Publications until 2004
Publications until 2004:
Balachandran, N. und D. Rind, 1995. Modeling the effects of UV variability and the QBO
on the troposphere-stratosphere system. Part I: The middle atmosphere. J. Climate, 8,
Balachandran, N., D. Rind, P. Lonergan und D. Shindell, 1999. Effects of solar cycle variability
on the lower stratosphere and the troposphere. J. Geophys. Res., 104, 27321-27339.
Baldwin, M. und T. Dunkerton, 2001. Stratospheric harbingers of anomalous weather regimes.
Science, 294, 581-584.
Baldwin, M., D. Thompson, E. Shuckburgh, W. Norton und N. Gillet, 2003a. Weather from
the stratosphere? Science, 301, 317-319.
Baldwin, M., D. B. Stephenson, D. Thompson, T. Dunkerton, A. Charlton und A. O'Neill,
2003b. Stratospheric memory and skill of extended-range weather forecasts. Science, 301,
Baldwin, M., L. Gray, T. Dunkerton, K. Hamilton, P. Haynes, W. Randel, J. Holton, M. Alex-
ander, I. Hirota, T. Horinouchi, D. Jones, J. Kinnersley, C.Marquardt, K. Sato und M. Ta-
kahashi, 2001. The Quasi-Biennial Oscillation. Rev. Geophys., 39, 179-229.
Bates, J., 1981. A dynamical mechanism through which variations in solar ultraviolet radiation
can influence tropospheric climate. Solar Phys., 74, 399-415.
Beer, J., 2000. Long-term indirect indices of solar variability. Space Sci. Rev., 94, 53-66.
Belmont, A., D. Dartt und M. Ulstad, 1965. The 10.7-cm solar flux and the 26-month
oscillation. J. Atmos. Sci., 23, 314-319.
Berson, F. und R. Kulkarni, 1968. Sunspot cycle and the quasi-biennial stratospheric oscillation.
Nature, 217, 1133-1134.
Bittner, M., D. Offermann, H.-H. Graef, M. Donner und K. Hamilton, 2002. An 18-year time
series of OH temperatures and middle atmosphere decadal variations. J. Atmos. Sol. Terr.
Phys., 64, 1147-1166.
Black, R.X., and B.A. McDaniel, 2004. Diagnostic case studies of the Northern Annular Mode,
J. Climate, 17, 3990–4004.
Bond, G., B. Kromer, J. Beer, R. Muscheler, M. N. Evans, W. Showers, S. Hoffmann, R. Lotti-
Bond, I. Hajdas und G. Bonani, 2001. Persistent solar influence on North Atlantic climate
during the Holocene. Science, 294, 2130-2136.
Bradley, R., M. Hughes und H. Diaz, 2003. Climate in medieval time. Science, 302, 404-405.
Brasseur, G., 1993. The response of the middle atmosphere to long-term and short-term solar
variability: A two-dimensional model. J. Geophys. Res., 98, 23079-23090.
Brasseur, G. und S. Solomon, 1984. Aeronomy of the Middle Atmosphere. D. Reidel Publishing
Company, Dodrecht, Holland.
Burrage, M., R. Vincent, H. Mayr, W. Skinner, N. Arnold und P. Hays, 1996. Long-term
variability in the equatorial middle atmosphere zonal wind. J. Geophys. Res., 101, 12847-12854.
Callis, L., M. Natarajan und J. Lambeth, 2000. Calculated upper stratospheric effects of
solar UV flux and NOy variations during the 11-year solar cycle. Geophys. Res. Lett., 27,
Callis, L., M. Natarajan und J. Nealy, 1979. Ozone and temperature trends associated with
the 11-year solar cycle. Science, 204, 1303-1305.
Chandra, S. und R. McPeters, 1994. The solar cycle variation of ozone in the stratosphere
inferred from Nimbus-7 and NOAA-11 satellites. J. Geophys. Res., 99, 20665-20671.
Chanin, M.-L., N. Smirès und A. Hauchcorne, 1987. Long-term variation of the temperature
of the middle atmosphere at mid-latitude: dynamical and radiative causes. J. Geophys. Res.,
92, 10933-10941.
Charbonneau, P., 2000. Great moments in the history of solar physics (1/2/3). moments.1/2/3.htmlgm 1800/.
Charney, J. und P. Drazin, 1961. Propagation of planetary-scale disturbances from the lower
into the upper atmosphere. J. Geophys. Res., 66, 83-109.
Christiansen, B., 2001. Downward propagation of zonal mean zonal wind anomalies from the
stratosphere to the troposphere: Model and reanalysis. J. Geophys. Res., 106, 27307-27322.
Cobb, K., C. Charles und D. Hunter, 2001. A central tropical Pacific coral demonstrates Pacific,
Indian, and Atlantic decadal climate connections. Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 2209-2212.
Cooper, M., P. O'Sullivan und A. Shine, 2000. Climate and solar variability recorded in
Holocene laminated sediments - a prelimenary assessment. Quaternary International, 68-
71, 363-371.
Cordero, E.C., and T.R. Nathan, 1999. The Influence of Wave- and Zonal Mean-Ozone Feedbacks
on the Quasi-biennial Oscillation, J. Atmos. Sci., 57, 3426-3442.
Cordero, E.C., T.R. Nathan, and R. S. Echols, 1998. An Analytical Study of Ozone Feedbacks on Kelvin and Rossby-
Gravity Waves: Effects on the QBO, J. Atmos. Sci., 55, 1051-1062.
Coughlin, K. und K.-K. Tung, 2004. Eleven-year solar cycle signal throughout the lower atmosphere, J. Geophys. Res.,
110, D01103, doi:10.1029/2004JD004661.
Crowley, T., 2000. Causes of climate change over the past 1000 years. Science, 289, 270-277.
Cubasch, U. and R. Voss, 2000. The influence of total solar irradiance on climate. Space Sci.
Rev., 94, 185-198.
Cubasch, U., G. Hegerl, R. Voss, J. Waszkewitz und T. Crowley, 1997. Simulation with an
O-AGCM of the influence of variations of the solar constant on the global climate. Climate
Dyn., 13, 757-767.
DeLand, M., E. Shettle, G. Thomas und J. Olivero, 2003. Solar backscatter ultraviolet (SBUV)
observations of polar mesospheric clouds (PMCs) over two solar cycles. J. Geophys. Res.,
108(D8), 8445, doi: 10.1029/2002JD002398.
Dunkerton, T., D. Delisi und M. Baldwin, 1998. Middle atmosphere cooling trend in historical
rocketsonde data. Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 3371-3374.
Ebdon, R., 1960. Notes on the wind flow at 50mb in tropical and subtropical regions in January
1957 and January 1958. Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc., 86, 540-542.
Ebdon, R., 1961. Some notes on the stratospheric winds at Canton island and Christmas
island. Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc., 87, 322-331.
Ebel, A. und K. Labitzke, 1980. Oscillations of solar activity due to the Sun's rotation and
related effects in the middle stratosphere. Annalen Meteor. (N.F.), 15, 109-112.
Ebel, A., B. Schwister und K. Labitzke, 1981. Planetary waves and solar activity in the
stratosphere between 50 and 10 mbar. J. Geophys. Res., 86, 9729-9738.
Eddy, J., 1976. The Maunder Minimum. Science, 192, 1189-1202.
Egorova, T., E. Rozanov, E. Manzini, M. Haberreiter, W. Schmutz, V. Zubov, and T.
Peter, 2004. Chemical and dynamical response to the 11-year variability of the solar
irradiance simulated with a chemistry-climate model, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L06119,
Eichkorn, S., S. Wilhelm, H. Aufmhoff, K. Wohlfrom und F. Arnold, 2002. Cosmic ray-induced
aerosol-formation: First observational evidence from aircraft-based ion mass spectrometer
measurements in the upper troposphere. Geophys. Res. Lett., 29, 10.1029/2002GL015044.
Fels, S., 1987. Response of the middle atmosphere to changing O3 and CO2 - a speculative
tutorial. Transport Processes in the Middle Atmosphere, G. Visconti and R. Garcia (eds.),
D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dodrecht, Boston, Lancaster, Tokyo, S. 371-386.
Fischer, H., G. Flöser, T. Kumke, G. Lohmann, H. Miller, J. Negendank and H. von Storch,
2003. The KIHZ project: Towards a synthesis of paleoclimate variability using proxy data
and climate models. Springer Verlag, Berlin, in press. ??????????????????
Fischer-Bruns, I., U. Cubasch, H. von Storch, E. Zorita, J. Gonzales-Rouco und J. Luterbacher,
2002. Modelling the Late Maunder Minimum with a 3-dimensional O-AGCM. CLIVAR
Exchanges - Selected Research Papers, 25, 1-5.
Fleming, E. L., S. Chandra, C. Jackmann, D. Considine und A. Douglass, 1995. The middle
atmosphere response to short and long term solar UV variations: analysis of observations
and 2D model results. J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 57, 333-365.
Foukal, P., 2002. A comparison of variable solar total and ultraviolet irradiance outputs in the
20th century. Geophys. Res. Lett., 29, 2089, doi: 10.1029/2002GL015474.
Foukal, P., 2003. Can slow variations in solar luminosity provide missing link between the sun
and climate? EOS, 84, 205&208.
