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Dr. Jonas Berking

Jonas Foto

Working Group Prof. Dr. Schütt

Junior Research Group Leader

Malteserstr. 74-100, Building H
Room H 047
12249 Berlin
(+49 30) 838 - 458711

Office hours

on appointment

Work Experience

Since 2012  
Head of Junior Research Group Watermanagement, Cluster of Excellence Topoi (Nachwuchsgruppenleiter)

Postdoc-Fellowship, Humboldt Universität Berlin

Research assistant at Freie Universität Berlin,  BMBF Project: Geoarchäologie in der Steppe

Research assistant at Freie Universität Berlin, Research and Teaching

Student assistant at Freie Universität Berlin for the DFG founded Project: Lake System Response of Nam Co Area, Central Tibet, to Late Quaternary Monsoon Dynamics


Dissertation (FU Berlin)

Diploma degree in Geography (FU Berlin)

Semester abroad at the Polish University of Wroclaw

Geography (main subject)
Chemistry (minor subject)
Geology (minor subject)
Meteorology (minor subject)


Canada - Senior Research stay at the UBC (University of British Columbia)
3 week exchange to the BRAES Institute, UBC Campus Kelowna. Funded by the University Alliance of Sustainability.

Fieldwork in East Andalusia, Spain, watermanagement

Organization of Watermanagement Workshop II/ Conference, Cluster of Excellence Topoi, Berlin.

Organization of Watermanagement Workshop I/ Conference, Cluster of Excellence Topoi, Berlin.

Peru – Joint Project Changes in Ancient Land and Water Use along The Río Ica
University of Cambridge

Fieldwork and Project acquisition in Armenia

Fieldwork in Turkmenistan, Neolithic agriculture

Fieldwork and Project acquisition in SE Spain

Fieldwork and Project acquisition in Turkmenistan

Archaeological excursion along the middle Nile, Sudan

Fieldwork, PhD, Naga, Sudan, Paleoenvironmental reconstructions around Naga,

Fieldwork, PhD, Naga, Sudan, Paleoenvironmental reconstructions around Naga,

Limnological project on selected north American lakes 

Fieldwork, Diploma, lake Nam Co, Tibet 2004    

Fieldwork, Diploma, lake Nam Co, Tibet

Fieldwork, Diploma, lake Nam Co, Tibet DFG founded Project: Lake System Response of Nam Co Area, Central
Tibet, to Late Quaternary Monsoon Dynamics

Fieldwork, student project, central Mongolia


  • Member of the Gesellschaft für Erdkunde
  • Member of the Arbeitskreis Geoarchäologie
  • Member of the Arbeitskreis Geomorphologie
  • Member of the Jungen Geomorphologen
  • Member of the Deutsche Wasserhistorische Gesellschaft (DWhG)


  • Catena – Interdisciplinary Journal (Elsevier)
  • Quaternary International, QI (Elsevier)
  • eTopoi – Journal for Ancient Studies (Open-Access)
  • Arid Land Research and Management (Taylor & Francis)
  • Einführung in geographisches und wissenschaftliches Arbeiten
  • Projektseminare (BA, MA)
  • Einführung in die Geomorphologie und Bodengeographie
  • Einführung in GIS und Fernerkundung
  • Einführung in die Klima- und Hydrogeographie
  • Labormethoden I
  • Methoden der physischen Geographie
  • Theorie und Praxis der physisch-geographischen Methodik
  • Vorlesung Landschaftsarchäologie
  • Master Program: Integrated Water Management. Land and Water Interactions, Deutsch Kasachische Universität, Almaty.

Since 2012   
Topoi, Young Research Group, Ancient Watermanagment.

Since 2011   
DFG Project, Freie Universität Berlin, Co-Applicant: Excavations at Monjukli Depe, Turkmenistan. Fieldwork startet in summer 2011. Project Head: Prof. Dr. R. Bernbeck,  Institut für Vorderasiatische  Archäologie.2011 BMBF Verbundprojekt: „Geoarchäologie in der Steppe --- Zur Rekonstruktion von Kulturlandschaften im Orchon-Tal, Zentrale Mongolei“. Project Head: Prof. Dr. J. Bemmann, Universität Bonn, Institut für Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie. Preparation and presentation of results and final report.

