Dipl.-Geogr. Tobias Kraudzun

Department of Geography
Human Geography
Workgroup Prof. Dr. Kreutzmann
PhD Candidate
Room K 175
12249 Berlin
Office hours
by arrangement
Short Biography
since 2007 | Research Associate and PhD Candidate at the Centre for Development Studies (ZELF), FU Berlin |
2006 | Diploma from the Institute of Geography at the Universität Hamburg |
1996 - 2005 | Studies of Geography, Anthropology and Computer Science at the University of Hamburg |
1991 - 1994 | Slavonic Studies and History at the University of Rostock |
Research topics
- Geographical development research
- Centre-periphery-relations
- Ressource economy and conflicts
- Border(ing) studies
- Regional focus: Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia
Research projects
- „Transformation Processes in the Eastern Pamirs of Tajikistan. The presence and future of energy resources in the framework of sustainable development” (funded by the VolkswagenStiftung, 2012-2015)
- „Menschliche Sicherheit und Entwicklung in Afghanistan oder welches Umfeld braucht Entwicklung? Regionale Analysen und Entwicklungschancen in den Provinzen Badakhshan, Baghlan, Balkh, Kunduz und Takhar" (funded by the Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, 2008-2012)
- „Existenzsicherung von Pastoralisten und gesellschaftlicher Wandel im Grenzland Pamir“ (Dissertation project)
- „Transformation Processes in the Eastern Pamirs of Tajikistan. Changing Land Use Practices, Possible Ecological Degradation and Sustainable Development” (funded by the VolkswagenStiftung, 2007-2010)
- Kraudzun, T., K. Vanselow and C. Samimi (2014): Realities and Myths of the Teresken Syndrome - An evaluation of the exploitation of dwarf shrub resources in the Eastern Pamirs of Tajikistan. Journal of Environmental Management 132, pp. 49-59.
- Kraudzun, T. (2013): Energiekrise im Pamir - Herausforderungen nachhaltiger Versorgung. Geographische Rundschau 65 (11), pp. 48-49.
Dörre, A. und T. Kraudzun (2012): Persistence and change in Soviet and Russian relations with Afghanistan. In: Central Asian Survey 31, iss. 4, pp. 425-443.
Kraudzun, T., and C. Samimi (2012): Energieversorgung im Pamir – Herausforderungen einer nachhaltigen Versorgung. Zentralasien-Analysen 57, pp. 9-15.
Vanselow, K., T. Kraudzun, and C. Samimi (2012): Land stewardship in practice – An example from the Eastern Pamirs of Tajikistan. In V. Squires (ed.): Rangeland stewardship in Central Asia: Balancing Improved livelihoods, Biodiversity Conservation and Land Protection. pp. 71-90. Dordrecht: Springer.
Vanselow, K., T. Kraudzun, and C. Samimi (2012): Grazing practices and pasture tenure in the Eastern Pamirs: the nexus of pasture use, pasture potential and property rights. Mountain Research and Development 32(3), pp. 324-336. (pdf)
Vanselow, K., T. Kraudzun, and C. Samimi (2012): Praktika soderzhaniya skota na pastbishchakh i pastbishchepol'zovanie na Vostochnom Pamire. Mountain Research and Development 32(3), pp. R74-R87. (pdf)
Kraudzun, T., and F. Kreczi (2012): Well-being of the ‘new pastoralists’ in the Eastern Pamirs of Tajikistan. Conference paper at Micro-Level Analysis of Well-Being in Central Asia, 10.-11.05.2012, DIW, Humboldt-Universität Berlin. (pdf)
- Kraudzun, T. (2012): Livelihoods of the ‘New Livestock Breeders’ in the Eastern Pamirs of Tajikistan. In H. Kreutzmann (ed.): Pastoral Practices in High Asia. (=Advances in Asian Human-environmental Research; 5). pp. 89-107: Springer. (pdf)
- Vanselow, K., T. Kraudzun, H. Kreutzmann, and C. Samimi (2011): Transitions of Land Use Practices, Possible Ecological Degradation and Sustainable Development in the Eastern Pamirs of Tajikistan. Conference paper at International Symposium ‘Pastoralism in Central Asia: Status, Challenges and Perspectives’, Bishkek, 13.-18.06.2011.
