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DRU at the NEEDS22

News from Oct 31, 2022

The DRU is represented at NEEDS22 in Copenhagen from 01.11.22 on with several presentations.

Theresa Zimmermann and Sara T. Merkes will give a presentation in the context of the project ATLAS-ENGAGE on "Whose disaster? Disaster involvement as a conflicted field between cooperation and competition" with contributions from Stephan Lorenz from the INCREASE project.

Vicente Sandoval and Verena Flörchinger represent the INCREASE project with an input on "Integrated Disaster Risk Management: from an International Perspective to Germany - Ongoing Research".

From the RESIK project, Nicolas Bock and Sidone Hänsch present a paper on "Civil Defense and Institutional Healthcare in Germany: Challenges in Vulnerability as Reflected in Current Discourse on Disaster Prevention" in a panel moderated by Daniel F. Lorenz and Cordula Dittmer on "Preparing for War and Disaster - Different Approaches and Current Challenges from the Perspective of Disaster Research".

From the HoWas21 project, Daniel F. Lorenz and Cordula Dittmer will discuss "Disaster Governance in the 2021 Flash Floods in Germany" and a paper on "Conceptualizing Different Scopes, Speeds and Durations of Disasters Using a Bourdieuan Approach." Daniel F. Lorenz and Cordula Dittmer will also participate in a workshop on "Slow Disasters" hosted by a Marie Sklodowaska Action.

For more information on NEEDS22

Website https://eventsignup.ku.dk/needs2022

Twitter @Needs_conf #NEEDS2022

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