Convener EGS/EUG/AGU NH3 „Diagnosis, modelling and forecasting of natural hazards produced by extreme weather and climate change“ with Llasat, M.; Loukas, A.
Co-convener EGS/EUG/AGU CL4 „Large-scale climate modes in the Northern Hemisphere“ with: Stephenson, D.B.
Brücher, T.; Ulbrich, U. (2003): Anthropogenic changes of summer precipitation in North Rhine - Westphalia, Germany. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, EAE03-A-02736, ISSN 1029-7006
Brücher, T.; Ulbrich, U. (2003): Anthropogenic changes in daily precipitation in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. International Conference on Earth System Modelling, Hamburg.
Leckebusch, G.C. and U. Ulbrich, 2003: Cyclone and extreme windstorm events over Europe under climate change: Global and regional climate model diagnostics. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, EAE03-A-11248, ISSN 1029-7006.
Leckebusch, G.; Ulbrich, U. (2003): Evaluation of Extreme Events in Different Climate Models (GCM and RCM): An Analysis of Wind Storms over Europe. International Conference on Earth System Modelling, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology,Hamburg 2003, p225.
Spangehl, T., G.C. Leckebusch and P. Speth, 2003: Katabatic winds over Antarctica and the relationship with Southern Hemispheric atmospheric circulation variability. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, EAE03-A-11632, ISSN 1029-7006.
Ulbrich, U.; Brücher, T.; Fink, A.; Leckebusch, G.; Krüger, A.; Pinto, J. (2003): The central European floods in August 2002: Meteorological conditions, synoptic developments and climate change perspectives. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, EAE03-A-03404, ISSN 1029-7006
Ulbrich, U. (2003): Modellsimulationen von klimatischen Extremereignissen in Europa: Heutiges Klima und Treibhausgasszenarien. Fachsitzung FS3 (Klimatische Extremereignisse in Europa - Rekonstruktion, Analyse, Prognose. 54. Deutscher Geographentag, Bern (eingeladener Vortrag).
Ulbrich, U., T. Brücher, A.H. Fink, G.C. Leckebusch, A. Krüger and J.G. Pinto, 2003: The central European floods in August 2002: Meteorological conditions, synoptic developments and climate change perspectives. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, EAE03-A-03404, ISSN 1029-7006.