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E-Learning Network IWM - Phase II

Freie Universiät Berlin carried out the DAAD funded project “E-Learning Network Integrated Watershed Management” in 2011 and 2012. Discussions with the participating partner universities and participants from East Africa and Central Asia revelaed the demand to produce e‐learning content that is very much focussing on teaching of technical and practical implementation of watershed management measures in the field; the produced materials shall contain ‘lively’ content.

Aims of the follow-up project

The project aims at a continuation of e-learning capacity and competence building for Integrated Watershed Management (IWM) with strong focus on technical, practical, and ‘lively’ aspects of watershed management measures. Experts and lecturers for Integrated Watershed Management from Central Asia and Eastern Africa shall be trained in e‐content development for IWM. Through two years trainings the participants shall gain competences in:

  • Implementing practical IWM measures in real life in close co-operation with the local communities;
  • Documenting implementation of measures by different multi-media tools and processing e-content based on the documentation in the field;
  • Developing of e-learning content based on implemented real life measures
  • Evaluating own results and learn to self-criticize for quality improvement of e-content
  • Knowledge exchange among IWM experts in both regions.

This would be achieved by the participation of the lecturers in four workshops in order to secure long term and sustainable knowledge and competence gaining. The development of e‐content requires sound thematically knowledge of the particular topic. In the context of Integrated Watershed Management this knowledge can only be gained in the field. Therefore, the workshops will be held in two "living laboratories" in the parter countries. The landscapes within the "living laboratories" and the local population and its interactions are the research objects, but the local population also plays the active role in development activities in their particular watershed.

Target group

Target group of the project is a group of young lectures from Eastern Africa and Central Asia , which are interested in new teaching techniques and multi-media. Existing networks established in the preceding e-learning projects shall be followed up. The lectures shall be assisted by students from the Master programmes ‘Integrated Watershed Management’ (Kenya) and ‘Integrated Water Management’ (Kazakhstan) in producing the content.


During the project term, two workshops were run in Kazakhstan and Kenya, two will follow in the same countries.

Project partners


Project support

Project funded by: