave in the stratosphere

H. van Loon, K. Labitzke and R. L. Jenne

J. Geophys. Res., 78, No. 15, 2672-2678, 1973


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The temperature in the upper stratosphere: Differences between hemispheres

K. Labitzke

J. Geophys. Res., 79, No. 15, 2171-2175, 1974


Comments on the half-yearly wave in the stratosphere

H. van Loon and K. Labitzke

J. Geophys. Res., 79, No. 3, 470-471, 1974


Standard deviations of 24-hour 10-mb height and temperature changes in the northern hemisphere

H. van Loon, K. Labitzke and R. L. Jenne

Mon. Weather Rev., 102, No. 5, 394-395, 1974


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Review on investigations in the field: Meteorology of the stratosphere and mesosphere

K. Labitzke

(COSPAR) Space Research, XV, 81-108, 1975


Comparison between hand (Berlin) and computer (Washington) analyses for a selected day during the stratospheric warming in February 1974

K. Labitzke et al.

Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, Sonderbeilage, 1975


The stratospheric midwinter warming during December 1974 - January 1975

K. Labitzke, K. Petzoldt, B. Naujokat, E. Klinker and R. Lenschow,

Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 4/75, 1975


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Ein Beitrag zur Klimatologie der Südhalbkugel

J. Knittel

Diplomarbeit, Abh. Inst. Met. FU Berlin, Serei A, 2/1, 1976


Mean maps of the winter upper stratosphere derived from satellite data of Nimbus 4 and 5 compared with the COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere derived from rocket observations

K. Petzoldt and R. Lenschow

(COSPAR) Space Research, XVI, 87-92, 1976


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Langfristige Zirkulationsschwankungen in der sommerlichen Stratosphäre der Nordhemisphäre und ihre Beziehungen zur solaren Aktivität

I. Buschner

Meteor. Runddsch., 30, 9-15, 1977


Der vertikale Transport von Geopotential in zeitlichem Zusammenhang mit Stratosphärenerwärmungen

K. Döpke

Diplomarbeit, Inst. Met. FU Berlin, 1977


The energetics of the stratosphere during the winter warmings of 1970/71 and 1974/75

E. Klinker

(COSPAR) Space Res., XVII, 89-101, 1977


Binnen zwei Tagen 38 Grad wärmer

K. Labitzke

In: Der Tagesspeigel (Berlin) vom 20.2.1977, S. 19, 1977


Comparison of the stratospheric temperature distribution over the northern and southern hemisphere

K. Labitzke

(COSPAR) Space Research, XVII, 159-165, 1977


Interannual variability of the winter stratosphere in the northern hemisphere

K. Labitzke

Mon. Weather Rev., 105, 762-770, 1977


On the use of single channel radiances for estimating temperatures at discrete pressure levels in the upper stratosphere

K. Labitzke

(COSPAR) Space Research, XVII, 151-157, 1977


Stratospheric-mesospheric midwinter warmings

K. Labitzke

NATO Advanced Study Institute (ASI), D. Reidel Publishing Company, Serie C, 17-34, 1977


25 Jahre "Berliner Phänomen"

K. Labitzke, K. Petzoldt, B. Naujokat, E. Klinker and R. Lenschow,

Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 3/77, 1977


Stratospheric ozone transport during the mid-winter warming of December 1970 - January 1971

A. J. Miller, R. M. Nagatani, K. Labitzke, E. Klinker, K. Rose and D. F. Heath

Proceedings of the Joint Symposium on Atmospheric Ozone, Dresden 1976, Vol. II, 135-148, 1977


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On the different behavior of the zonal harmonic height waves 1 and 2 during the winters 1970/71 and 1971/72

K. Labitzke

Mon. Weather Rev., 106, No. 12, 1704-1713, 1978


The major midwinter warming 1976/77; discussion of the main circulation features

K. Labitzke

(COSPAR) Space Research, XVII, 117-120, 1978


The stratospheric midwinter warming in January-February 1978

K. Labitzke, B. Naujokat and K. Petzoldt

Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 8/78, 1978


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Der gegenwärtige Stand der Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Auswirkung chemischer und meteorologischer Einflüsse auf die Ozonschicht

D. Gömer

Diplomarbeit, Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 84 S., 1979


The major stratospheric warming during January-February 1979

K. Labitzke

Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 10/79, 1979


Review of climatological information obtained from remote sensing of the stratosphere and mesosphere

K. Labitzke and J. J. Barnett

(COSPAR) Space Research, XIX, 97-106, 1979


Planetary waves in the strato- and mesosphere during the Western European Winter Anomaly Campaign 1975/76 and their relation to ionospheric absorption

K. Labitzke and H. Schwentek

J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 41, 1149-1162, 1979


Meteorologischer Teil der Auswertung der Winteranomalie-Kampagne in Spanien im Winter 1975/76

B. Naujokat, K. Petzoldt,J. Knittel, K. Labitzke and E. Klinker

BMFT, Forschungsbericht W 79-13, 1979


Atmospheric temperature structure during the Western European Winter Anomaly Campaign 1975/76

D. Offermann, P. Curtis, J. M. Cisneros, J. Satrustegui, H. Lauche, K. Rose and K. Petzoldt

J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 41, 1051-1062, 1979


Investigation of stratospheric warmings with different inversion techniques for infrared satellite radiances

K. Petzoldt

In: Remote Sounding of the Atmosphere from Space (Ed.: H. J. Bolle), Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1979


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Oscillations of solar activity due to the sun's rotation and related effects in the middle stratosphere

A. Ebel and K. Labitzke

Ann. Meteor. (N. F.), 15, 109-112, 1980


Climatology of the stratosphere and mesosphere

K. Labitzke

Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., A 296, 7-18, 1980


Temperature changes in the mesosphere and stratosphere connected with circulation changes in winter

K. Labitzke

Proceedings of the 5th ESA-PAC Symposium, Bournemouth/GB, April 1980, ESA SP-152, 35-43, 1980


The interannual variability of the stratosphere

K. Labitzke

Proceedings of CHARM Workshop, Ajaccio/Korsika, 12-16. November 1979, ESA SP-150, 129-133, 1980


The second winter of PMP-1, 1979/80: A winter with three distinctly different phases

K. Labitzke, R. Lenschow, B. Naujokat

Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 9/80, 1980


Synoptische Stratopausenmethode zur Berechnung von Temperaturprofilen aus Satellitenmessungen der Infrarotstrahlung während winterlicher Stratosphärenerwärmungen

K. Petzoldt

Dissertation, Abh. Inst. Met. FU Berlin, Serie A, 2/2, 1980


Time and space dependent coefficients for regression of stratospheric layers from radiances of vertical infrared satellite sounders

K. Petzoldt

Proceedings IRS, Fort Collins, 67-69, 1980


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