2008- 2010    
Freie Universität Berlin Topoi Project. Research Group AI - Central places and their environment. Egypt Lies in Africa. Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction in Naga, Central Sudan. PI: Prof. Dr. D. Wildung and Prof. Dr. B. Schütt. Research assistant. Project for doctoral thesis.

Deep Core Drilling Project, University of Minnesota, USA and activities for the DFG  Proposal on: “Forcing mechanisms of drought cycles over central North America from the  mid to the late Holocene: Combining evidence from lake sediments and climate modeling”. Research assistant.

DFG joint research initiative: “Lake System Response of Nam Co Area, Central Tibet, to Late Quaternary Monsoon Dynamics”. With subproject: Lake system response of Nam Co area, Central Tibet, to Late Quaternary monsoon dynamics: Interaction of littoral, fluvial  and slope processes. PI: Prof. Dr. B. Schütt. Research assistant.                        

Published (international peer reviewed)


  • Isselhorst, S., Berking, J. and Schütt, B. 2018. Water Pricing Following Rainfall Distribution and Its Implications for Irrigation Agriculture: A Case Study from Vélez Blanco, Andalusia (1967–2006). Agricultural Water Management 199: 34–47. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2017.11.018.


  • Berking, J., Schütt, B., Bebermeier, W., Schmid. S. 2017. Wasserwirtschaft. Gärten und Teiche in der Wüste. In Spektrum der Wissenschaften, Spektrum Spezial 4.17, 36-41.

  • Berking, J., Beckers, B., Reimann, T., Pollock, S., Bernbeck, R. 2017. “Modern Impacts on an Ancient Landscape, the Piedmont Plain in Southwest Turkmenistan.” Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, January, n/a – n/a. doi:10.1002/wat2.1202.

  • Haburaj, V., Berking, J., Beresford-Jones, D., Knitter,D., Zeki, L., Sturt, F., Pullen, A., Huaman, O., Lane, K., French, C. 2017. “Geo-Statistical Methods to Analyse Changes in Pre-Hispanic Settlement Patterns in the Río Ica Catchment, Peru.” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 12 (April): 272–87. doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2017.01.033.


  • Möller, C., Resch, C., Leder, A., Schütt, B. and Berking, J. 2016. Roman Water Law- a Database Approach. In Waser, Wege, Wissen Auf Der Iberischen Halbinsel: Vom Römischen Imperium Bis Zur Islamischen Herrschaft, 2016, ISBN 978-3-8487-2770-4, 89–94. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft

  • Berking, J. 2016. “The Berlin 2014 Water Management Workshop.” Water History 8 (1): 41–42.

  • Berking, J., Beckers, B., Knitter, D., Schütt, B. 2016. “Problems Concerning Ancient Water Management in the Mediterranean.” eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies 6: 74-99.
  • Möller, C., Resch, C., Leder, A., Schütt, B., Berking, J. (2016): Roman Water Law - A database approach, in: Wasser – Wege – Wissen Auf Der Iberischen Halbinsel Vom Römischen Imperium Bis Zur Muselmanischen Herrschaft. Tagungsband Zur Gleichnamigen Tagung in Elche 2014 | Topoi. pp. 89–94.


  • Roth, D., Beckers, B., Berking, J., Isselhorst, S. Schütt, B. 2015. „A Short History of the Water and Society in the Region of Vélez Blanco, East Andalusia“. Water History, doi:10.1007/s12685-015-0139-5.
  • Pollock, S., Bernbeck, R., Beckers, B., Benecke, N., Berking, J., Castro Gessner, G., Eger, J. and Öğüt, B.. 2015. Landscape Setting and Fluvial History of Monjukli Depe. In Archaeological Work at Monjukli Depe: A Regional Perspective. Archäologische Mitteilungen Aus Iran Und Turan 47:1–47.


  • Berking, J., Beckers., B., Schütt, B. Watermanagement through time and space. IWA Regional Symposium on Water, Wastewater and Environment: Traditions and Culture. E-proceedings, 49-57.


