Journals | Books & Book Contributions | Conference Contributions | Reports (not published)
2023 I 2022 I 2021 I 2020 I 2019 I 2018 I 2017 I 2016 I 2015 I 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994
Journals (peer reviewed)
Ali, S., Shekhar, S., Kumar, R., Brindha, K. and Li, P. (2023) Genesis and mobilization of fluoride in groundwater of India: Statistical evaluation, health impacts and potential remedies. Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances, 100352.
Brindha, K., Semiromi, M.T., Boumaiza, L. and Mukherjee, S. (2023) Comparing Deterministic and Stochastic Methods in Geospatial Analysis of Groundwater Fluoride Concentration. Water 15, 1707.
Najafi, Z., Karami, G.H., Karimi, H. and Brindha, K. (2023) Introducing a new method for evaluation of karst springs discharge concerning human and natural factors. Environmental earth Sciences, 82:374.
Walter, J., Chesnaux, R., Boumaiza, L., Brindha, K. and Regenspurg, S. (2023) Conceptual model for the chemical evolution of groundwater in a region of the Canadian Precambrian shield covered by soft Quaternary deposit of glacial and marine origin. Applied Geochemistry, 105574.
Thabrez, M., Parimalarenganayaki, S., Brindha, K. and Elango, L. (2023) Fuzzy logic-based health risk assessment of fluoride in groundwater used as drinking source in Sira region, Tumkur, India. Environmental geochemistry and Health,
Qin, J., Gao, L., Tu, W., He, J., Tang, J., Ma, S., Zhao, X., Zhu, X., Brindha, K. and Tao, H. (2022) Decomposition and Decoupling Analysis of Carbon Emissions in Xinjiang Energy Base, China. Energies, 15, 5526
Anbarasu, S., Brindha, K. and Elango, L. (2022) Geochemical evaluation of fluoride and groundwater quality for drinking and irrigation purposes in a weathered gneissic rock aquifer of southern peninsular India. Environmental Earth Sciences, 81:273.
Boumaiza, L., Walter, J., Chesnaux, R., Stotler, R., Wen, T., Johannesson, K.H., Brindha, K. and Huneau, F. (2022) Chloride‑salinity as indicator of the chemical composition of groundwater: empirical predictive model based on aquifers in Southern Quebec, Canada. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,
Kamaraj, P., Sabarathinam, C., Seshadri, H., Panda, B., Brindha, K., Viswanathan, P.M., Govindaraj, R. and Nagappan, G. (2022) A study on geochemistry and sources of colloidal fractions on coastal groundwater from different lithologies, 131, 62.
Rajaveni, S.P., Nair, I.S., Brindha. K., and Elango, L. (2021) Finite element modelling to assess the submarine groundwater discharge in an over exploited multilayered coastal aquifer. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,
Nasirudeen, A.F., Kabo-bah, A.T., Amo-Boateng, M. and Brindha, K. (2021) Analysis of drought patterns in the Tano river basin of Ghana, Scientific African,
Pavelic, P., Sikka, A., Alam, M. F., Sharma, B. R., Muthuwatta, L., Eriyagama, N., Villholth, K. G., Shalsi, S., Mishra, V. K., Jha, S. K., Verma, C. L., Sharma, N., Reddy, V. R., Rout, S. K., Kant, L., Govindan, M., Gangopadhyay, P., Brindha, K., Chinnasamy, P. and Smakhtin, V. 2021. Utilizing floodwaters for recharging depleted aquifers and sustaining irrigation: lessons from multi-scale assessments in the Ganges River Basin, India. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 20p. (Groundwater Solutions Initiative for Policy and Practice (GRIPP) Case Profile Series 04). doi:
Boumaiza, L., Walter, J., Chesnaux, R., Brindha, K., Elango, L., Rouleau, A., Wachniew, P., Stumpp, C., 2021. An operational methodology for determining relevant DRASTIC factors and their relative weights in the assessment of aquifer vulnerability to contamination. Environmental Earth Sciences 80, 281
Selvam S, Muthukumar P, Sajeev S, Venkatramanan S, Chung SY, Brindha K, Babu DSS, Murugan R (2021) Quantification of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) using radon, radium tracers and nutrient inputs in Punnakayal, south coast of India. Geoscience Frontiers 12:29-38. doi:
Nair IS, Brindha K, Elango L (2021) Assessing the origin and processes controlling groundwater salinization in coastal aquifers through integrated hydrochemical, isotopic and hydrogeochemical modelling techniques. Hydrological Sciences, doi:10.1080/02626667.2020.1826490
Mthembu, P.P., Elumalai, V., Brindha, K. and Li, P (2020) Hydrogeochemical processes and trace metal contamination in groundwater: Impact on human health in the Maputaland coastal aquifer, South Africa. Exposure and Health, 12, 403-426.
