Co-convener NH2.01 „Meteorological and hydrological hazards: Diagnosis, modelling and forecasting extreme rainfall events and storms“ with Boni, G.; Bardossy, A., Montanari, A.
Co-convener OA26.03 „Climate variability: The northern oscillations: NAO and AO“ with: Stephenson, D.B.
Boni, G.; Parodi, A.; Pinto, J.G.; Rudari, R.; Ulbrich, U., 2001: Observed rainfall extremes in the Po valley: statistical and meteorological evidences. EGS Nizza, NH2.01
Brücher, T., A. Krüger und U. Ulbrich, 2001: Entwicklung von Extremsituationen bzgl. Niederschlag im Bereich NRW. DACH 2001, Wien. Österreichische Beiträge zu Meteorologie und Geophysik, ISSN Heft Nr. 27/ Publ. Nr. 399 (CD-ROM).
Hübener, H.; Ulbrich, U.; Speth, P., 2001: Die Rolle barokliner Instabilität für Niederschlagsereignisse während der Changma-Periode in Korea. DACH 2001, Wien. Österreichische Beiträge zu Meteorologie und Geophysik, ISSN Heft Nr. 27/ Publ. Nr. 399 (CD-ROM).
Krüger, A., und U. Ulbrich, 2001: Abschätzung der Entwicklung des Winterniederschlags in Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW). DACH 2001, Wien. Österreichische Beiträge zu Meteorologie und Geophysik, ISSN Heft Nr. 27/ Publ. Nr. 399 (CD-ROM).
Leckebusch, G., T. Spangehl and P. Speth, 2001: The variability of Antarctic katabatic outbreaks and their interaction with anomalies of the southern hemisphere atmospheric circulation. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol.3, 5421. ISSN: 1029-7006.
Leckebusch, G. and P. Speth, 2001: Regional impacts of extreme storm events in a modified climate exemplary for Northrhine-Westfalia, Germany. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol.3, 5279. ISSN: 1029-7006.
Pinto, J.G.; Klawa, M.; Ulbrich, U.; Rudari, R., 2001: Extreme precipitation events in the Po valley region induced by tropical-extratropical interactions over the Atlantic. EGS Nizza, NH2.01
Pinto, J.G.; Klawa, M.; Ulbrich, U.; Rudari, R.; Speth, P., 2001: Extreme Precipitation Events over Northwest Italy and their Relationship with Tropical-Extratropical Interactions over the Atlantic. 3rd Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms
Spangehl, T.; Ulbrich, U.; Pinto, J.G.; Speth, P., 2001: The influence of NAO on cyclonic activity and subsynoptic processes in the mid-troposphere over the North Atlantic and Europe. EGS Nizza, OA26.03
Spangehl, T., G. Leckebusch and P. Speth, 2001: Identification of Antarctic katabatic outbreak events by an objective index method (KAI) and investigation of the outflow forcing processes. Climate Conference 2001, Utrecht, 20.-24. August 2001, Universiteit Utrecht.
Stephenson, D.B.; Raddatz, T.; Ulbrich, U., 2001: Long-Range Persistence in the North Atlantic Oscillation. EGS Nizza, OA26.03
Ulbrich, U.; Klawa, M.; Wefers, J., 2001: The large scale meteorological situation associated with European extreme storm and flooding events. EGS Nizza, NH2.01
Ulbrich, U.; J.G. Pinto und P. Speth, 2001: Einfluss von Zyklonen und großskaliger Zirkulation auf den Niederschlag im Mittelmeerraum. DACH 2001, Wien. Österreichische Beiträge zu Meteorologie und Geophysik, ISSN Heft Nr. 27/ Publ. Nr. 399 (CD-ROM).
Ulbrich, U., G. Böllinger, A. Krüger, R. Röger, P. Speth, A. Stephan, 2001: Changing Water Resources in Northrhine Westfalia, Germany: A joint Approach from Natural Sciences and Law. Abstracts, challenges of a changing earth. Global Change Open Science Conference, Amsterdam 10-13 July, P3.03.08, 220.
Ulbrich, U., A. Krüger, T. Brücher und J. Kantuzer, 2001 (eingeladener Vortrag): Grundwasserneubildung in einem geänderten Klima. Tagungsband Nachhaltige flussgebietsbezogene Grundwasserbewirtschaftung, 8.11.2001, Bochum.
Ulbrich, U., Christiph, M., 2001: Variable coupling of the NAO to PNA. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting San Francisco, Session A21C-07 on „The Arctic Oscillation and the North Atlantic Oscillation, Definition and Mechanisms.
Wefers, J., Ulbrich, U., 2001: Meteorological conditions for the generation of river floodings in Western Germany. EGS Nizza, HSC1
Weimer, A., G. Leckebusch and P. Speth, 2001: Applying cluster analysis on large scale flow patterns to identify episodes with extreme winds over Europe. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol.3, 5609. ISSN: 1029-7006.