Criteria of relevance
What is the project's meaning within the disciplines concerned?
- To which extent will the level of knowledge be increased?
- Will a gap of scientific insight in a certain discipline be closed?
- Does the project contribute to a better theoretical penetration (building of theory)
- Will the project promote the qualification of participants (capacity building)?
- Does the project contribute to the progress in the discipline?
- Can the results be transferred to other disciplines or areas?
- Will the project stimulate further research and interdisciplinary work?
- Will new methods or techniques be developed?
- Will current methods or techniques be improved
- Will new application for a known method or technique be developed?
- Will results be applicable directly or after further research?
- Will results be patentable?
- Does it contribute to the preservation of natural resources?
- Does it contribute to an improvement of food security?
- Does it help improve the quality of life?
- Does it serve for the improvement of the infrastructure?
- Does it create new possibilities of spiritual life or experiences?
- Does it serve for the unfolding of personality and the development of creativity?
- Does it serve for self-reflection and self-controlling of behaviour?