Brindha, K., Paul, R., Walter, J., Tan, M.L. and Singh M.K. (2020) Trace metals contamination in groundwater and implications on human health: Comprehensive assessment using geochemical and geostatistical modelling. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. DOI: 10.1007/s10653-020-00637-9
Brindha, K. (2020) Virtual water flows, water footprint and water savings from the trade of crop and livestock products of Germany. Water and Environment Journal,
Brindha, K., Elango, L. and Rajesh, R. (2020) Characterisation of uranium mining and tailings pond areas by integrated remote sensing, geophysical, geological and hydrogeological methods. Journal of Geological Society of India, 95, 377-384.
Qin, J., Tao, H., Cheng, C.,Brindha, K., Zhan, M., Munir, Q., Ding, J. and Mu, G. (2020) Analysis of factors influencing carbon emissions in the energy base, Xinjiang autonomous region, China. Sustainability, 12(3), 1089.
Anbarasu, S., Brindha, K. and Elango, L. (2019) Multi-influencing factor for delineation of groundwater potential zones using remote sensing and GIS techniques in the western part of Perambalur district, southern India. Earth Science Informatics, doi:10.1007/s12145-019-00426-8
Paul, R., Brindha, K., Gowrisankar, G., Tan, M.L. and Singh M.K. (2019) Identification of hydrogeochemical processes controlling groundwater quality in Tripura, Northeast India using evaluation indices, GIS, and multivariate statistical methods. Environmental Earth Sciences, 78:470.
Zhang, R., Zhao, C., Ma, X., Brindha, K., Han, Q., Li, C. and Zhao, X. (2019) Projected spatiotemporal dynamics of drought under global warming in Central Asia. Sustainability, 11, 4421.
Qin, J., Tao, H., Zhan, M., Munir, Q., Mu, G. and Brindha, K. (2019) Scenario analysis of carbon emissions in the energy base, Xinjiang Autonomous Region, China. Sustainability, 11(5), 4220.
Frick, M., Scheck-Wenderoth, M., Cacace, M. & Schneider, M. (2019): Boundary condition control on inter-aquifer flow in the subsurface of Berlin (Germany) – new insights from 3-D numerical modelling. Adv. Geosci., 49, 9–18, 2019,
Karthikeyan, B. & Schneider, M. (2019): Impact of Urbanization on Groundwater Quality; in: GIS and Geostatistical Techniques for Groundwater Science, 179-196. 2019 Elsevier. DOI:
Parimalarenganayaki, S., Elango, L. & Schneider, M. (2019): Variations in Stable Isotopes of Oxygen and Hydrogen in Surface and Groundwater of a Managed Aquifer Recharge Site: A Case Study. Journal Geological Society of India, Vol.93, May 2019, pp.533-538.
Frick, M., Scheck-Wenderoth, M., Schneider, M., & Cacace, M. (2019): Surface to Groundwater Interactions beneath the City of Berlin: Results from 3D Models. Geofluids 2019, DOI:
Frommen, T., Groeschke, M., Noelscher, M. & Schneider, M. (2019) Anthropogenic and geogenic impacts on peri-urban aquifers in India – Insight from a Case Study in the Northeast of Jaipur (in prep.)
