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EVA- Global Control of Sewage Pump Stations - Analysis of extreme precipitation events designed to improve the drain of waste water promotion from Berlin


funded by Berliner Wasserbetriebe


Objective of the project:


During the DFG - SPP 1167 program‚ Quantitative precipitation forecast‘ high resolution precipitation data of the Berlin network is analysed. Since 2000, there is an already available network of up to 60 rain gauges in a temporal resolution of 5 minutes. The ‚Berliner Wasserbetriebe‘ operates the network which covers an area of 50 x 50 km2 in Berlin.  A addtional rain gauge network of 87 stations exists (Fig. 1) which measures daily precipitation and is controlled by the ‚Institut für Meteorologie‘. This data network is used to generate a precipitation analysis in a resolution of 1km. In cooperation with the ‚KompetenzZentrum Wasser Berlin‘ and the ‚Berliner Wasserbetriebe‘ the control of the wastewater pump stations will be analysed.