Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schäfer
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)<br>Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal (INE)
76021 Karlsruhe
2008 Habilitation: Hydrogeology, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany “Nanoscience in Hydrogeology: A pathway to reactive transport process understanding in natural systems”
2000 - 2001 Postdoctoral Research Associate: Department of Physics and Astronomy, State University of New York @ Stony Brook (USA) and National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS), Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) (USA) with Prof. C. Jacobsen & Prof. J. Kirz
since 1999 Staff scientist: Institut für Nukleare Entsorgung (INE), Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany. (a) since 1999: Group leader “Colloid Chemistry” (b) since 2004: Group leader “Radionuclide Migration” (c) since 2008: Deputy divisional head “Geochemistry” (d) since 2009: Divisional head “Geochemistry”
1998 Dissertation: Hydrogeology, Department of Geosciences, JohannesGuten-berg University of Mainz, Germany Colloid and particle transport in bankfiltration and artificial groundwater recharge dominated aquifers laboratory and field investigations - Advisor: Prof. Dr. D. Schenk
1994 Diploma: Geology, Department of Geosciences, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany “Laboratory investigations on the hydrodynamic mobilization of fines particles in hard rock samples of the “Haardtrand facies” (red bunter formation)” Advisors: Prof. Dr. D. Schenk & Dr. H. Knoke
- Johannes Gutenberg Ph. D. award for outstanding scientific research, 2000.
- Best poster award at the 30th Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH), Cape Town, South Africa, 2000.
“Case studies on the relevance of colloid transport enhancing heavy metal mobility in groundwater” - Scientific Highlight of the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS), Jan. 2008 (
- Best poster award at the 14th International Clay Conference (ICC), Terme, Italy, June 15-19 2009. “Seher, Schäfer, Geckeis & Fanghänel: Bentonite colloid stability in granite groundwaters: experiments and modeling.”
Membership in professional societies
- American Geophysical Union (AGU)
- German Geological Society
- Member, Hydrogeology section (FH-DGG)
- German Chemical Society (GdCh)
- Member, Radiochemical Society
- Member, Water Chemical Society
- Committee member of the expert group „Colloids“ of the Water Chemical Society
Journal Reviews
- Nature Geoscience
- Applied Geochemistry
- Applied Clay Science
- Environmental Science & Technology
- Clays and Clay Minerals
- Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
- Journal of Colloids & Surfaces A
- Journal of Contaminant Hydrology
- Journal of Nuclear Materials
- Organic Geochemistry
- Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
- Radiochimica Acta
- Science of the Total Environment
- Langmuir
- Soil Science Society of America Journal
Proposal Reviews
- ETH Research Funding Panel
- Swiss National Science Foundation, Division for Physical and Engineering Sciences
- National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Advanced light source (ALS, Berkeley) review panel
Organization of Meetings
- "Application of Synchrotron radiation: A pathway to process understanding in environmental systems”, Environmental workshop at the Annual NSLS user meeting, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 19.-21. Mai 2003, together with Mark Fuhrmann (BNL)
- IP FUNMIG, RTDC-2 1st Semi-Annual Progress Meeting”, Avignon, France, 18. September 2005, 22 participants.
- IP FUNMIG, RTDC-2 2nd Semi-Annual Progress Meeting”, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2. August 2006, 24 participants.
- “Colloid formation and Migration (CFM) laboratory program” meeting, Tsukuba & Tokyo (Japan), 11.-14. November 2006, together with Ingo Blechschmidt (NA-GRA).
- IP FUNMIG, RTDC-2 3rd Semi-Annual Progress Meeting”, Munich, Germany, 26. August 2007, 23 participants.
- “Influence of organics on RN migration processes” Topical session during the 3rd Annual workshop of the IP FUNMIG, 26.-29. November 2007, Edinburgh, Scotland, together with Pascal Reiller (CEA).
- Session 17d: “Retention of Radionuclides at the Mineral-Water Interface with a Focus on Nanoparticles and Solid-Solution Formation” Goldschmidt 2010, June 13th-18th, Knoxville, USA, together with Andreas Scheinost (FZD, Grenoble), Thorsten Stumpf (INE) and Dirk Bosbach (FZJ, Germany).
- Session H45: “Is microscale information needed in reactive transport models?” AGU Fall Meeting 2010, 13th -17th December, San Francisco, USA, together with Marco Dentz (CSIC, Spain) and Philippe Gouze (Univ. Montpellier, France)
- “Geological methods I” Undergraduate course and practical units, University of Mainz, 1994.
- “Engineering Geology“ Graduate practical units, University of Mainz, 1994/95 & 1996/97.
- “Hydrogeological Field methods“ Graduate practical units, University of Mainz, 1995, 1997, 1998.
- “Colloids & Surface Complexation Modelling: Introduction in the program FITEQL” Graduate course and practical units, Freie University of Berlin, 2002/2003.
- “Colloidal and particulate phases in the groundwater“ Graduate course and practical units, Freie University of Berlin, 2003.
- “Natural Organic Matter and radionuclide complexation modeling”, In the framework of the Graduate block course of lectures “Trace element analytics”, Department of Chemistry, University Mainz, 2005.
- “Colloid chemistry and biogeochemistry in groundwater and as remediation strategy“ Graduate course and practical units, Freie University of Berlin, 2005.
- “Radionuclides and radioactivity in the environment” Graduate course and practical units, Freie University of Berlin, 2006/2007 & 2007/2008.
- “Laboratory methods in Hydrogeology (Modul E005: Applied Hydrogeology III)”, Lectures and practical units, Freie University of Berlin, 2008/2009 & 2009/2010.
Didactics Training
- „Teaching and Learning I + II“ Academia didactics Center of the Universities of Baden-Wuerttemberg (HDZ), Technical University Karlsruhe, 2003, 2004.
Supervision of PhD students
- “CATCLAY” Collaborative Project: Processes of cation migration in clayrocks (June 2010 – May 2014). Funded under the 7th FWP (Seventh Framework Programme) EURATOM Fission-2009-1.1.2: Actions in support of the safety case and license ap-plications for geological repositories; Project number 249624.
- “RECAWA” (July 2008 – Sept. 2011) joint project on „Mineral Surfaces: From Atomic Processes to Geotechnology“ of GEOTECHNOLOGIEN, a geoscientific research and development programme funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and German Research Foundation (DFG) under contract No 03G0717C.
- “Colloid project” Laboratory study on colloid migration and colloid-radionuclide inter-action under Grimsel groundwater conditions simulating glacial melt-water intrusion in the Äspö system.
- “HATT continuation” Cooperative project: Actinide migration in natural clay stones: In-fluence of clay-organic associates on the actinide retention in the clay barrier (Jan. 2010 – April 2011). Funded through the Project Management Agency for Water Technology and Waste Management (PTKA-WTE) under contract No 02 E 10206. (together with Dr. G. Buckau, H. Geckeis & Dr. Ch. Marquardt).
- Cooperative project: Colloid mediated radionuclide transport in fractured rocks „KOL-LORADO-2“ (May 2009 – April 2012). Funded through the Project Management Agency for Water Technology and Waste Management (PTKA-WTE) under contract No 02 E 10096.
- Clay-Organic Matter Actinide Complexation Kinetics “COMACK”- (October 2006- October 2008). Funded through an Intra-European-Fellowship (EURATOM) under con-tract No 036493.
- Cooperative project: Colloid mediated radionuclide transport in fractured rocks „KOL-LORADO“ (May 2006 – April 2009). Funded through the Project Management Agency for Water Technology and Waste Management (PTKA-WTE) under contract No 02 E 10096. (together with Prof. Dr. H. Geckeis)
- Cooperative project: Actinide migration in natural clay stones: Influence of clay-organic associates on the actinide retention in the clay barrier. Funded through the Project Management Agency for Water Technology and Waste Management (PTKA-WTE) under contract No 02 E 10206. (together with Dr. G. Buckau & Dr. Ch. Marquardt)
- Reduction of actinides (U,Np) by inorganic or organic bound iron(II)- (June 2006- June 2008). Joint research project by KTH (Sweden), University of Cyprus (Cyprus), University of Utrecht (Netherlands) and the Institut für Nukleare Entsorgung (Germany) funded by NoE Actinet and IP FUNMIG.
