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Sonnenstandsberechnung / Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Fischer, Dr. René Preusker

Markus Thürkow / Bachelorarbeit – 2009

This bachelor thesis deals with the calculation of the suns position and tries to find differences in variety calculation methods. Differences in azimuth and elevation are found out up to 0.790° respectively 0.438°. The differences strongly sway in their time-spatial distribution. The seasonal cycle represents the biggest influence. There appear four extreme values, where the differences of the angles show their maximum abnormality. The biggest spatially distributed differences have been noticed in locations close to the poles, or rather where the calculated angle of the elevation is small. This abnormality depends on an account of time shift. The time shift can be up to 80 seconds, what is equivalent to a solar hour angle up to 5.3°. Afterwards this affects the approximate values of the declination and the equation of time. Based on the strong correlation of the equation of time with the differences from the azimuth and the elevation in the seasonal cycle, this can be determined as the crucial factor of influence. Furthermore the influence of the refraction R is not to be neglected, because this can be up to 0.58° of the elevation.The programs NOAA-1 and WEW-2 delivered the best correlation.

Sonnenstandsberechnung / Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Fischer, Dr. René Preusker
Markus Thürkow / Bachelorarbeit
Institut für Meteorologie / Institut für Weltraumwissenschaften, Institut für Meteorologie / Standort: Bibliothek
sun position, azimuth, elevation, declination, solar hour angle, equation ot time, refraction
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43 Seiten