- Samimi, C., K. Vanselow, T. Kraudzun, C. Aknazarov, and H. Kreutzmann (2011): Der Ostpamir nach der Unabhängigkeit Tadschikistans - Landnutzungsverhältnisse und Ökologie. In D. Anhuf, T. Fickert, and F. Grüninger (eds.): Ökozonen im Wandel. (=Passauer Kontaktstudium Erdkunde; 11). pp. 175-184. Passau: Fach Geographie der Universität Passau. (pdf)
- Kraudzun, T., and H. Kreutzmann (2011): Murghab Town and the Pamir Highway. In M. Hauser (ed.): The Pamirs : Tourist Map of Gorno Badakhshan (including Background Information on the Region). Hinteregg: Gecko Maps.
- Kraudzun, T. (2011): Making a living in the Pamirs. In M. Hauser (ed.): The Pamirs : Tourist Map of Gorno Badakhshan (including Background Information on the Region). Hinteregg: Gecko Maps.
- Kraudzun, T. (2011): From the Pamir Frontier to International Borders: Exchange Relations of the Borderland Population. In B. Bruns and J. Miggelbrink (eds.): Subverting Borders. Doing Research on Smuggling and Small-Scale Trade. pp. 171-191. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. (pdf)
- Samimi, C., K. Vanselow, T. Kraudzun, and H. Kreutzmann (2010): Dwarf shrubs as energy supply and fodder. Competing ecosystem services in the Eastern Pamirs. Conference paper at Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Washington DC, April 14-18, 2010.
- Samimi, C., T. Kraudzun, H. Kreutzmann, K. Vanselow, and C. Aknazarov (2010): Transitions of Land Use Practices, Possible Ecological Degradation and Sustainable Development in the Eastern Pamirs of Tajikistan. Conference paper at Between Europe and the Orient - A Focus on Research and Higher Education in/on Central Asia, Bishkek, June 7 – 9, 2010.
- Kraudzun, T. (2010): Ein Tag auf der Weide. In S. Bill (ed.): Tadschikistan: Zwischen Dušanbe und dem Dach der Welt. pp. 159-161. Berlin: Trescher-Verlag.
- Samimi, C., K. Vanselow, T. Kraudzun, and H. Kreutzmann (2009): Ecosystem Services in the Eastern Pamirs of Tajikistan. Can a price be ascertained? Mountain Forum Library (=http://www.mtnforum.org/rs/ol/browse.cfm?tp=vd&docid=5443).
- Kraudzun, T., E. Nötzel, M. Schulte, and Y. Schulte (2009): Unabhängigkeit von oben. Eine vorläufige Bilanz der postsowjetischen Systemtransformation in Zentralasien. iz3w (314):16-20. (pdf)
- Kraudzun, T. (2009): Kochevoe Zhivodnovodstvo na Tajikskom Pamire (=Mobile Husbandry in the Tajik Pamirs). In K. Karimov and O. Aknazarov (eds.): Sostoyanie i perspektivy ispol’zovaniya biologicheskykh resursov vysokogornykh regionov (=Condition and Perspectives of the use of Natural Resources in High Mountain Areas). pp. 120-121. Chorog.
- Kraudzun, T. (2009): Mobile Viehwirtschaft im tadschikischen Pamir. In B. Toktoraliev and H. Kreutzmann (eds.): Herausforderungen für die Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen in Hochgebirgsregionen Tadschikistans und Kirgistans. pp. 141-152. Osh. (pdf)
- Kraudzun, T. (2008): Institutional changes in pasture management in the Eastern Pamirs after the collapse of the USSR. Conference paper at Conference on Best Practices in Sustainable Land and natural Resources Management in the Tajik and Afghan Pamirs, Chorog, August 29 – 31, 2007, pp. 20.