- Colloid Formation and Migration Project (CFM) (2004-2013). Joint project of the Geo-technical Institute Bern (Switzerland), Paul Scherrer Institut (Switzerland), NAGRA (Switzerland), Institut für Nukleare Entsorgung (Germany), ANDRA (France), JAEA, CRIEPI, AIST (Japan), SKB (Sweden).
- Actinide interaction with colloids –Implementation of matrix diffusion effects and sorption reversibility in the RETRASO code- (2004-2006). Joint research project by Enviros (Spain), Enresa (Spain) and the Institut für Nukleare Entsorgung (Germany) funded by NoE Actinet and IP FUNMIG.
- Stability of clay minerals, natural and synthesized clay-organic associates under high alkaline conditions (2002-2008). Funded by a EU Marie Curie Fellowship, a EU re-integration grant and IP FUNMIG.
- Molecular environmental studies on the mineral-organic association of natural organic matter and implications on clay reactivity and radionuclide complexation using syn-chrotron-based spectro-microscopic techniques (XANES, EXAFS, µFT-IR, µ-XRD) (since 1999). Several grants for access to synchrotron radiation facilities (National Synchrotron Light Source, Brookhaven National Laboratory, U.S.A.; European Syn-chrotron Research Facility, France (total of 72 days for 2 years)
- Spectromicroscopic XANES investigations on heterogeneous formation of secondary ferric iron phases of clay minerals (since 2003)
- Combination of XANES ab initio calculations, principle component and cluster analy-sis on the incorporation of trivalent radionuclides in ferric iron oxide/hydroxides (since 2002). Cooperation with the State University of New York at Stony Brook, CEMS (Center of Environmental Molecular Science) and Brookhaven National Laboratory.
Peer reviewed (since 2000)
Taubald, H., Bauer, A., Schäfer, T., Geckeis, H., Satir, M. & J.I. Kim (2000): Experi-mental investigations of the effect of high pH solutions on the Opalinus Shale and the Hammerschmiede Smectite. Clay Minerals 35, 515-524.
Plaschke, M., Schäfer, T., Bundschuh, T., Ngo Manh, T., Knopp, R., Geckeis, H., Kim, J.I. (2001): Size Characterization of Bentonite Colloids by Different Methods. Anal. Chem. 73, 4338-4347.
Dardenne, K., Schäfer, T., Denecke, M.A., Rothe, J. Kim, J.I. (2001): Identification and characterization of sorbed lutetium species on 2-line ferrihydrite by sorption data model-ing, TRLFS and EXAFS. Radiochim. Acta 89, 469-479.
Bauer, A., Schäfer, T., Dohrmann,R., Hoffmann, H., Kim, J.I. (2001): Smectite stability in acid salt solutions and the fate of Eu, Th and U in solution. Clay Minerals 36, 93-103.
Dardenne, K., Schäfer, T., Lindquist-Reis, P., Denecke, M.A., Plaschke, M., Rothe, J., Kim, J.I. (2002): Low temperature XAFS investigation on the lutetium binding changes during the 2-Line ferrihydrite alteration process. Environ. Sci. Technol. 36, 5092-5099.
Artinger, R., Schuessler, W., Schäfer, T., Kim, J.I. (2002): Kinetics of the Am(III)/humic colloid interaction: implications for contaminant transport. Environ. Sci. Technol. 36, 4358-4363. (
Claret, F., Bauer, A., Schäfer, T., Griffault, L., Lanson, B. (2002): Experimental investi-gation of the interaction of clays with high pH solutions: A case study from the future French underground laboratory. Clays Clay Minerals 50, 632-645.
Plaschke, M., Rothe, J., Schäfer, T., Denecke, M.A., Dardenne, K., Pompe, S., Heise, K.H. (2002): Combined AFM and STXM in situ Study of the Influence of Eu(III) on the Agglomeration of Humic Acid Colloids. Colloids Surf. A 197, 245-256.
Schäfer, T., Artinger, R., Dardenne, K., Bauer, A., Schüssler, W., Kim, J.I. (2003): Colloid-borne Americium migration in Gorleben groundwater: Significance of iron secondary phase transformation. Environ. Sci. Technol. 37, 1528-1534.
Jacobsen, C. Feser, M. Lerotic, M. Vogt, S. Maser, J., Schäfer, T. (2003): Cluster analysis of soft x-ray spectromicroscopy data. J. Phys. IV 104, 623-626.
Schäfer, T., Claret, F., Bauer, A., Griffault, L., Lanson, B. (2003): Natural organic matter (NOM)-clay association and impact on clay stability in high alkaline solution: Spectromicroscopic evidence. J. Phys. IV 104, 413-416.
Schäfer, T., Hertkorn, N., Artinger, R., Claret, F., Bauer, A. (2003): Functional group analysis of natural organic colloids and clay association kinetics using C(1s) spectromi-croscopy. J. Phys. IV 104, 409-412.
Möri, A., Alexander, W.R., Geckeis, H., Geyer, F., Hauser, W., Schäfer, T., Eiken¬berg, J., Fierz, Th., Degueldre, C., Missana, T. (2003): The Colloid and Radionuclide Retardation Experiment at the Grimsel Test Site: Influence of bentonite colloids on the radionuclide migration in a fractured rock. Colloids & Surfaces A 217, 33-47.
Claret, F., Schäfer, T., Bauer, A., Buckau, G. (2003): Generation of humic and fulvic acid from Callovo-Oxfordian clay under high alkaline con¬di¬tions. Science of the Total Environment 317, 189-200.
Hofmann, T, Baumann, T., Bundschuh, T., v. d. Kammer, F., Leis, A., Schmitt, D., Schäfer, T., Thieme, J., Totsche, K.U., Zänker, H. (2003): Aquatische Kolloide und Partikel I: Definition, Systeme und Relevanz. Grundwasser 4, 203-212.
Hofmann, T, Baumann, T., Bundschuh, T., v. d. Kammer, F., Leis, A., Schmitt, D., Schäfer, T., Thieme, J., Totsche, K.U., Zänker, H. (2003): Aquatische Kolloide und Partikel II: Probenahme, Probeaufbereitung und Charakterisierung. Grundwasser 4, 213-223.
Geckeis, H., Schäfer, T., Hauser, W., Rabung, Th., Missana, T., Degueldre, C., Möri, A., Eikenberg, J., Fierz, Th., Alexander, W.R. (2004): Results of the Colloid and Radi-onuclide Retention experiment (CRR) at the Grimsel Test Site (GTS), Switzerland - Impact of reaction kinetics and speciation on radionuclide migration- Radiochim. Acta 92(9-11), 765-774.
Schäfer, T., Geckeis, H., Bouby, M., Fanghänel, T. (2004): Influence of smectite colloids on actinide mobility in a granite fracture under near-natural flow conditions: Ex-periments and modeling. Radiochim. Acta 92(9-11), 731-737.
Lerotic, M., Jacobsen, C., T. Schäfer, S. Vogt, (2004): Cluster analysis of soft X-ray spectromicroscopic data. Ultramicroscopy, 100(1-2), 35-57.
Bouby, M., Geckeis, H., Ngo Manh, T., Yun, J.I., Dardenne, K., Schäfer, T., Walther, C., Kim, J.I. (2004): Laser induced breakdown detection (LIBD) combined with flow field-flow fractionation: Application to the characterization of polysterene and iron oxi/hydroxide colloids. J. Chrom. A 1040, 97-104.
Solomon, D., Lehmann, J., Kinyangi, J., Liang, B., Schäfer, T. (2005): Carbon K-edge NEXAFS and FTIR-ATR Spectroscopic investigation of organic carbon speciation in soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 69, 107-119.
Schäfer, T., Buckau, G., Artinger, R., Geyer, S., Bleam, W.F., Wirick, S., Jacobsen, C. (2005): Origin and Mobility of Fulvic Acids in the Gorleben Aquifer system: Implica-tions from Isotopic Data and Carbon/Sulfur XANES. Organic Geochemistry 36, 567-582.
Bauer, A., Rabung, T., Claret, F., Schäfer, T., Fanghänel, T. (2005): Influence of temperature on sorption of Europium onto smectite. Applied Clay Science 30, 1-10.
Claret, F., Schäfer, T., Bauer, A., Buckau, G., Fanghänel, T. (2005): Spectromicroscopic investigations on Natural organic matter (NOM)-Mineral association in Callovo-Oxfordian argillite and Opalinus clay: impact on stability in high alkaline solution. Applied Geochemistry 20, 1158-1168.
Lehmann, J., Liang, B., Solomon, D., Lerotic, M., Kinyangi, J., Schäfer, T., Wirick, S., Jacobsen, C. (2005): Near-edge X-Ray absortion fine structure (NEXAFS) spectros-copy for mapping nano-scale distribution of carbon forms in oil: application to black carbon particles. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 19, GB1013.
Kretzschmar, R., Schäfer, T. (2005): Metal Retention and Transport on Particles in the Environment. Elements 1, 197-203.
Alonso, U., Missana, T., García-Gutiérrez, M., Turrero, M.J., Geckeis, H., Schäfer, T., Möri, A., Patelli, A., Rigato, V. (2006): Uncertainties in the assessment for the role of colloids generated in a high level waste repository for radionuclide migration. Iberian Journal of Geology 32(1), 79-94.
Einsiedl, F., Schäfer, T., Northrup, P. (2007): Sulfur K-edge XANES spectromicro-scopy and stable isotope studies on fulvic acids and groundwater sulfate for mapping sulfur cycling in a kartic catchment area. Chemical Geology 238, 268-276.
Solomon, D., Lehmann, J., Kinyangi, J., Amelung, W., Lobe, I., Ngoze, S., Riha, S., Pell, A., Verchot, L., Mbugua, D., Skjemstad, J., Schäfer, T. (2007): Anthropogenic perturbations alter macromolecular level dynamics of soil organic carbon: evidence from NMR, C(1s) NEXAFS and Sr-FTIR spectroscopy. Global Change Biology 13, 511-530.
Solomon, D., Lehmann, J., Thies, J., Schäfer, T., Liang, B., Kinyangi, J., Neves, E., Petersen, J., Luizao, F. and Skjemstad, J. (2007): Molecular signature and sources of biochemical recalcitrance of organic C in Amazonian Dark Earths. Geochimica Et Cos-mochimica Acta 71, 2285-2298.
Schäfer, T., Chanudet, V., Claret, F. and Filella, M., (2007). Spectromicroscopy mapping of colloidal/particulate organic matter in Lake Brienz, Switzerland. Environmental Science & Technology, 41(22): 7864-7869.
Einsiedl, F., Mayer, F., Schäfer, T. (2008): Assessing the incorporation of H2S in groundwater fulvic acids using traditional isotope technique and sulfur K-edge XANES spectroscopy. Environ. Sci. Technol. 42(7): 2439-2444.
Kalmykov, S., Schäfer, T., Claret, F., Khasanova, A., Shcherbina, N., Perminova, I., Teterin, Y. (2008): Neptunium speciation in the humic-acid goethite system. Radio-chimica Acta. (accepted)
Delos, A. Walther, C., Schäfer, T., Büchner, S. (2008): Submicron-Colloid Size Dispersion and Colloid Mediated Radionuclide Transport in a Synthetic Porous Media. J. Colloid Interface Science 324: 212-215.
Schäfer, T., Michel, P., Claret, F., Beetz, T., Wirick, S., Jacobsen, C. (2008): Radia-tion sensitivity of natural polymerised organic matter: Clay mineral association effects in the Callovo-Oxfordian argillite. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenom-ena (doi:10.1016/j.elspec.2008.05.007).
Vilas, V.V., Berinskat, S., Drebert, J., Felser, C., Huth, J., Kratz, J.V., Mathiasch, B., Michel, P., Ölcer, A., Reich, T., Rubert de la Rosa, S., Schäfer, T. (2008): Synthesis and characterization of the hybrid clay-based material montmorillonite-melanoidin. Clays Clay Minerals (accepted).
Conference abstracts (since 2000)
Schäfer, T., Michel, P., Claret, F., Buckau, G., Elie, M. (2007): Transformation of organic matter in the presence of smectite: fate of lanthanides during polymerization reactions. Proceedings of the International ANDRA meeting on Clay in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement, Sept. 17-20, Lille (France), p. 379-380.
Claret, F., Schäfer, T., Reiller, P. (2007): Natural organic matter fractionation on mineral surfaces: a spectroscopic approach. Proceedings of the International ANDRA meeting on Clay in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement, Sept. 17-20, Lille (France), p. 385-386.
Michel, P., Schäfer, T., Claret, F., Elie, M. (2007): Examination of clay mineral organic mat-ter interactions at submicron-scale during confined pyrolysis of a simplified system Volclay bentonite – type II kerogen. Proceedings of the International ANDRA meeting on Clay in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement, Sept. 17-20, Lille (France), p. 387-388.
Petrova (Khasanova), A.B., Kalmykov, St.N., Perminova, I.V., Shcherbina, N.S., Schäfer, T., Claret, F. (2007): Redox behaviour and sorption of Pu(V) and Np(V) by goethite in the presence of different humic acids. 11th Internat. Conf. on Chemistry and Migration Be-haviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere (Migration '07), Munich, Germany, August 26-31, Book of Abstracts p. 90.
Seher, H., Schäfer, T., Kunze, P., Bouby, M., Hauser, W., Panak, P.J., Geckeis, H., Fanghänel, Th. (2007): Febex bentonite colloid stability and radionuclide speciation in the groundwater/porewater mixing zone. 11th Internat. Conf. on Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere (Migration '07), Munich, Germany, August 26-31, Book of Abstracts p. 103.
Noseck, U., Keesmann, S., Geckeis, H., Schäfer, T., Kunze, P., Seher, H. (2007): Impact of kinetic effects on colloid facilitated radionuclide transport at Grimsel. 11th Internat. Conf. on Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere (Migration '07), Munich, Germany, August 26-31, Book of Abstracts p. 133.
Bouby, M., Geckeis, H., Schäfer, T., Lützenkirchen, J., Seher, H., Bauer, A., Plaschke, M., Hauser, W., Kienzler, B. (2007): Laboratory study on colloid stability and radionuclide-colloid interaction under Äspö groundwater conditions. 11th Internat. Conf. on Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere (Migration '07), Munich, Germany, August 26-31, Book of Abstracts p. 135.
Regenspurg, S., Schäfer, T., Schild, D., Malmström, M.E. (2007): Uranium (VI) sorption and reduction by granitic minerals in bicarbonate solutions. 11th Internat. Conf. on Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere (Migration '07), Munich, Germany, August 26-31, Book of Abstracts p. 196.
Delos, A., Schäfer, T., Carrera, J., Guimera, J., Walther, C., Sanchez-Vila, X., Geckeis, H. (2007): Reversibility of actinide binding on montmorillonite colloids. 11th Internat. Conf. on Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere (Mi-gration '07), Munich, Germany, August 26-31, Book of Abstracts p. 220.
Schäfer, T., Enzmann, F., Kersten, M., Bouby, M., Kienzler, B., Geckeis, H. (2007): Ra-dionuclide transport in a granite fracture from Äspö (Sweden): Insights from migration ex-periments and computed X-Ray tomography (XCT). 11th Internat. Conf. on Chem¬istry and Migration Behaviour of Acti¬nides and Fission Prod¬ucts in the Geosphere (Migration '07), Munich, Germany, August 26-31, Book of Abstracts p. 222.
