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  • Fink, A., and U. Ulbrich, 1996: The January 1995 flood in Germany: Meteorological vs. hydrological causes. Annales Geophysicae, Suppl. II to Vol. 14, C 308.
  • Hoffmann, G., P. Speth, U. Ulbrich, and E. Klinker, 1996: Generation of transient eddy available potential energy due to the parameterized diabatic processes.Annales Geophysicae, Suppl. II to Vol. 14, C 549.
  • Sogalla, M., P. Speth, and U. Ulbrich, 1996: Organization of the North Atlantic winter stormtrack by baroclinicity. Annales Geophysicae, Suppl. II to Vol. 14, C 553.
  • Ulbrich, U., and G. Hoffmann, 1996: Sensitivity of the atmospheric energy cycle to anthropogenic climate change. Annales Geophysicae, Suppl. II to Vol. 14, C 554.