Code Analysis
Comment every line of the following piece of code! What does it do?
This code is used to validate an already processed classification called 'rfclassified' using a validation sample set called 'valMerge'.
Then, an Error Matrix is calculated to evaluate the classifications accuracy.
var rfvalidation = rfclassified.sampleRegions({ //Initiates the validation
collection: valMerge, //Choose the merged validation samples
properties: ['landcover'], //Choose geometry field 'landcover' as property
scale: 30, //Set spatial resolution
print(rfvalidation, 'Random Forest Validation');//Print the results to the console
var rfTestAccuracy = rfvalidation.errorMatrix('landcover', 'classification'); //Create an Error Matrix for evaluation purposes
print(rfTestAccuracy, 'Validation of the Random Forest Error Matrix'); //Print Error Matrix to the Console
print(rfTestAccuracy.accuracy(), 'Random Forest Overall Accuracy'); //Print Overall Accuracy to the Console