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Dunning fees

Reminder fees

If the loan period is exceeded, a written reminder will be sent for the return of the books or media units. The reminders are subject to a fee.

The basis for charging fees is the fee schedule for the libraries of the Freie Universität Berlin.

Late fees for late returns will be charged as follows:

The reminder fees per volume or media unit for the 1st reminder are:

2,00 €

for the 2nd reminder 5,00 € plus 2,00 € of the first reminder:

7.00 €
for the 3rd reminder € 10.00 plus € 7.00 of the first and second reminder,

The 3rd reminder shall be sent by registered mail with advice of receipt or by another delivery method.
17.00 €
after the 3rd reminder has failed, a performance notice will be issued.

The notice of performance shall be sent by registered mail with advice of receipt or by another delivery method.
20,00 €

The handling fee for book replacements will also be increased:

10,00 € (replacement by the user)

20,00 € (procurement by the library)

The reminder fees are due when the reminder is issued. Reminders will be issued at regular intervals.


Fees can be paid at the automatic pay stations:

  •    Iltisstraße 1(Student Administration),
  •    Garystraße 39 (University Library) and
  •    Mensa FU II (entrance Otto-von-Simson-Straße)

Fee transfers (no cash payment possible)

Bank details (for overdue fines and 1,50 € interlibrary loan fees):

Hauptkasse der FU Berlin

IBAN: DE67 1007 0848 051 3128 900

Swift Code (BIC): DEUTDEDB110

Deutsche Bank PGK AG

Absolutely necessary, please indicate:

Reason for payment: 0011/58 + matriculation or user card number.


  • For fees of 10 € or more, the user account is temporarily blocked.
  • Reminders for media not returned on time will be sent immediately after the loan period has expired.