Bauer, A.; Fiehn, B.; Marquardt, Ch.; Klein, M.; Römer, J.; Schäfer, Th.; Görtzen, A.; Kienzler, B. (2007): Results on the Pu diffusion in the opalinus clay. 2nd Annual Workshop Proc.of the Integrated Project 'Fundamental Processes of Radionuclide Migration' 6th EC FP IP FUNMIG, Stockholm, S, November 21-23, 2006 Stockholm : Svensk Kärnbränslehanter-ing Technical Report TR-07-05, 231-38.
Claret, F.; Schäfer, T.; Reiller, P. (2007): Sorption induced fractionation of fulvic acids. 2nd Annual Workshop Proc.of the Integrated Project 'Fundamental Processes of Radionuclide Migration' 6th EC FP IP FUNMIG, Stockholm, S, November 21-23, 2006 Stockholm: Svensk Kärnbränslehantering, Technical Report TR-07-05, 253-60.
Regenspurg, S.; Schäfer, T.; Dardenne, K.; Schild, D., Malmström, M.E. (2007): Uranyl uptake on granitic minerals in presence of carbonate. 2nd Annual Workshop Proceedings of the Integrated Project “Fundamental Processes of Radionuclide Migration” – 6th EC FP IP FUNMIG Stockholm 21st - 23rd November 2006, (Buckau, G.; Kienzler, B.; Duro, L.; Montoya, V.; eds), Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB, Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Man-agement Co, Box 5864, SE-102 40 Stockholm Sweden, Technical Report TR-07-05, 381-387.
Seher, H.; Schäfer, T.; Geckeis, H.; Fanghänel, T. (2007): Febex bentonite colloid stability in ground water. 2nd Annual Workshop Proc.of the Integrated Project 'Fundamental Proc-esses of Radionuclide Migration' 6th EC FP IP FUNMIG, Stockholm, S, November 21-23, 2006, Stockholm : Svensk Kärnbränslehantering, Technical Report TR-07-05, 397-402.
Schäfer, Th, Geckeis, H., Kienzler, B., Römer, J., Schild, D. (2007): Colloid/Radionuclide Migration Studies in Fractured Rocks; Lessons learnt from the Grimsel and Äspö System International Conference on Radioactive Waste Disposal in Geological Formations, Braunschweig, November 6 – 9, 2007, Book of Abstracts.
Bauer, A., Fiehn, B., Marquardt, C., Römer, J., Schäfer, Th., Görtzen, A., Kienzler, B. (2007): Results on Pu Diffusion Experiments in the Opalinus Clay International Conference on Radioactive Waste Disposal in Geological Formations, Braunschweig November 6 – 9, Book of Abstracts.
Schäfer, T. (2007): Studies on “less well established processes” as colloids, influence of organics, redox- and microbial-processes within the IP “FUNMIG”. 11th Internat. Conf. on Chem¬istry and Migration Behaviour of Acti¬nides and Fission Prod¬ucts in the Geosphere (Mi-gration '07), Munich, Germany, August 26-31, Book of Abstracts p. 261.
Einsiedl, F., Schäfer, T., Wolf, M. (2007): Hydrogeological conditions and biogeochemical processes governing metal transport in groundwater systems. International Conference on WAter POllution in natural Porous media at different scales. Assessment of fate, impact and indicators. WAPO2, april 11-13, Barcelona, Spain, p. 1-6.
Claret, F., Schäfer, T., Amekraz, B., Moulin, C., Reiller, C. (2006): Fractionation of natural organic matter on alpha-alumina. Proceedings of the 13th IHSS Meeting, Schriftenreihe des Lehrstuhls für Wasserchemie und der DVGW-Forschungsstelle am Engler-Bunte-Institut der Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Vol. 45-1, p. 221-224, ISSN 1612-118x.
Schäfer, T., Claret, F. (2006): Organic Matter Clay association in natural and synthetic sys-tems: what influences the organic matter preservation pathway?, Proceedings of the 13th IHSS Meeting, Schriftenreihe des Lehrstuhls für Wasserchemie und der DVGW-Forschungsstelle am Engler-Bunte-Institut der Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Vol. 45-2, p. 565-568, ISSN 1612-118x.
Schäfer, T. (2006): IP FUNMIG: The European Far-Field Project and the Influence of Natural Organic Matter on the Migration of Radionuclides in the Geosphere. Proceedings of the 13th IHSS Meeting, Schriftenreihe des Lehrstuhls für Wasserchemie und der DVGW-Forschungsstelle am Engler-Bunte-Institut der Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Vol. 45-2, p. 1109-1112, ISSN 1612-118x.
Einsiedl, F., Schäfer, T., Northrup, P. (2006): Evidence of bacterial sulfate reduction in oxic soils and groundwater systems determined by isotope analyses on groundwater sulfate, ful-vic acid sulfur and S XANES spectroscopy, European Geosciences Union, General As-sembly 2006, Vienna, Austria, 02 – 07 April 2006, book of abstracts.
Kalmykov, S., Schäfer, T., Claret, F., Teterin, Y., Khasanova, A., Shcherbina, N., Permi-nova, I. (2006): Neptunium speciation in the humic-acid- goethite system. Actinides XAS 2006, 4th Workshop on Speciation, Techniques, and Facilities for Radioactive Materials at Synchrotron Light Sources, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 18 - 20, 2006.
Delos, A., Schäfer, T., Geckeis, H., Walther, C., Guimerà, J. Carrera, J. (2006): Colloid and colloid-borne radionuclide column migration experiments. TRACER 4, Fourth Interna-tional Conference on Tracers and Tracing Methods, Grenoble, France, October 3-5, 2006, book of abstracts.
Regenspurg, S, Schäfer, T., Malmström, M.E. (2006): Experimental determination of UO22+ sorption and reduction at mineral surfaces. 6th Annual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference 2006, 27 August - 1 September 2006, book of abstracts.
Delos, A., Schäfer, T., Geckeis, H., Guimerà, J. Carrera, J. (2006): Colloid and colloid-borne radionuclide column migration experiments. 80th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, Boulder, Colorado, June 18-21, 2006, p. 36.
Schäfer, T., Claret, F., Lerotic, M., Rabung, Th., Buckau, G., Bauer, A., Jacobsen, C. (2005): Source identification and characterization of humic and fulvic acids isolated from Callovo-Oxfordian argillite and Opalinus clay. Proceedings of the International ANDRA meet-ing on Clay in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement, Tours (France), p. 22.
Claret, F., Schäfer, T., Rabung, Th., Wolf, M., Bauer, A., Buckau, G. (2005): Clay organic matter as a potential humic source under alkaline solution. Proceedings of the International ANDRA meeting on Clay in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confine-ment, Tours (France), p. 87.
Schäfer, T., Geckeis, H., Bouby, M., Fanghänel, Th. (2004): U, Th, Eu and colloid mobility in a granite fracture under near-natural flow conditions. In: Wanty & Seal (eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction, Balkema, Rotterdam p. 703-707.
Bouby, M.; Mihai, S.; Schäfer, T.; Bolea, E.; Geckeis, H. (2004): Actinide interactions with clay colloids studied by AsymFFFF-ICP-MS. 82.Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralo-gischen Gesellschaft, gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesell-schaft und der Deutschen Ton- und Tonmineralgruppe, Karlsruhe, September 19-22, 2004 : Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Poster Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesell-schaft, No.1, S.22 (European Journal of Mineralogy, Suppl. 16)
Dardenne, K.; Denecke, M.A.; Schäfer, T. (2004): Incorporation of lanthanides and acti-nides in ferrihydrite transformation products. 82.Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft und der Deutschen Ton- und Tonmineralgruppe, Karlsruhe, September 19-22, 2004 : Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Poster Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, No.1, p.28 (European Journal of Mineralogy, Suppl. 16)
Claret, F., Schäfer, T., Buckau, G., Bauer, A. (2004): Impact of clay organic matter on clay mineral stability and generation of radionuclide complexing humic substances under near-field alkaline conditions. In: Wanty & Seal (eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Sym¬posium on Water-Rock Interaction, Balkema, Rotterdam p.1033-1036.
Claret, F., Schäfer, T., Rabung, Th, Wolf, M., Bauer, A., Buckau, G. (2004): Impact of clay organic matter on clay mineral stability and generation of radionuclide complexing hu¬mic substances under near-field alkaline conditions. Euradwaste’04, Sixth European Commission Conference on the Management and Disposal of Radioactive Waste, Luxemburg, 29th to 31st March 2004 p. 63-64.
Schäfer, T., Claret, F., Lerotic, M., Rabung, Th., Buckau, G., Bauer, A., Jacobsen, C. Fanghänel, Th. (2004): Source identification and characterization of humic and fulvic acids in clay-rich low carbon formations. VII. Humic Substances Seminar at Northeastern Univer-sity, Boston, USA, 17th –19th March, Book of Abstracts p.39.
Claret, F., Schäfer, T., Rabung, Th, Wolf, M., Bauer, A., Wolf, M., Buckau, G., Fanghänel, Th. (2003): Characteristic properties and Cm(III) complexation of humic and fulvic acids from Callovo-Oxfordian and Opalinus clay. OECD-IGSC “Geosphere Stability” workshop, Braunschweig, 9th to 11th December 2003, Book of abstracts p. 173-176.
Schäfer, T., Claret, F., Bauer, A., Buckau, G., Fanghänel, Th. (2003): Spectromicroscopic investigations on natural organic matter (NOM)-mineral association in Callovo-Oxfordian ar-gillite and Opalinus clay: Impact on stability in high alkaline solution. 9th Internat. Conf. on Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere (Mi-gration '03), Gyeongju, Korea, September 21-26, Book of Abstracts p. 163.
Schäfer, T., Geckeis, H., Bouby, M., Yun, J.I., Walther, C., Fanghänel, Th. (2003): Acti-nide mobility in a granite fracture under near-natural flow conditions: Influence of smectite colloids. 9th Internat. Conf. on Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere (Migration '03), Gyeongju, Korea, September 21-26, Book of Ab-stracts p. 154.
Walther, C., Schäfer, T., Cho, H.R., Fanghänel, Th., Kim, J.I. (2003): Determination of colloid size distributions at ultratrace concentrations by laser induced breakdown detection. 9th Internat. Conf. on Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geo¬sphere (Migration '03), Gyeongju, Korea, September 21-26, Book of Abstracts p. 134.
Geckeis, H., Schäfer, T., Rabung, Th., Hauser, W., Möri, A., Missana, T., Eikenberg, J., Degueldre, C., Fierz, T., Alexander, W.R. (2003): Inorganic colloid borne actinide migration studied under in-situ conditions at the Grimsel Test Site. 9th Internat. Conf. on Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere (Migration '03), Gyeongju, Korea, September 21-26, Book of Abstracts p. 39.
Bauer, A., Rabung, Th., Claret, F., Elie, M., Schäfer, T., Fanghänel, Th. (2003): Influence of temperature on sorption of europium onto smectite. CMS-MSA Meeting, June 7th to 12th, Athens, Georgia, Book of abstracts.
Claret, F., Schäfer, T., Bauer, A., Buckau, G., Griffault, L. (2003): Impact of clay/organic interaction in nuclear waste disposal. CMS-MSA Meeting, June 7th to 12th, Athens, Georgia, Book of abstracts.
Bauer A, Denecke MA, Plaschke M, Rothe J, Schäfer T. (2002): Soft x-ray spectromicro-scopy of groundwater colloids enhancing actinide mobility. Abstracts of papers of the 223nd ACS National Meeting, Orlando, Florida, April 7-12, 2002, ACS 223: 113-GEOC Part 1.
Schäfer, T., Claret, F., Bauer, A., Buckau, G., Griffault, L., Lanson, B. (2002): Effect of Natural Organic Matter on Callovo-Oxfordian clay stability in alkaline solutions: Spectroscopic Investigations. Proceedings of the International ANDRA meeting on Clay in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement, p. 138.
Bauer, A., Claret, F., Schäfer, T., Griffault, L., Lanson, B. (2002): Alteration of clays in high pH solutions: a case study from the Callovo-Oxfordian formation, Meuse- Haute Marne underground laboratory. Proceedings of the International ANDRA meeting on Clay in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement, p. 154.
Claret, F., Sakharov, B. A., Drits, V. A., Griffault, L., Meunier, A., Bauer, A., Schäfer, T., Lanson, B. (2003): Clay mineralogy of the Callovo-Oxfordian formation using multi-specimen method. Proceedings of the International ANDRA meeting on Clay in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement, p. 112.
Schäfer, T., Artinger, R., Dardenne, K., Claret, F., Bauer, A., Feser, M. (2002): Application of C(1s) and O(1s) X-ray spectro-microscopy in colloid chemistry. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on X-Ray microscopy, ESRF, Grenoble, France, p. 92.
Schäfer, T., Claret, F., Bauer, A., Griffault, L., Lanson, B. (2002): Inhibition of clay mineral dissolution by natural organic matter (NOM) in high alkaline solution: C(1s) NEXAFS spec-tromicroscopic evidence. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on X-Ray micros-copy, ESRF, Grenoble, France, p. 121.
Schäfer, T., Bauer, A., Geckeis, H., Kim, J.I. (2002): Influence of bentonite polydispersivity on coagulation kinetics: A combined LIBD and dynamic light scattering study. Proceeding E-MRS 2002 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, Abstracts Book, p. C-IV.2.
Bouby, M, Ngo Manh, T., Geckeis, H., Yun, I., Dardenne, K., Schäfer, T., Kim, J.I.(2002): Characterization of ferrihydrite and Th-Hydroxide colloids by laser-induced breakdown detection (LIBD) and asymmetric flow-field flow fractionation (AsymFFF). Proceeding E-MRS 2002 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, Abstracts Book, p. C/P04.
Bauer, A., Claret, F., Schäfer, T., Lanson, B. (2002): Alteration of clays in high pH solu-tions: a case study from the Callovo-Oxfordian formation, Meuse- Haute Marne underground laboratory. Proceedings of the DMG Annual meeting, Hamburg, European Journal of Miner-alogy Supplement, p. 14.
Schäfer, T., Artinger, R., Dardenne, K., Bauer, A., Kim, J.I. (2002): Migration von Ra-dionukliden in Grundwasserleitern: Einfluß von kolloidalen sekundären Eisenphasen. In: SCHAFMEISTER, M.-T. & MEYER, T. (Hg.): Grundwasserressourcen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Erschließung und Naturschutz. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, Heft 19, p. 91.
Schäfer, T., Artinger, R., Bauer, A., Wirick, p., Jacobsen, C., Kim, J.I. (2002): Röntgenspektroskopische Untersuchungen zur Stabilität von Kolloiden. In: SCHAFMEISTER, M.-T. & MEYER, T. (Hg.): Grundwasserressourcen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Erschließung und Naturschutz. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, Heft 19, p. 127.
Schäfer, T., Artinger, R., Bauer, A., Dardenne, K., Kim, J.I.(2001): Colloid-borne Americium Migration in Gorleben Groundwater: Significance of Iron Secondary Phase Transformation. Eos Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H41H-06, 2001.
Schäfer, T.; Artinger, R.; Bauer, A.; Dardenne, K.; Kim, J.I. (2001): Iron oxide/-hydroxide colloid facilitated americium migration in Gorleben groundwater. 8th Inter¬nat. Conf. on Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere (Migration '01), Bregenz, A, September 16-21, Book of Abstracts p.118.
Geckeis, W. Hauser, F.W. Geyer, R. Götz, T. Schäfer, Th. Rabung, A. Bauer, M. Plaschke, TH. Ngo-Manh, J.I. Kim, A. Möri, Th. Fierz (2001): Kolloidgetragener Radionuk-lidtransport in einer granitischen Kluft – Erkenntnisse aus Labor- und in-situ Experimenten. Presentation at GDCh Jahrestagung Chemie 2001. Fachgruppe Nuklearchemie, Würzburg.