Fröhlich, C., 2000. Observations of irradiance measurements. Space Sci. Rev., 94, 15-24.
Fröhlich, C., 2003. Solar irradiance variability. In Chapter 2: Solar Energy Flux Variations,
American Geophysical Union, Geophysical Monograph Series, 111, in press. ???????????????
Garcia, R. und F. Sassi, 1999. Modulation of the mesospheric semiannual oscillation by the
quasibiennial oscillation. Earth Planets Space, 51, 563-569.
Garcia, R., S. Solomon, R. Roble und D. Rusch, 1984. A numerical response of the middle
atmosphere to the 11-year solar cycle. Planet. Space Sci., 32, 411-423.
Giorgetta, M., 1996. Der Einfluss der quasi-zweijährigen Oszillation auf die allgemeine Zirku-
lation: Modellsimulationen mit ECHAM4. Dissertation, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der
Universität Hamburg, Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie.
Giorgetta, M., E. Manzini und E. Roeckner, 2002. Forcing of the quasi-biennial oscillation from
a broad spectrum of atmospheric waves. Geophys. Res. Lett., 29, doi:10.1029/2002GL14756.
Gleisner, H. und P. Thejll, 2003. Patterns of tropospheric response to solar variability. Geophys.
Res. Lett., 30(13), 1711, doi:10.1029/2003GL017129.
Gray, L., 2003. The influence of the equatorial upper stratosphere on stratospheric sudden
warmings. Geophys. Res. Lett., 30, doi:10.1029/2002GL016430.
Gray, L., E. Drysdale, T. Dunkerton und B. Lawrence, 2001a. Model studies of the interannual
variability of the northern hemisphere stratospheric winter circulation: the role of the Quasi
Biennial Oscillation. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 127, 1413-1432.
Gray, L., S. Sparrow, M. Juckes, A. O'Neill und D. Andrews, 2003. Flow regimes in the winter
stratosphere of the northern hemisphere. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 129, 925-945.
Gray, L., S. J. Phipps, T. Dunkerton, M. Baldwin, E. Drysdale und M. Allen, 2001b. A
data study of the influence of the equatorial upper stratosphere on northern hemisphere
stratospheric sudden warmings. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 127, 1985-2003.
Gray, L.J., S.A. Crooks, C.L. Pascoe, S. Sparrow, and M.A. Palmer, 2004. Solar and QBO influences
on the timing of stratospheric sudden warmings, J. Atmos. Sci., 61, 2777-2796.
Grootes, P. M., 2001. Climate variability on centennial to millennial time scales in ice cores
from Greenland and Antarctica. Nova Acta Leopoldina NF 88, 331, 89-99.
Haigh, J.D., 1994. The role of stratospheric ozone in modulating the solar radiative forcing
of climate. Nature, 370, 544-546.
Haigh, J.D., 1996. The impact of solar variability on climate. Science, 272, 981-984.
Haigh, J.D., 1999a. A GCM study of climate change in response to the 11-year solar cycle.
Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 125, 871-892.
Haigh, J.D., 1999b. Modelling the impact of solar variability on climate. J. Atmos. Sol.-Terr.
Phys., 61, 63-72.
Haigh, J.D., 2000. Solar variability and climate. Weather, 55, 399-407.
Haigh, J.D. 2001. Climate variability and the role of the Sun. Science, 294, 2109-2111.
Haigh, J.D., 2003. The effects of solar variability on the Earth’s climate, Phil. Trans. R.
Soc. Lond. A, 361, 95–111.
Hamilton, K., 2002. On the quasi-decadal modulation of the stratospheric QBO period. J.
Climate, 15, 2562-2565.
Haynes, P., C. Marks, M. McIntyre, T. Shepherd und K. Shine, 1991. On the " downward
control" of extratropical diabatic circulations by eddy-induced mean zonal forces. J. Atmos.
Sci., 48, 651-679.
Herschel, W., 1801a. Additional observations tending to investigate the symptoms of its
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Roy. Soc. London, S.354.
Herschel, W., 1801b. Observations tending to investigate the nature of the sun, in order to
find causes or symptoms of its variable emission of light and heat. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc.
London, S. 265.
Hines, C., 1974. A possible mechanism for the production of Sun-weather correlations. J.
Atmos. Sci., 31, 589-591.
Hirota, I., 1980. Observational evidence of the semiannual oscillation in the tropical middle
atmosphere - a review. Pure Appl. Geophys., 118, 217-238.
Holton, J. und R. Lindzen, 1972. An updated theory of the Quasi-Biennial cycle of the tropical
stratosphere. J. Atmos. Sci., 29, 1076-1086.
Holton, J. und C. Mass, 1976. Stratospheric vacillation cycles. J. Atmos. Sci., 33, 2218-2225.