Haacke, N., Frick, M., Scheck-Wenderoth, M., Schneider, M. & Cacace, M. (2018): 3D Simulations of Groundwater Utilization in an Urban Catchment of Berlin, Germany. Advances in Geosciences, vol. 45, pp. 177–184, Copernicus GmbH,
Frommen, T. (2018) Wasserversorgung in Indien – Konflikt & Lösung aus hydrogeologischer Sicht. perspektive mediation, 4-2018.
Taillefer, A., Guillou‐Frottier, L., Soliva, R., Magri, F., Lopez, S., Courrioux, G., et al. (2018). Topographic and faults control of hydrothermal circulation along dormant faults in an orogen. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19, 4972–4995.
Kalliopi Tzoufka, Fabien Magri, Tino Rödiger, Nimrod Inbar, Eyal Shalev, Peter Möller, Marwan Raggad, Eliyahu Rosenthal, Christian Siebert. 2018. The effect of hydraulic anisotropies on intensely exploited groundwater resources: the numerical evaluation of a hydrothermal transboundary aquifer system in the Middle East. Hydrogeol J 26: 2875.
Shentsis, I., Inbar, N., Rosenthal, E., Magri, F. 2018. Numerical representation of rainfall field in basins of the Upper Jordan River and of the Yarmouk RiverEnviron Earth Sci 77: 798.
Giorgio Volpi, Fabien Magri, Francesca Colucci, Thomas Fisher, Mattia De Caro, and Giovanni B. Crosta, “Modeling Highly Buoyant Flows in the Castel Giorgio: Torre Alfina Deep Geothermal Reservoir,” Geofluids, vol. 2018, Article ID 3818629, 19 pages, 2018.
Tan, M.L., Chua, V.P., Tan, K.C. and Brindha, K. (2018) Spatiotemporal analysis of hydro-meteorological drought in the Johar River Basin, Malaysia. Theoretical and Applied Climatology,
Tan, M.L., Chua, V.P., Tan, K.C. and Brindha, K. (2018) Evaluation of TMPA 3B43 and NCEP-CFSR precipitation products in drought monitoring over Singapore, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 39:8, 2089-2104
Gao, Y., Merz, C., Lischeid, G. & Schneider, M. (2018): A review on missing hydrological data processing.- Environmental Earth Sciences (2018) 77:47;
Groeschke, M., Frommen,T., Taute, T., & Schneider, M. (2017) The impact of sewage-contaminated river water on groundwater ammonium and arsenic concentrations at a riverbank filtration site in central Delhi, India. Hydrogeology Journal,
Müller, D., Friedland, G., Regenspurg, S. (2017): An improved sequential extraction method to determine element mobility in pyrite-bearing siliciclastic rocks. - International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 97, 2, p. 168-188.
Nora Koltzer, Peter Möller, Nimrod Inbar, Christian Siebert, Eliyahu Rosenthal, Fabien Magri, Thermal impacts of magmatic intrusions: a hypothesis of paleo-heating processes in the Tiberias Basin, Jordan-Dead Sea Transform, Energy Procedia, Volume 125, 2017, Pages 80-87,
Fabien Magri, Mauro Cacace, Thomas Fischer, Olaf Kolditz, Wenqing Wang, Norihiro Watanabe,Thermal convection of viscous fluids in a faulted system: 3D benchmark for numerical codes, Energy Procedia, Volume 125, 2017, Pages 310-317,
Volpi, G., Magri, F., Frattini, P., G. Crosta., F., Riva., 2017. Groundwater-driven temperature changes at thermal springs in response to recent glaciation: Bormio hydrothermal system, Central Italian Alps Hydrogeol J 25: 1967.
Rödiger, T., Magri, F., Geyer, S., Shehan Tharaka Morandage, H. E. Ali Subah, Marwan Alraggad, Christian Siebert., 2017. Assessing anthropogenic impacts on limited water resources under semi-arid conditions: three-dimensional transient regional modelling in Jordan. Hydrogeol J 25: 2139.
Groeschke, M., Frommen, T., Winkler, A. & Schneider, M. (2017): Sewage-Borne Ammonium at a River Bank Filtration Site in Central Delhi, India: Simplified Flow and Reactive Transport Modeling to Support Decision-Making about Water Management Strategies.- Geosciences 2017, 7, 48; doi:10.3390/geosciences7030048.
Przybycin, A., M. Scheck-Wenderoth, M. Schneider (2017): The origin of deep geothermal anomalies in the German Molasse Basin: results from 3D numerical models of coupled fluid flow and heat transport. Geotherm Energy (2017) 5:1, DOI 10.1186/s40517-016-0059-3.
Malkovsky, V. .I., and F. Magri (2016), Thermal convection of temperature‐dependent viscous fluids within three‐dimensional faulted geothermal systems: Estimation from linear and numerical analyses, Water Resour. Res., 52, 2855–2867, doi:10.1002/2015WR018001.
Nora Goretzki, Nimrod Inbar, Michael Kühn, Peter Möller, Eliyahu Rosenthal, Michael Schneider, Christian Siebert, Marwan Raggad, Fabien Magri, Inverse Problem to Constrain Hydraulic and Thermal Parameters Inducing Anomalous Heat Flow in the Lower Yarmouk Gorge, Energy Procedia, Volume 97, 2016, Pages 419-426,
P. Möller, E. Rosenthal, N. Inbar, F. Magri, Hydrochemical considerations for identifying water from basaltic aquifers: The Israeli experience, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, Volume 5, 2016, Pages 33-47,
F. Magri, S. Möller, N. Inbar, P. Möller, M. Raggad, T. Rödiger, E. Rosenthal, C. Siebert,2D and 3D coexisting modes of thermal convection in fractured hydrothermal systems - Implications for transboundary flow in the Lower Yarmouk Gorge, Marine and Petroleum Geology, Volume 78, 2016, Pages 750-758,
Goretzki, N., Inbarc. N., Kühn, M., Möller, P., Rosenthal, E., Schneider, M., Siebert, C., Raggade, M. & Magri, F. (2016): Inverse problem to constrain hydraulic and thermal parameters inducing anomalous heat flow in the Lower Yarmouk Gorge.- European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, EGU Division Energy, Resources & Environment; Energy Procedia 97 ( 2016 ) 419 – 426.
Thomas, L., Schneider, M. & Winkler, A. (2016): Threats to the quality of water resources by geological CO2 storage: Hydrogeochemical and other methods of investigation: A review. In: The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, 40: Threats to the Quality of Groundwater Resources – Prevention and Control, Scozzari, A. & Dotsika, E. (eds), Springer, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-48596-5.
Groeschke, M., Frommen, T., Grützmacher, G., Schneider, M. & Sehgal, D. (2015) Application of Bank Filtration in Aquifers Affected by Ammonium – The Delhi Example. In: Wintgens et al. (eds.) Natural Water Treatment Systems for Safe and Sustainable Water Supply in the Indian Context: Saph Pani. IWA Publishing, London.
Savvatis, A., Steiner, U., Huber, B., Fritzer, T. & Schneider, M. (2015): Limitierungen bei der Ermittlung der Grundwasserfließrichtung in tiefen Aquiferen am Beispiel des Malms im Süddeutschen Molassebecken.- Grundwasser, vol 20, 4, pp 271-280, DOI 10.1007/s00767-015-0304-x.
Przybycin, A., M. Scheck-Wenderoth, M. Schneider (2015a): Assessment of the isostatic state and the load distribution of the European Molasse basin by means of lithospheric-scale 3D structural and gravity modelling. International Journal of Earth Sciences 104/5: 1405-1424, doi: 10.1007/s00531-014-1132-4.
Przybycin, A., M. Scheck-Wenderoth, M. Schneider (2015b): The 3D conductive thermal field of the North Alpine Foreland Basin: influence of the deep structure and the adjacent European Alps. Geothermal Energy 3:17, doi 10.1186/s40517-015-0038-0.
Cai, J., Taute, T., Schneider, M. (2015): Recommendations of Controlling Saltwater Intrusion in an Inland Aquifer for Drinking-Water Supply at a Certain Waterworks Site in Berlin (Germany).- Water Resources Management, DOI 10.1007/s11269-015-0937-7.
Indu S. Nair, S.P. Rajaveni, M. Schneider, L. Elango (2015): Geochemical and isotopic signatures for the identification of seawater intrusion in an alluvial aquifer.- Journal of Earth System Science, 124, Issue 6, 1281-129.
AL-AMERI, A., SCHNEIDER, M., ABO-LOHOM, N., JANETZ, S. (2014): Characteristics of Stable Isotopes of Oxygen-18 and Deuterium of Groundwater in the Sana’a Basin Aquifer Systems, Yemen.- Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Vol. 39, 7, pp. 5625-5636, DOI: 10.1007/s13369-014-1130-7
BÖTTCHER, S., MERZ, C., LISCHEID, G., DANNOWSKI, R., 2014. Using Isomap to differentiate between anthropogenic and natural effects on groundwater dynamics in a complex geological setting. Journal of Hydrology, 519, Part B(0): 1634-1641.
BURKE, V., GRESKOWIAK, J., ASMUß, T., BREMERMANN, R., TAUTE, T., MASSMANN, G. (2014): Temperature dependent redox zonation and attenuation of wastewater-derived organic micropollutants in the hyporheic zone.
FLIEDNER, A., RÜDEL, H., KNOPF, B., WEINFURTNER, K., PAULUS, M., RICKING, M., KOSCHORRECK, J. 2014: Spatial and temporal trends in metals and arsenic in German freshwater compartments; ESPR, 21:5521–5536.
GOLGER, M.; HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G. & PRINZL, F. (2014): Der Pir Panjal Eisenbahntunnel, Geomechanics and Tunnelling 7/2
HOLZBECHER, E., OBERDORFER, P., Rock deformation due to geothermal heat production – a modelling study, Europ. Oil & Gas Magazine, Vol. 40, No. 1, 25-26, 2014
JAILIANG, C., TAUTE, T., HAMANN, E., SCHNEIDER, M. (2014): An Integrated Laboratory Method to Measure and Verify Directional Hydraulic Conductivity in Fine-to-Medium Sandy Sediments; Groundwater.
JAHAMSHAHI, R., ZARE, M., SCHNEIDER, M. (2014): A Metal Sorption/Desorption Study to Assess the Potential Efficiency of a Tailings Dam at the Golgohar Iron Ore Mine, Iran.- Mine Water Environ, DOI 10.1007/s10230-014-0260-1
JIN, Y., HOLZBECHER, E., SAUTER, M., A novel modeling approach using arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) method for the flow simulation in unconfined aquifers, Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 62, 88-94, 2014
PRZYBYCIN, A.M., SCHECK-WENDEROTH, M., SCHNEIDER, M. (2014) „Assessment of the isostatic state and the load distribution of the European Molasse Basin by means of lithospheric-scale 3D structural and 3D gravity modelling” International Journal of Earth Sciences. Online first. DOI:10.1007/s00531-014-1132-4
MILLEN, B.; SIGL, O. & HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G. (2014): Gebirgsverhalten des Khondalite - Beispiele aus Vizakhapatnam, Indien, Geomechanics and Tunnelling 7/3
SAJIL KUMAR, P.J. (2014) “Groundwater contamination by Tanneries in a semi-arid region: A case analysis of Vellore, South India”. Chinese journal of Geochemistry, (In press)
