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Projekt ENES (Die Projektfinanzierung erfolgt durch die beteiligten Institutionen)

Europäisches Netzwerk für Erdsystem-Modellierung
Assoziiert : Prof. Ulrich Cubasch EMail Phone ++49-30-838-71217 (FAX 71160)
Dr. Ingo Kirchner EMail Phone ++49-30-838-71151
Beschreibung des Projektes
ENES will develop an advanced software and hardware environment in Europe, under which the most advanced high resolution climate models can be developed, improved, and integrated. The participating institutions agree to create a European Network for Earth System Modelling (ENES) with the purpose of working together and cooperating towards the development of a European network for Earth system modelling. These institutions include university departments, research centres, meteorological services, computer centres and industrial partners. ENES is intended
  1. to help in the development and evaluation of state-of-the-art climate and Earth system models,
  2. to facilitate focused model intercomparisons in order to assess and improve these models,
  3. to encourage exchanges of software and model results, and
  4. to help in the development of high performance computing facilities dedicated to long high-resolution multi-model ensemble integrations.
An immediate objective of ENES is the development and implementation of the EC-supported PRISM project. The purpose of PRISM is the development of a flexible model structure in Europe with interchangeable model components, standard interfaces and a universal coupler. Another important objective of PRISM is to provide recommendations regarding the establishment of a European supercomputing system (with associated data storage and other facilities) and a powerful network dedicated to Earth System Modelling. ENES will organize itself along the lines described in the PRISM proposal submitted in year 2000 to the European Union.

Ergebnisse und Links

Weitere Projektinformationen können Sie unter http://www.enes.org aufrufen.