Holton, J. und H. Tan, 1980. The influence of the equatorial Quasi-Biennial Oscillation on
the global circulation at 50 mb. J. Atmos. Sci., 37, 2200-2208.
Holton, J. und H. Tan, 1982. The Quasi-Biennial Oscillation in the northern hemisphere lower
stratosphere. J. Met. Soc. Jap., 60, 140-148.
Holton, J., P. Haynes, M. McIntyre, A. Douglass, R. Rood und L. Pfister, 1995. Stratosphere-
troposphere exchange. Rev. Geophys., 33, 403-439.
Hood, L., 2004. Effects of solar UV variability on the stratosphere. In " Solar variability and
its effect on the Earth's atmosphere and climate system", AGU Monograph Series, Eds. J.
Pap et al., American Geophysical Union, Washington D.C., 14, 283-303.
Hood, L. und J. McCormack, 1992. Components of interannual ozone change based on
Nimbus-7 TOMS data. Geophys. Res. Lett., 19, 2309-2312.
Hood, L. und B. Soukharev, 2003. Quasi-decadal variability of the tropical lower stratosphere:
the role of extratropical wave forcing. J. Atmos. Sci., 60, 2389-2403.
Hood, L., J. Jirikowic und J. McCormack, 1993. Quasi-decadal variability of the stratosphere:
influence of long-term solar ultraviolet variations. J. Atmos. Sci., 50, 3941-3958.
Hoyt, D. und K. Schatten, 1993. A discussion of plausible solar irradiance variations, 1700-
1992. J. Geophys. Res., 98, 18895-18906.
Hoyt, D. und K. Schatten, 1997. Solar variability and its role in climate change. Oxford
University Press, Oxford.
Huang, T. und G. Brasseur, 1993. Effect of long-term solar variability in a two-dimensional
interactive model of the middle atmosphere. J. Geophys. Res., 98, 20413-20427.
Jackman, C., F. Vitt, D. Considine und E. Fleming, 1995. Energetic particle precipitation
effects on odd nitrogen and ozone over the solar cycle time scale. In " The Solar Cycle
Variation of the Stratosphere: A STEP Working Group 5 Report", edited by L. Hood,
University of Arizona, Tuscon, S. 120.
Jones, P., K. Briffa, T. Barnett und S. Tett, 1998. High-resolution palaeoclimatic records
for the last millennium: interpretation, integration and comparison with General Circulation
Model control-run temperatures. The Holocene, 8(4), 455-471.
Keckhut, P., C. Cagnazzo, M.-L. Chanin, C. Claud und A. Hauchecorne, 2003. The effect of
the 11-year solar cycle on the temperature in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere: Part
I assessment of the observations. Submitted to J. Atmos. Sol.-Terr. Phys. ???????????????????
Kodera, K., 1991. The solar and equatorial QBO influences on the stratospheric circulation
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Kodera, K., 1995. On the origin and nature of the interannual variability of the winter strato-
spheric circulation in the northern hemisphere. J. Geophys. Res., 100, 14077-14087.
Kodera, K., 2002. Solar cycle modulation of the North Atlantic Oscillation: Implication in the
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Kodera, K., 2003. Solar influence on the spatial structure of the NAO during the winter
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Kodera, K., 2004. Solar influence on the Indian Ocean Monsoon through dynamical
processes, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L24209, doi:10.1029/2004GL020928.
Kodera, K. and Y. Kuroda, 2002. Dynamical response to the solar cycle. J. Geophys. Res.,
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Kodera, K. and K. Yamazaki, 1990. Long-term variation of upper stratospheric circulation in
the northern hemisphere in December. J. Met. Soc. Japan, 68, 101-105.
Kodera, K., M. Chiba und K. Shibata, 1991. A general circulation model study of the solar
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Kuroda, Y. und K. Kodera, 2002. Effect of solar activity on the polar-night jet oscillation in
the northern and southern hemisphere winter. J. Met. Soc. Japan, 80, 973-984.
Kuroda, Y., and K. Kodera, 2004. Role of the Polar-night Jet Oscillation on the formation
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Labitzke, K., 2001. The global signal of the 11-year sunspot cycle in the stratosphere: Diffe-
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Labitzke, K., 2002. The solar signal of the 11-year sunspot cycle in the stratosphere: Differences
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Labitzke, K., 2003. The global signal of the 11-year sunspot cycle in the atmosphere: When
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Labitzke, K., 2004b. On the signal of the 11-year sunspot cycle in the stratosphere over the
Antarctic and its modulation by the QBO, Meteorol. Z., 13, 263-270.
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Norton, W.A., 2003. Sensitivity of northern hemisphere surface climate to simulation
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