- Kraudzun, T. (2005): Institutionelle Dimension der Transformationsprozesse im Ost-Pamir (Tadschikistan). Diplomarbeit, Universität Hamburg. (pdf)
(with H. Zandler): "Das 'Teresken-Syndrom' ? - Zwergsträucher, Energie und Weiden im Ostpamir, Tadschikistan". Vortrag auf der Konferenz "58. Deutscher Geographentag 2013", Universität Passau, 5.10.2013
- "Zwischen 'nahem' und 'fernem Ausland' - Livelihoods und Hegemonie in der 'Grenzzone' Pamir in Tadschikistan". Vortrag auf der Konferenz "58. Deutscher Geographentag 2013", Universität Passau, 03.10.2013
- "Bottom-up and Top-down Developments of the Energy Transformation in the Tajik Pamirs". Vortrag auf der Konferenz "Biennial Conference of the European Society for Central Asian Studies", Nazarbayev University Astana, 06.08.2013
- (with F. Kreczi) Well-being of the 'new pastoralists' in the Eastern Pamirs. Presentation at the conference “Micro-Level Analysis of Well-Being in Central Asia”, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, 10.05.2012
- (with K. Vanselow) Zur Weidewirtschaft im Ostpamir von Tadschikistan – Eine interdisziplinäre Studie zu Futterpotential, Nutzungspraxis und Nutzungsrechten. Presentation at the conference „Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreis Hochgebirge 2012“, Universität München, 11.02.2012
- (with C. Samimi) Transformation Processes in the Eastern Pamirs of Tajikistan. Changing Land Use Practices, Possible Ecological Degradation and Sustainable Development. Presentation at the international symposium “Between Europe and the Orient”. Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), 08.06.2010
- Ressourcen, Viehzüchter und Transfers – Pastoralismus des Ost-Pamir im gesellschaftlichen Wandel. Vortrag auf dem Kolloquium des Institutes für Geographische Wissenschaften der Freien Universität Berlin, 18.05.2010
- Kochevoe Zhivodnovodstvo na Tajikskom Pamire. Presentation at the conference dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the foundation of the Pamir-Biological Institute of the Akademy of Science of Tajikistan „Sostoyanie i perspektivy ispol’zovaniya biologicheskykh resursov vysokogornykh regionov“, Khorog (Tadschikistan) 15.08.2009
- (with K. Vanselow) Transformationsprozesse im tadschikischen Ostpamir. Interdisziplinäre Erforschung veränderter politisch-ökonomischer und ökologischer Rahmenbedingungen. Presentation at the colloquium of the Institute for Geography at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen 16.07.2009
- Delayed changes – Pastoralism in the post-soviet Tajik Pamirs. Presentation at the workshop “Major Incidents and Their Impact on Nomadic-Sedentary Relations”, Halle 24.10.2008
- Mobile Viehwirtschaft im tadschikischen Ost-Pamir. Presentation at the international conference „Herausforderungen für die Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen in Hochgebirgsregionen Tadschikistans und Kirgistans“, Osch 24.08.2008
- Produktionsorganisation mobiler Viehwirtschaft und Nutzungsmuster der Hochgebirgsweiden im Ost-Pamir unter den Rahmenbedingungen verzögerter Transformation in Tadschikistan. Presentation at the 17th „Jahrestreffen des Arbeitskreis Hochgebirge”, Passau 18.01.2008
- Institutional changes in pasture management in the Eastern Pamirs. Presentation at the conference “Best practices in sustainable land and natural resources management in the Tajik and Afghan Pamirs”, Khorog (Tadschikistan), 30.08.2007
- Human-Nature Interaction in the Eastern Pamirs of Tajikistan. Ecosystem services against the background of pasture use and energy consumption (European Geosciences Union. General Assembly. Wien, April 22-27 2012)
- Transformation Processes in the Eastern Pamirs of Tajikistan. (Geo.X: Synergien für globale Herausforderungen. Geowissenschaftliche Kompetenznetzwerk in der Region Berlin-Potsdam, Juli 2010)
- Transformation Processes in the Eastern Pamirs of Tajikistan. Changing Land Use Practices, Possible Ecological Degradation and Sustainable Development. (International Symposium “Between Europe and the Orient. A Focus on Research and Higher Education in/on Central Asia”, Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), 07.-10.06.2010)
- Der postsowjetische Transformationsprozess im tadschikischen Ostpamir. (Deutscher Geographentag Wien 2009. Geographie für eine Welt im Wandel. 19.-26.09.2009)
- Animal Husbandry in the Tajik Pamirs. Changing Modes of High Mountain Pastoralism under Different Politico-economical Systems. (Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Freie Universität Berlin, Juli 2009)
- Der postsowjetische Transformationsprozess im tadschikischen Ostpamir. Interdisziplinäre Untersuchung von Einflüssen des Produktionssystems Mobile Viehwirtschaft auf die Naturressourcen. (18. Jahrestreffen des AK Hochgebirge, Uni Heidelberg 23.-25.01.2009)
Arbeitskreis Hochgebirge
Arbeitskreis Geographische Entwicklungstheorien
Verband der Geographen an deutschen Hochschulen (VGDH)
Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS)