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DRU at the “Fachtagung Katastrophenvorsorge”

News from Nov 08, 2022

At this year's “Fachtagung Katastrophenvorsorge 2022”, the Disaster Research Unit provided the following inputs in addition to participating in various events:

On the first day of the symposium, Prof. Dr. Martin Voss contributed to the workshop “Save - Protect - Prepare. Heat action plans in response to the challenges of extreme heat in climate change” with a presentation on voluntary engagement in the context of heat waves. He argued that heat waves need to be understood as a joint task for society as a whole.

In context of the project ATLAS-ENGAGE, Theresa Zimmermann and Sara Merkes hosted together with Marion Heymel (Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK)), Dr. Petra Krüger (Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW)), and Tessa Bodynek (German Red Cross (DRK)) a participatory side event on the topic "Is contributing all that matters? Facets of different forms of civil society engagement in disaster response". One take-home-message is that volunteering in civil protection contexts is diversifying and that new challenges are arising in terms of interfaces and concepts for cooperation.

On the second day, Prof. Dr. Martin Voss was guest in the panel discussion “After the Crisis is Before the Crisis: How Do We Equip Civil Protection for New Challenges?”. Together with René Burfeindt, Dr. Wolfram Geier, and Finn-Christopher Brüning, he talked about current challenges for population protection in Germany.

On the third day, there was a panel consisting of the cooperating research projects RESIK and AUPIK, both financed by the BMBF. The panel was called “Disaster protection, hospitals and care facilities: Networks and cooperation in times of crisis and disaster”, delivered by researchers from DRU, German Red Cross and the University of Tübingen. They focused on critical infrastructure in a medical and care context, given in short presentations. From the DRU Sidonie Hänsch talked about challenges during the evacuation of care- and nursing homes, based on data derived from case studies. Nicolas Bock analyzed the dependencies and interactions in moments of disaster in health care networks during his presentation.

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