Geckeis, W. Hauser, F.W. Geyer, R. Götz, T. Schäfer, Th. Rabung, A. Bauer, M. Plaschke, TH. Ngo-Manh, J.I. Kim, A. Möri, Th. Fierz (2001): Colloid-borne radionuclide migration in a granite fracture: Comparison between laboratory andf field tests. 8th Internat. Conf. on Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Prod¬ucts in the Geo-sphere (Migration '01), Bregenz, A, September 16-21, Book of Abstracts p.118.
Plaschke, M.; Rothe, J.; Schäfer, T.; Denecke, M.A.; Dardenne, K.; Pompe, p.;Heise, K.H. (2001): Combined AFM and STXM in situ study of humic acid agglomeration by Eu(III) complexation. 8th Internat. Conf. on Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere (Migration '01), Bregenz, A, September 16-21. Book of Abstracts p.104.
Dardenne, K.; Schäfer, T.; Linquist-Reis, P.; Denecke, M.A.; Plaschke, M.; Rothe, J.; Kim, J.I. (2001): Low temperature XAFS investigation on the mineralization of lutetium in the HFO alteration process. 8th Internat. Conf. on Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Acti-nides and Fission Products in the Geosphere (Migration '01), Bregenz, A, September 16-21, Book of Abstracts p.194.
M. Feser, T. Beetz, C. Jacobsen, J. Kirz, p. Wirick, A. Stein, and T. Schäfer (2001): Scan¬ning transmission soft x-ray microscopy at beamline X-1A at the NSLS-advances in instrumentation and selected applications. in Soft X-ray and EUV Imaging Systems II (D. A. Tichenor and J.A. Folta, eds.), vol.4506, (Bellingham, Washington), pp.146-153, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumenta¬tion Engineers (SPIE).
Schäfer, T., Bauer, A., Claret, F., Lanson, B., Wirick, p., Jacobsen, C., Kim, J.I. (2001): Soft X-Ray spectromicroscopy investigations of natural organic matter (NOM)-clay interaction in high pH solutions. Eur. J. Mineral. Suppl. 13, 160.
Schäfer, T., Artinger, R., Bauer, A., Wirick, p., Jacobsen, C., Kim, J.I. (2000): Soft X-Ray Microscopy of Organic- Inorganic Colloid Interaction and Metal Sorption. Eos Trans. AGU, 81 (48), Fall Meet. Suppl.
Dardenne, K., Schäfer, T., Denecke, M.A., Rothe, J. (2000): XAFS investigations of lan-thanide sorption onto ferrihydrite and transformation products by tempering at 75°C. 2nd Euroconference and NEA workshop on Actinide XAS “Speciation, Techniques and Facilities for Ra¬dioactive Materials at Synchrotron Light Sources” at Grenoble, France, 10.-12. Sept., 223-228.
Schäfer, T., Bauer, A., Hofmann, T., Schenk, D. (2000): Reaction front related particle/colloid transport downstream of a contaminant plume. In: Rosbjerg et al. (eds.), Groundwater Research, p. 49-50, Balkema, Rotterdam.
Schäfer, T., Bauer, A., Bundschuh, T., Geckeis, H. & Kim, J.I. (2000) : Colloidal stability of inorganic colloids in natural and synthetic groundwater. In: Applied mineralogy - in Research, Economy, Technology, Ecology and Culture / Proceedings of the 6th international congress ICAM 2000 (Ed. by D. Rammlmair et al.), 675-678. Balkema, Göttingen.
Hofmann, T., Schenk, D., Schäfer, T., Schöttler, U. (2000): Artificial recharge of groundwa-ter: prob¬lems linked to slow sand filtration and underground passage. In: Herbert, M., Isen-beck-Schröter, M., Scholz, C.(eds.), Hydro-Geo-Event 2000, Wasser-Gesteins-Wechselwirkungen, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesell¬schaft, H. 12, p. 92, Heidelberg.
Bauer, A., Schäfer, T., Dohrmann, R., Hofmann, H., Kim, J.I. (2000): Smectite stability in slightly acid salt solutions and the fate of Eu, Th and U in solution. DTTG Jahrestagung, 30th August to 1st September, Zürich, Switzerland, Book of Abstracts.
Hofmann, T., Schäfer, T. (2000): Colloid/particle transport downstream of a former gas-plant. In: Herbert, M., Isenbeck-Schröter, M., Scholz, C. (eds.), Hydro-Geo-Event 2000, Wasser-Gesteins-Wechsel wirkungen, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, p. 141, Heidelberg.
Bauer, A., Schäfer, T., Dohrmann, R., Hofmann, H., Kim, J.I. (2000): Smectite stability in slightly acid salt solutions and the fate of Eu, Th and U in solution. DISTEC 2000, 3rd to 6th September, Berlin, Germany, Book of Abstracts.
Hofmann, T., Schäfer, T. (2000): Colloid enhanced transport of contaminants at a for¬mer gas production site. Contaminated Soil 2000, Proceedings of the 7th International FZK/TNO Conference on Contaminated Soil, 18-22 September 2000, Leipzig, Germany, p. 286-287.
Schäfer, T., Bauer, A., Velde, B. (2000): Heavy metal trace element partitioning in oxides and silicates in a marsh sediment core. CMS Conference, Chicago, United States, Book of Abstracts.
Hofmann, T., Schenk, D., Schäfer, T., Schöttler, U. (2000): Colloidal and suspended carrier substances during the artificial recharge of groundwater. In: Rosbjerg et al. (Eds.), Groundwater Research, p. 95- 96 ,Balkema, Rotterdam.
Hofmann, T., Schäfer, T. (2000): Redox induced mobilization of particles at a former gas production site. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 25th General Assembly, 2:318.
Hofmann, T., Jacobs, P., v. d. Kammer, F., Schäfer, T. (2000): Die Bedeutung von kolloidalen Substanzen im Hinblick auf moderne Sanierungsverfahren. Kurzfassungen der Vorträge zur Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft 2000, 60-65.
Schäfer, T. & Iijima, K. (2007): CFM Phase I – Status report of the laboratory programme, NAGRA Arbeitsbericht NAB 07-41, Wettingen (Switzerland), 97pages
Hauser, W.; Götz, R.; Schäfer, T.; Geckeis, H. (2007): Quantification of colloids in natural groundwater from Forsmark boreholes KFM11A, section (447.5-454.64) m and KFM08D, sections (828.4-835.54) m and (669.7-676.84) m INE Project Report, (SKB order 16987).
Hauser, W.; Götz, R.; Schäfer, T.; Bouby, M.; Geckeis, H. (2007): Quantification of col-loids in natural groundwater from Laxemar boreholes KLX13A, section (432–439.2) m and KLX17A, sections (642–701) m and (416–437.5) m, INE Project Report, (SKB order 15664, 16237).
Hauser, W.; Götz, R.; Schäfer, T.; Geckeis, H. (2007): Quantification of colloids in natural groundwater from Laxemar borehole KLX15A, section (623–634.5) m, INE Project Report, (SKB order 17065).
Schäfer, T. (2006): RTD Component 2 summary report. In: P. Reiller, G. Buckau, B. Kienzler and L. Duro (Editors), 1st Annual workshop Proceedings of IP FUNMIG, report CEA R-6122. Commissariat a l'energie atomique (CEA), Gif sur Yvette (France), pp. 20-25.
Regenspurg, S., Schäfer, T., Dardenne, K., Malmström, M. (2007): U(VI) interaction with Fe(II) containing minerals ANKA User Report 2007, 174-176.
Schäfer, T., Geckeis, H., Bouby, M., Mihai, S., Delos, A., Alonso, U., Missana, T. (2006): Prediction of bentonite colloid stability in natural and simulated granite groundwater. In: P. Reiller, G. Buckau, B. Kienzler and L. Duro (Editors), 1st Annual workshop Proceedings of IP FUNMIG, report CEA R-6122. Commissariat a l'energie atomique (CEA), Gif sur Yvette (France), pp. 100-104.
