Langer, I., E. Fakharizadehshirazi, J. Werner and S. Sodoudi (2019):Temperatur und Feuchteverhalten in zwei parallelen Straßen mit unterschiedlichen Baumarten während der IOP III und IV 2018 in Berlin. DACH Tagung 18.03-22.03.2019 in Garmisch- Partenkirchen.
Langer,I, K.Lange and S.Sodoudi (2018): Human thermal comfort in Local climate zones in Berlin.AOGS 15th Annual Meeting,03 to 08 JUN, 2018,Honolulu, Hawaii
Langer, I., K.Lange, M.Straka, S.Sodoudi (2018): Identification of humid areas in Berlin City.10th International Conference on Urban Climate/ 14th Symposium on the Urban Environment.New York, NY - 5–10 July 2018
Langer, I., E. Fakharizadehshirazi, J. Werner (2018): Urban climate measurements in order to validate PALM-4U model. Deutsch-Arabische Gesellschaft, Symposium vom 08.10- 09.10.2018 in Amman, Jordanien.
Taheri Shahraiyni, H., Sodoudi, S., Kerschbaumer, A., and Cubasch, U. (2016): Determination of suitable PM10 predictors in an urban area using a new feature selection technique, DACH Tagung, 14.-18.03.2016, Berlin.
Langer, I. and Sodoudi, S. (2016): Temperature trends in Cairo towards 2090 for human health, DACH Tagung, 14.-18.03.2016, Berlin.
Sodoudi, S., Fallah, B., Walter,A., Langer, I. (2015): Towards prediction of the incidence of acute aortic dissection type A, 9th International Conference on Urban Climate (ICUC9). Toulouse, France.
Taheri Shahraiyni, H., Sodoudi, S., Cubasch, U. and Kerschbaumer, A. (2015): The influence of the plants on the decrease of air pollutants (Case study: Particulate matter in Berlin), Euro-American Conference for Academic Disciplines, Paris, France, 13-16 April, 2015.
Sodoudi, S., Fallah, B., Walter, Szenasi, B., Schubert, S. (2015): The ability of mesoscale climate model COSMO-CLM with the Double Canyon urban canopy scheme to simulate the urban heat island in Berlin, 9th International Conference on Urban Climate (ICUC9). Toulouse, France.
Taheri Shahraiyni, H., S. Sodoudi, Cubasch, U., Kerschbaumer, A. (2014): Minimization of air pollution monitoring cost in the urban area. 14th EMS Annual Meeting & 10th European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAC), Prague, Czech Republic.
Taheri Shahraiyni, H., S. Sodoudi, Cubasch, U. and Kerschbaumer, A. (2014): Simulation of virtual PM10 monitoring network for urban area (Case study: Berlin), Urban Modelling Conference, Lyon, France, 15-17 October, 2014.
Sodoudi, S., Langer, I., Cubasch, U. (2013): Impacts of Vegetation and Urban planning on micro climate in Hashtgerd new Town. General Assembly European Geosciences Union (Vienna, Austria 2013).
Sodoudi, S., Langer, I., A. Walter, B. Fallah (2012): Future climate of Tehran Province using dynamical downscaling of COSMO-CLM. AGU 2012 Fall Meeting (San Francisco, 2012).
Sodoudi, S., Langer, I., Cubasch, U. (2012): Micro Climate Simulation in new Town ‘Hashtgerd'. General Assembly European Geosciences Union (Vienna, Austria 2012).
Shahmohamadi, P., Cubasch, U., S. Sodoudi (2012): Simulation of Urban Heat Island Effects on the Microclimate: Using ENVI-met Model. 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAC). Łódź, Poland.
Shahmohamadi, P., Cubasch, U., S. Sodoudi, A.I. Che-Ani (2012): Simulation of natural Ventilator of the City Model by Using ENVI-met to Mitigate the Effect of Urban Heat Island in Tehran Metropolitan Area. 8th International Conference on Urban Climate (ICUC8). Dublin, Ireland.
Shahmohamadi, P., Cubasch, U., S. Sodoudi, A.I. Che-Ani (2012): Natural Ventilator of the City: a Model for Alleviating Urban Heat Islan. Urban Environmental Pollution: Creating Healthy, Liveable Cities Conference. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Wattenbach, M., J.M. Delgado, S. Roessner, M. Bochow, A. Güntner, J. Kropp, A.G. Cantu Ros, F. Hattermann, T. Kolbe, S. Sodoudi, U. Ulrich Cubasch, J. Zeitz, L. Ross, K. Böckel, C. Fang, L. Bo, G. Pan (2012): A combined remote sensing and modelling based approach to identify sustainable pathways for urban and peri-urban agriculture in China. General Assembly European Geosciences Union (Vienna, Austria 2012).
Sodoudi, S., Cubasch, U. (2011): Future Cities, Challenges for the Earth Sciences, Developing urban energy efficiency. Geo.X-Jahrestagung 2011, University of Potsdam, Germany.
Langer, I, S.Sodoudi. (2011): Using the ENVI-MET program to simulate the micro climate in new Town HASHTGERD: The 2011 World Congress on Engineering and Technology (CET 2011) will be held on October 28-30, 2011 in Shanghai, China.
Sodoudi, S., Reimer, E., Langer, I.(2010): Micro climate Simulation in new Town ‘Hashtgerd’. American Geoscience Union (AGU), Fall Meeting 2010, San Fransisco, USA.
Sodoudi, S., Reimer, E. (2009): Climate evaluation for Hashtgerd, Iran. German Workshop “Young cities, Developing energy efficient urban fabric in Tehran-Karaj region”, TU-Berlin, 13-16.04.09, Berlin, Germany.
Sodoudi, S., Reimer, E. (2009): Downscaling of climate parameters for the Bode basin in Germany using active learning method. EGU 2009, Vienna, Austria.
Sodoudi, S., Reimer, E. (2009): Downscaling of climate parameters using Active Learning Method (ALM). American Geoscience Union (AGU), Fall Meeting 2009, San Fransisco, USA.
Sodoudi, S. (2008): High resolution regional model and its relation to risk management. 3rd ECHO international conference on disaster risk manangement, Tehran, Iran, 2008.
Sodoudi, S., Reimer, E. (2006): Downscaling of continuous Precipitation for the catchment’s area of Bode River. ‘Day of Hydrology’ Conference, Munich, Germany, 2006.
Sodoudi, S., Reimer, E. (2006): prediction of extreme flooding using Active Learning Method (ALM). The 7th European Meteorological society Conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2006.
Sodoudi, S. (2006): Introducing High resolution Regional Model of German weather service (DWD). Workshop on clean air for Tehran, IRIMO, Tehran, Iran, 2006.
Sodoudi, S., Reimer, E. (2006): Active learning method and its ability in the downscaling of precipitation. Rimax (risk management of Flooding events) BMBF Status seminar in Potsdam, Germany, 2006.
Sodoudi, S. (2005): Downscaling of climate parameters using nonlinear methods. Expert’s workshop on Downscaling, Norwegian meteorological organization, Oslo, Norway, 2005.
Claußnitzer, A., Reimer, E., Langer, I.(2005): Synthesis of preliminary results of SPP verification projects. Version 1.0, June Newsletter PQP1 1/2005.
Langer, I., Reimer, E., Oestreich, A. (2005): First results: Cloud classification from Meteosat data for the separation of convective and stratiform precipitation. Version 1.0, June Newsletter PQP1 1/2005.