  • Beckers, B., Berking, J., Schütt, B. 2013. Ancient water harvesting methods in the drylands of the Mediterranean and Western Asia. eTopoi. Volume 2, 145–164.


  • Beckers, B., Berking, J., Schütt, B. 2012. The Elaborated Ancient Water Supply System of Resafa. Risk and Uncertainty of Water Harvesting in the Syrian Desert Steppe. Etopoi, Special Volume 3 , 149–153.
  • Berking, J., Körper, J. Wagner, S., Cubasch, U., Schütt, B.: Heavy Rainfalls in a Desert(ed) City – A climate-archaeological case study from central Sudan. American Geophysical Union, in: Geophysical Monograph Series: "Climates, Past Landscapes, and Civilizations", in press.
  • Grützner, C., Ahrens, B., Bemmann, J., Berking, J., Klinger, R., Klitzsch, N., Linzen, S., Mackens, S., Oczipka, M., Piezonka, H., Schneider, M., Schütt, B. 2012. Improving archaeological site-analysis: A rampart in the middle Orkhon Valley investigated with combined geoscience techniques. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 9, 70–80.


  • Berking, J., Meister, J., Ullrich, B., Schott, M., Kaufmann, G., Schütt, B. 2011. Geoarchaeological Methods for Landscape Reconstruction at the Excavation Site of Naga, Central Sudan. Die Erde, 3,289-313.
  • Berking, J., Schütt, B. 2011.Geoarcheology and Chronostratigraphy in the Vicinity of Meroitic Naga in Northern Sudan - a Review. Etopoi, 1,23-43.
  • Berking, J., Schütt, B.. Late Quaternary Morphodynamics in the Area of the Meroitic Settlement of Naga, Central Sudan. ZFG, Suppl., 55, 3, 1 – 24.


  • Berking, J., Beckers, B., Schütt, B.. Runoff in two semi-arid watersheds in a geoarcheological context: A case study of Naga, Sudan, and Resafa, Syria. Geoarchaeology,  25, 6,  815–836.
  • Schütt, B., Berking, J., Frechen, F., Frenzel, P., Schwalb, A., Wrozyna, C.. Late Quaternary transition from lacustrine to a fluvio-lacustrine environment in the north-western Nam Co, Tibetan Plateau, China. Quaternary International, 218, 104-117.
  • Herrmann, M., Lu, X., Berking, J., Schütt, B., Yao, T., Mosbrugger, V.. Reconstructing Holocene vegetation and climate history of Nam Co area (Tibet), using pollen and other palynomorphs. Quaternary International, 218, 45-57.
  • Keil, A., Berking, J., Mügler, I., Schütt, B., Schwalb, A., Steeb, P.. Hydrological and geomorphological basin and catchment characteristics of Lake Nam Co, South-Central Tibet. Quaternary International, 218, 118-130.
  • Mügler, I., Gleixner, G., Mäusbacher, R., Daut, G., Schütt, B., Berking, J., Schwalb, A., Schwark, L., Xu, B., Yao, T., Zhu, L., Yi, Ch.. A multi-proxy approach to reconstruct hydrological changes and Holocene. Journal of Paleolimnology. 43, 625 -348.


  • Berking, J., Keil, A., Schütt, B. 2009. A review of the (paleo-)hydrological and geomorphological character of Lake Nam Co, South-Central Tibet. Quaternary Sciences, 29, 4, 655-664.


  • Schütt, B., Berking, J., Frechen, M., Yi, C.. Late Pleistocene Lake Level Fluctuations of the Nam Co, Tibetan Plateau, China. ZFG, 52, 57-75.