Schäfer, T., Claret, F., Buckau, G. (2006): Smectite induced polymerization of organic mat-ter. In: P. Reiller, G. Buckau, B. Kienzler and L. Duro (Editors), 1st Annual workshop Pro-ceedings of IP FUNMIG, report CEA R-6122. Commissariat a l'energie atomique (CEA), Gif sur Yvette (France), pp. 119-123.
Kienzler, B., Vejmelka, P., Römer, J., Schild, D., Marquardt, C., Schäfer, T., Soballa, E., Walschburger, C. (2005): Actinide Migration Experiment in the Äspö HRL in Sweden: Re-sults for Uranium and Technetium with Core #7 (Part IV). FZK Bericht 7113.
Marques Fernandes, M.; Stumpf, T.; Rabung, T.; Bosbach, D.; Fanghänel, T.; Dar-denne, K.; Schäfer, T.; Denecke, M.A. (2005): EXAFS investigation of americium incorpo-ration into secondary minerals. ANKA - Annual Report 2005 S.90-91 Karlsruhe.
Claret, F., Rabung, Th., Schäfer, T., Buckau, G. (2005): Photodynamic processes of Cm(III) with different fulvic acids. IN: Buckau, G.: Humic Substances in Performance As-sessment of Nuclear Waste Disposal: Actinide and Iodide Migration in the Far-Field. Third Technical Progress Report, p. 161-168, FZK Bericht 7070.
Schäfer, T., Buckau, G., Artinger, R., Kim, J.I., Geyer, S., Wolf, M., Bleam, W.F., Wirick, S., Jacobsen, C. (2004): Vertical exchange of Gorleben fulvic acids of different origin. IN: Buckau, G.: Humic Substances in Performance Assessment of Nuclear Waste Disposal: Ac-tinide and Iodide Migration in the Far-Field. Second Technical Progress Report, p. 1-12, FZK Bericht 6969.
Artinger, R., Kuczewski, B, Marquardt, C.M., Schäfer, T., Seibert, A., Fanghänel, Th. (2004): Comparison of humic colloid mediated transport of plutonium studied by column ex-peri¬ments with tri- and tetravalent actinide experiments. IN: Buckau, G.: Humic Substances in Performance Assessment of Nuclear Waste Disposal: Actinide and Iodide Migration in the Far-Field. Second Technical Progress Report, p. 45-60, FZK Bericht 6969.
Claret, F., Schäfer, T., Rabung, Th., Bauer, A., Wolf, M., Buckau, G. (2004): Complexa-tion properties of humic and fulvic acids extracted from Callovo-Oxfordian and Opalinus clay. IN: Buckau, G.: Humic Substances in Performance Assessment of Nuclear Waste Disposal: Actinide and Iodide Migration in the Far-Field. Second Technical Progress Report, p. 339-350, FZK Bericht 6969.
Bauer, A., Rabung, Th., Claret, F., Schäfer, T., Fanghänel, Th. (2004): Influence of temperature on sorption of europium onto smectite. In: Lützenkirchen, J. et al. (eds.): SOPRO 2004 International Workshop on Sorption Processes at Oxide and Carbonate Mineral Water Interface. Workshop of the FZ Karlsruhe, 25-26 March 2004, Wissenschaftliche Berichte FZKA-6986, p. 11-13.
Möri A., Geckeis H., Fierz T., Eikenberg J., Degueldre C., Hauser W., Geyer F. W., Schäfer T. (2005): The CRR final project report series: 1. Description of the Field Phase - Methologies and Raw Data. Nagra Technical Report, NTB 03-01, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.
Missana, T., Mingarro, M., Gutierrez, M. G., Alonso, U., Geckeis, H., Schäfer, T., Rabung, T., Vejmelka, P., Marquardt, C. (2004, in press): GTS Phase V (CRR Experiment): Supporting laboratory experiments with radionuclides and bentonite colloids. Nagra Technical Re¬port, NTB 03-02, Nagra, Wettin¬gen, Switzerland.
Geckeis, H., Hauser, W., Geyer, F.W., Götz, R., Schäfer, T., Fierz, Th., Alexander, W.R., Möri, A. (2003): GTS V/ CRR: Preparatory tracer tests with bentonite colloids, homologues, Br-92 and Sr-85. Nagra Internal Report, NIB 02-18, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland. Schäfer T. (2003): STXM Untersuchungen zur Beschreibung natürlicher organischer Sub-stanz (NOM) und Tonmineralwechselwirkung. Wissenschaftliche Berichte FZKA 6833, p. 11-12.
Claret, F., Schäfer, T., Bauer, A., Buckau, G. (2003): Alkaline Conversion of Clay Organic Matter as a Potential additional source of humic substances. IN: Buckau, G.: Humic Sub-stances in Performance Assessment of Nuclear Waste Disposal: Actinide and Iodide Migra-tion in the Far-Field. First Technical Progress Report, p. 215-222, FZK Bericht 6800.
Dardenne, K. Denecke, M. A., Schäfer, Th. (2003): Spectroscopic and Structural Investiga-tion of the Lu Incorporation limit in 2-line Ferrihydrit (2LFh) Transformation Products, Ad-vanced Photon Source Activity Report 2002, ANL-03/21.
Jacobsen, C., Lerotic, M., Feser, M., Schäfer, T., Vogt, S., Maser, J. (2002): Analysis of soft X-ray spectrum images based on principal components and clusters. National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) Activity Report 2002, Brookhaven National Laboratory, beamline X1A1.
Schäfer, Artinger, R., Hertkorn, N. (2002): Functional group analysis of natural Gorlben fulvic acid using C(1s) spectra deconvolution. Na¬tional Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) Activity Re¬port 2002, Brookhaven National Labo¬ratory, beamline X1A1.
Schäfer, T., Bauer, A., Claret, F., Wirick, S., Jacobsen, C. (2002): Clay-organic associa-tion kinetics moni¬tored by C(1s) spectromicroscopy. National Synchro¬tron Light Source (NSLS) Activity Report 2002, Brookhaven National Laboratory, beamline X1A1.
Schäfer, T., Bauer, A., Claret , F., Ferrage, E., Lanson, B. (2002): Natural organic matter (NOM)-clay association in the Callovo-Oxfordian argillite and the Opalinus clay. National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) Activity Report 2002, Brookhaven National Laboratory, beamline X1A1.
Geckeis, H., Geyer, F.W., Hauser, W., Marquardt, C.M., Schäfer, T., Möri, A., Eikenberg, J., Fierz, T. (2002): GTS V / CRR: Tracer tests #28 - #35 (January – March 2002); raw data report. Nagra Internal Report, NIB 02-18, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.
Schäfer, T., Artinger, R., Dardenne, K., Bauer; A., Kim, J.I. (2002): Effect of colloidal iron hydroxide transformation on actinide mobility in Gorleben groundwater. In: Metz ,V et al. (eds.): TRePro 2002 - Modelling of Coupled Transport Reaction Processes. Workshop of the FZ Karls¬ruhe, 20-21 March 2002, Wissenschaftliche Berichte FZKA-6721, p. 84-89.
Schäfer, T., Bauer, A., Claret, F., Lanson, B., Wirick, S., Jacobsen, C. (2001): Influence of natural organic matter (NOM) on Callovo-Oxfordian clay stability in high pH solutions at 60°C: C(1s) NEXAFS studies. National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) Activity Report 2001, Brook¬haven National Laboratory, beamline X1A.
Schäfer, T., Willigeroth, S., Zimehl, R., Lagaly, G., Wirick, S., Jacobsen, C. (2001): Characterization of the intermediary boundary layer in glass ionomer cement and at the dental enamel surface: A comparison of C(1s) NEXAFS and FT-IR investigations. National Syn-chrotron Light Source (NSLS) Activity Report 2001, Brookhaven National Laboratory, beamline X1A.
