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Institute of Geological Sciences

Hydrogeology Group

Malteserstr. 74-100
Building Haus B
Room 016
12249 Berlin
Britta Ernst

Office hours

Monday & Thursday : from 10 to 12 o´clock

aktueller Veranstaltungskalender Hydrogeologie

Current Job Offers

Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften - AG Hydrogeologie

Akademischer Rat/Akademische Rätin / Wiss. Mitarbeiter*in (m/w/d) Vollzeitbeschäftigung unbefristet Besoldungsgruppe A13 reference code: Hydro-AkadRat

(Die Stelle kann auch mit einer/einem geeigneten Wiss. Mitarbeiter*in Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L FU besetzt werden)
Bewerbungsende: 19.07.2024

Fachliche/r Ansprechpartner/in :

Fachliche Auskünfte erteilt Ihnen gerne Prof. Nadine Göppert (nadine.goeppert@fu-berlin.de).

Mehr Informationen hier als PDF-Download (deutsche Version)

More information here as a PDF download (english version)

Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften - AG Hydrogeologie

Research Assistant (Praedoc), Hydrogeologist (m/f/d) 60-75% part-time job limited to 4 years Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L FU reference code: Hydro-FC
Bewerbungsende: 08.07.2024

The doctoral position is located in the Hydrogeology group at the Institute of Geological Sciences (Prof. Dr. Nadine Goeppert) at FU Berlin in collaboration with the Hydrogeology group at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Prof. Dr. Nico Goldscheider) and the Karst Research Institute in Postojna, Slovenia (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nataša Ravbar).
Our research focuses on groundwater quality and pollutant fate, transport of dissolved and particulate substances, groundwater ecology and microbial dynamics as well as quantitative hydrogeology.

For more  information, please contact Prof. Nadine Göppert.

More information here as a PDF download



Research Topics

Groundwater Sampling

Groundwater Sampling

  • Urban water resources

  • Managed aquifer recharge

  • Impact of climate change on water resources

  • Salt water intrusion

  • Hydrogeology of arid areas

  • Deep aquifer systems/ geothermal systems

  • Well management, well aging