Popular Science (and other contributions)

  • Berking, J., Schomberg, An, Ißelhorst, S., Schütt, B. 2018. Von Kanälen, Becken und Wasserhebesystemen. Antike Welt. Band 2/ 2018. 52-58.
  • Berking, J., Schütt, B., Bebermeier, W., Schmid. S. 2017. Wasserwirtschaft. Gärten und Teiche in der Wüste. In Spektrum der Wissenschaften, Spektrum Spezial 4.17, 36-41.
  • Berking, J. 2018. Beitrag im Deutschlandfunk. Wissen der Antike. Wie die Denker der Vergangenheit die Welt sahen. (26. April 2018, https://www.topoi.org/news/hor-tipp-radiobeitrag-zur-topoi-jahrestagung-2018/)
  • Berking, J., Anselm, N. 2012. Script for the Module on Land and Water Interactions. Master program Integrated Water Management. FU, DKU. 173 pages.
  • Märtin et al. 2012. Beitrag zu: Jenseits des Horizonts., eine Ausstellung des Excellenzclusters Topoi im Pergamonmuseum, Berlin.
  • Schwalb, A., Steeb, P., Wrozyna, C., Mäusbacher, R., Daut, G., Wallner, J., Kroemer, E., Gleixner, G., Mügler, I., Sachse, D., Mosbrugger, V., Schütt, B. and Berking, J. 2007. The Top of the World as a Climate Sensor. German Research.


In press

  • Berking, J. (Ed.): Water Harvesting in Drylands, Water knowledge from the past for the present and future. Pfeilverlag München.
  • Berking, J. (Ed.): Watermanagement in Ancient Civilizations. Vol. 53. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World. Berlin.
  •  Isselhorst, S., Berking, J. and Schütt, B.: Irrigation Communities and Agricultural Water Management in Andalusia - A Special Focus on the Vega of Vélez Blanco. In Water Management in Ancient Civilizations Vol. 53. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World. Berlin
  • Frechen, M., Tsukamoto, S., Berking, J., Schütt, S.: OSL Chronology of Late Holocene Sand Mobility at Nam Co on the Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary International, in press.