Dardenne, K., Denecke, M.A. Müller, R., Neck, V., Plaschke, M., Rothe, J. Schäfer,T. (2001): Speziation von Aktiniden und Lanthaniden mit Synchrotronstrahlung Nukleare Entsorgung, F&E-Aktivitäten 2000, FZKA-6629, Wissenschaftliche Berichte, August 2000, p. 33–38.
Rothe, J., Denecke, M., Dardenne, K., Schäfer, T. (2000): Soft X-Ray spectromicroscopy of colloid particles responsible for groundwater actinide transport. National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) Activity Report 2000, Brookhaven National Laboratory, beamline X1A.
Schäfer, T., Artinger, R., Bauer, A., Wirick, S., Jacobsen, C. (2000): Characterization of Gorleben Humic Colloids and Sensitivity of NEXAFS Spectroscopy on Actinide Sorption Kinetics.National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) Activity Report 2000, Brookhaven National Laboratory, beamline X1A.
Artinger, R., Schäfer, T., Kim, J.I. (2000): Actinide transport in column experiments: Influence of humic colloids. IN: Buckau, G.: Effects of Humic Substances on the Migration of Radionuclides: Complexation and Transport of Actinides. Third Technical Progress Report EC Project No.: F14C-CT96-0027, p. 19-30; FZK Bericht 6524.
Dardenne, K., Denecke, M.A., Rothe, J., Schäfer, T. (2000): XAFS investigation of lanthanide sorption onto ferrihydrite and transformation products tempered at 75°C. HASYLAB Annual report, Part 1.
Book chapter
Schäfer, T., Claret, F., Lerotic, M., Buckau, G., Rabung, Th., Bauer, A., Jacobsen, C., (2005): Source identification and characterization of humic and fulvic acids from Oxfordian argillite and Opalinus Clay. In: E.A. Ghabbour and J. Davies (Editors), Humic Sustances: Molecular Details and Apllications in Land and Water Conservation. Taylor & Francis, New York, p.43-62.
Geckeis, H., Rabung, Th., Schäfer, T. (2011): Actinide – nanoparticle interaction: Generation, stability and mobility. Springer Verlag.
Invited lectures at national or international conferences, workshops or seminars
„Mobile colloid and particle transport – sampling and characterization-“ Invited lecture at the Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal (INE), Forschungszentrums Karlsruhe. Invited by Prof. J.I. Kim (Au¬gust, 1998)
„Estimation of the colloid/particle transport relevance in hydraulic/hydrochemical disturbed groundwater systems” Colloquium lecture at the Institute for Hydrogeology and Chemical Balneology Munich. In-vited by Prof. Niessner (August, 1998)
„Influence of inorganic colloids on the migration behavior of Americium - Ferrihydrite (HFO) colloids –“ Seminar lecture, Paul Scherrer Institute, Monte Terri Meeting, Switzerland. In¬vited by Prof. J. Hadermann (March, 2000)
„Carbon K-edge, Oxygen K-edge and Fe L-edge spectromicroscopic investigations on NOM-mineral surface interaction” Seminar lecture at the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS), Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), USA. Invited by Dr. A. Lanzarotti (September, 2000)
„Salt dome „Gorleben“ a possible final storage site for nuclear waste?” U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C., USA. Invited by Dr. W. Dam (March, 2001)
„Soft X-Ray spectromicroscopy investigations of natural organic matter (NOM)-clay interaction in high pH solutions” Annual Meeting of the German Mineralogical Society, Potsdam (Germany). Invited by Dr. D. Bosbach & Dr. A. Bauer. (September, 2001)
„Colloid-borne Americium Migration in Gorleben Groundwater: Significance of Iron Secondary Phase Transformation” American Geophysical Union Fall meeting San Francisco, Session “Environmental Colloids”. Invited by Dr. W. Dam (December, 2001)
„Influence of colloids in groundwater systems“ Geosciences Colloquium of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. Invited by Prof. D. Schenk (May, 2002)
„Colloidal transport enhancing contaminant transport?" Geosciences Colloquium of the Freie Universität Berlin. Invited by Prof. A. Pekdeger (June, 2002)
„Clay colloid & surface phenomena" 2. European workshop on Clay Mineralogy, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena. Invited by Prof. R. Gaupp & Dr. A. Bauer (September, 2002)
„Natural organic matter inorganic colloid interaction –spectroscopical approaches-“ Soil Science Colloquium at the Technical University of Berlin. Invited by Prof. M. Kaupenjohann (November, 2002)
"From Nano to Macro: Spectromicroscopic applications in nuclear waste repository research" Center of Environmental Molecular Science (CEMS) and Geoscience Colloquium at theState University of New York, Stony Brook, USA. Invited by Prof. R. Reeder (April, 2004)
“Application of synchrotron-based spectro-microscopic techniques in the field of nuclear repository research” ANDRA meeting on Clay organic interaction, Poitiers, France. Invited by Dr. S. Altmann (September, 2004)
“Application of synchrotron-based spectro-microscopic techniques in the field of clay-organic interaction” 14th plenary NEA/RWM/CLAYCLUB meeting, Brussels, Belgium. Invited by Dr. A. Dierckx & P. Wersin (October, 2004)
“Colloid generation and migration mechanisms in potential nuclear waste repository rocks: Effect on radionuclide mobility” Soil Science Colloquium at the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zürich, Switzerland. Invited by Prof. R. Kretzschmar (October, 2004)
“Mineral-Organic interaction: It’s role in nature” Clay Mineral Society (CMS) Annual meeting workshop “Characterization of Solid-Water Interface Reactions of Metals and Actinides on Clays and Clay Minerals" , Burlington VT, USA. Invited by Dr. A. Bauer (June, 2005).
“Mineral-Organic interaction: It’s role in nature” 3rd European Workshop of Clay Geosciences - Characterization of Solid-Water Interface Reactions of Metals and Actinides on Clays and Clay Minerals, Jena, Germany. Organized by NoE ACTINET (March 2006).
“Colloids” 2nd Integrated Project (IP) FUNMIG (Fundamental Processes of Radionuclide Migration) training course on the “Use of scientific results in site characterization” Barcelona, Spain. Invited by Dr. L. Duro (October 2006)
"The problem of upscaling in the field of nuclear waste repository re¬search" Bio- Geo Colloquium, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena. Invited by Prof. R. Gaupp (January, 2007)
“Clay-organic interactions in natural claystone formations: What have we learnt?” 1st bilateral IRSN (Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire)– FZK-INE meeting, Tournemire, France. Invited by Dr. Michel Jorda (June 2007)
“Nuclear waste repository research at the nanoscale” DOE Workshop on STXM and X-ray Nanoprobe Capabilities and Needs for Geo-, Environmental, and Biological Sciences, Stanford Campus, Stanford California. Invited by Dr. John Bargar (July 2007)
“Actinide Environmental Chemistry” HERCULES Summer School (HSC8): Synchrotron Radiation and Neutron Techniques in Environmental Sciences, Part of the Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses, Greno-ble, France. Invited by Dr. Jean Susini (ESRF) & Laurent Michot (CNRS) (May 2008)
“Nanoparticle research in the framework of deep geological disposal of radioactive waste” Geoscience Colloquium, George-August-University Göttingen, Germany. Invited by Dr. Cornelius Fischer (December 2008)
“Prediction of colloid mediated radionuclide transport in deep geological nuclear waste reposito-ries: current knowledge” Session 8; MIGRATION’09 conference, 20. – 25. September 2009, Kennewick, USA. Invited by the conference scientific advisory committee.
“Nuclear waste repository research at the micro- to nano-scale” Session I3; ICXOM20, 20th International Congress on X-ray Optics and Microanalysis, September 14th to 18th 2009, Karlsruhe, Germany. Invited by Dr. Melissa A. Denecke.
“The CFM (Colloid Formation and Migration) Project at the Grimsel Test Site (GTS, Switzerland): Results from the colloid tracer tests and model interpretations” Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL); Physics and Life Science Directorate (PLS), USA. Invited by Dr. Annie Kersting (December 2010).