Conference Contributions

  • Berking, J., Schütt, B.:Aix en Provence, Hydromed Conference, 2016: Traditional Knowledge in Water Management to Cope the Problems of Tomorrow (Keynote & Posters).
  • Ißelhorst, S., Berking, J., Schütt, B.: Tagung Wasser Wege Wissen, 2016, Berlin: Traditional water management, a case study from NE-Andalusia.
  • Berking, J., Waterworkshop, Berlin, Topoi, 2016: Watermanagement - Introduction into an interdisciplinary group and topic.
  • Berking, J., Beckers, B. and Isselhorst, S., Delft, Netherlands 2015  - Water management in the Mediterranean – strategies and persistent structures
  • Beckers, B., Berking, J. and Braun, R. Delft, Netherlands 2015   - The ancient hydraulic landscape of Los Vélez, SE Spain
  • Berking, J., 2014, 8. Deutsche Archäologiekongress: Wassermanagement, eine kurze Geschichte durch Raum und Zeit
  • Berking, J., B. Beckers and B. Schütt: Watermanagement through time and space, IWA, international conference, Patras, Greece, 2014
  • Berking, J.: The Keytopic Watermanagement. DWHG, München, 2014
  • Berking, J.: Heavy Rainfalls in a Desert(ed) City – A climate-archaeological case study from central Sudan. AGU, fall meeting San Francisco, 2013.
  • Berking, J.: The History of Watermanagement. Kolloquium Wasserwesen, TU Berlin. 2013.
  • Berking, J., Beckers, B.:  The Natural Setting of Monjukli Depe, South-Central Turkmenistan. Topoi Workshop “The Archaeology of Neolithic and Early Chalcolithic/Aeneolithic Central Iran and Turan”, 2012, Berlin. 
  • Beckers, B., Berking, J., Schütt, B. 2012. The Elaborated Ancient Water Supply System of Resafa. Risk and Uncertainty of Water Harvesting in the Syrian Desert Steppe. Etopoi, Special Volume 3 , 149–153.
  • Berking, J., Beckers, B., Schütt, B.: Wateravailablity at the ancient town of Naga, Central Sudan. Internationales Symposium, Frontinus Gesellschaft. Wien, 2011.
  • Berking, J., Körper, J., Schütt, B.: Geoarchaeological and Chronostratigraphical Targets around Naga, Central-Sudan. INQuA 2011, Bern, oral presentation.
  • Körper, J., Berking, J., Bebermeier, W., Slaby, M., Wagner, S., Cubasch, U., Alexanian, N., Seidlmayer, S.: Application of paleoclimatic simulations in a geoarchaeological framework – two case studies along the Nile. AGU 2011 Chapman Conference on Climates, Past Landscapes, and Civilizations
  • Beckers, B., J. Berking: A history of water supply: Examples from the Near East and along the Nile. Dai Vortragsreihe, Cairo, 2010.
  • Berking, J., Schütt, B.: Geoarchaeological Survey in Naga, Central-Sudan - Methods and Targets. International Colloquium on Geoacheaology. Cairo, 2010.
  • Berking, J., Schütt, B.: Geoarchaeological Survey in Naga, Central-Sudan. Deutscher Arbeitskreis für Geomorphologie. Schmitten, 2010.
  • Berking, J., Bebermeier, W.: Geoarchäologische Reise entlang des Nils. GFE Vortragsreihe, 2010.
  • Wagner, S., Koerper, J., Berking, J.: Statistical downscaling of precipitation of two transient Holocene AOGCM simulations for central Sudan, Abstract IMSC 2010, Edinburgh
  • Beckers, B., Berking, J., Schütt, B.: Available water from surface runoff in semiarid environments. LAC, Amsterdam 2010, oral presentation.
  • Berking, J., Schütt, B.: Geoarcheological Survey in Naga. Jahrestagung der Afrikagruppe deutscher Geowissenschaftler (AdG), Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin, Short Presentation, 2009.
  • Berking, J.: Recent geo-archaeological research at Naga (Sudan). Dai Vortragsreihe, Cairo, 2009.
  • Beckers, B., Berking, J.: Comparison of two ancient central places in Syria and Sudan in a geoarchaeological context. Geoarchaeology Meeting 2009. Sheffield, UK.
  • Berking, J., Schütt, B.: Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction and Geoarchaeological Survey around Naga, Central Sudan. 3. Mitteleuropäische Geomorphologietagung, Salzburg, 2008.
  • Schwalb, A., Wrozyna, C., Steeb, P., Frenzel, P, Berking, J. Daut, G., Gleixner, G., Mackensen, , Mäusbacher, R., A. Mügler, I., Schütt, B., Zhu, L.: Holocene moisture changes on the Southern Tibetan Plateau based on ostracode records from Lake Nam Co sediments. 4th International Limnogeology Congress (ILIC 4), Barcelona, Spain, Abstract volume: 69-70, 2007.
  • Schütt, B., Berking, J., Keil, A.,Chalou, Y.: Geomorphometric Analysis of landscape units in the Nam Co Basin, Tibetan Plateau, China. XVII INQUA Congress, Cairns, Australia. Quaternary International 167-168 Supplement: 370, 2007.
  • Schütt, B., Berking, J., Keil, A.,Chalou, Y.: Holocene Lake Lake Level Changes of Nam Co as a Reaction to Late Glacial Glacier Decay and Holocene Climate Change. INQUA workshop on Timing and nature of mountain glaciation, from High Asia to the World 14-22 September, 2006 Xining, China. p. 33 (book of abstracts), 2006.
  • Schütt, B., Berking, J., Keil, A.,Chalou, Y.: Young Quaternary Lake-Level-Changes in Nam Co Basin, Tibetan Plateau, China. 32th Meeting of AK Geomorpholgie, Dresden, Germany, 2006.
  • Schütt, B., Keil, A., Berking, J.: Geomorphometric Analysis of the Nam Co Basin, Tibetan Plateau, China. 32th Meeting of AK Geomorpholgie, Dresden, Germany, 2006.
  • Mügler, I., Berking, J., Mäusbacher, R., Mosbrugger, V., Schütt, B., Schwalb, A., Steeb, P., Wrozyna, C., Chalou, Y., Xu, B., Yao, T.: Lake System Response of Nam CO Area, Southern Tibet to Late Quaternary Monsoon Dynamics. PAGES Meeting, Beijing 2006.

    Diploma Thesis: 
    Berking, J. 2007. Late Quaternary lake-level-changes of the lake Nam Co, Tibet, China.Diploma thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, 57 pp.

    PhD thesis: 
    Berking, J. 2011. Geoarchaeology in drylands - Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions in the vicinity of Naga, Central Sudan. Cumulative dissertation. Freie Universität Berlin.