SAJIL KUMAR, P.J. (2014) “Evolution of groundwater chemistry in and around Vaniyambadi Industrial Area: Differentiating the natural and anthropogenic sources of contamination”. Chemie der Erde / Geochemistry 74 (4), 641–651
SAJIL KUMAR, P.J., JEGATHAMBAL, P., JAMES, E.J. (2014): “Factors influencing the high fluoride concentration in the groundwater of Vellore district, South India”. Env. Earth. Sci DOI 10.1007/s12665-014-3152-6
SAJIL KUMAR, P.J., JEGATHAMBAL, P., JAMES, E.J. (2014): “Chemometric evaluation of nitrate contamination in the groundwater of a hard rock area in Dharapuram, south India”. Applied water Science DOI 10.1007/s13201-014-0155-0
SAJIL KUMAR, P.J., JAMES, E.J. (2014): “Development of a Water Quality Index (WQI) model for the groundwater in Thirupur district, South India”. Chinese journal of geochemistry 32: 261-268
SAJIL KUMAR, P.J. (2014): “Evolution of groundwater chemistry in and around Vaniyambadi Industrial Area: Differentiating the natural and anthropogenic sources of contamination”, Chemie der Erde / Geochemistry DOI: 10.1016/j.chemer.2014.02.002
SAJIL KUMAR, P.J., ELANGO, L., JAMES, E.J. (2014) “Assessment of Hydrochemistry and water quality in south Chennai coastal area”. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 7:2641–2653
SAJIL KUMAR, P.J., DAVIS DELSON, P., JAMES, E.J. (2014) “Groundwater chemistry and its implications on suitability for irrigation purposes in Vaniyambadi and Vellore Taluk, South India”. National Academy Science Letters 37 (6): 493-502
SIGL, O.; MILLEN, B. & HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G. (2014): Die unterirdischen Rohölkavernen von Vizakhapatnam, Indien, Geomechanics and Tunnelling 7/2
SPRENGER, C., PARIMALA RENGANAYAKI, S., SCHNEIDER, M., ELANGO, L. (2014): Hydrochemistry and stable isotopes during salinity ingress and refreshment in surface- and groundwater from the Arani–Koratallai (A-K) basin north of Chennai (India).- Environmental Earth Sciences, DOI 10.1007/s12665-014-3269-7
TILLNER, E., SHI, J.-Q., BACCI, G., NIELSEN, C. M., FRYKMAN, P., DALHOFF, F., KEMPKA, T. (2014): Coupled Dynamic Flow and Geomechanical Simulations for an Integrated Assessment of CO2 Storage Impacts in a Saline Aquifer. - Energy Procedia, 63, p. 2879-2893.
WODE, F., VAN BAAR, P., DÜNNBIER, U., HECHT, F., TAUTE, T., JEKEL, M., REEMTSMA, T. (2014): An UPLC-HRMS screening method for over 2000 micropollutants in water and its application to study the fate of current and legacy micropollutants on a wastewater infiltration site. Environmental Science and Technology.
CACACE, M., SCHECK-WENDEROTH, M., CHERUBINI, Y., PRZYBYCIN, A.M., (2013): “Beckenmodellierung: Temperatur in Sedimentbecken“ System Erde 3(1), 62-69, 2013. doi:10.2312/GFZ.syserde.03.01.9, (Article)
GRÖSCHKE, M. (2013): Challenges to riverbank filtration in Delhi (India): Elevated ammonium concentrations in the groundwater of an alluvial aquifer. Zbl. Geol. Paläont. Teil I, Jg. 2013, Heft 1, 1–9
GRÜTZMACHER, G., SAJIL KUMAR, P.J., RUSTLER, M., HANNAPPEL, S., SAUER, U. (2013): Geogenic groundwater contamination–definition, occurrence and relevance for drinking water production. Zbl. Geol. Paläont. Teil I 1/2: 49–56
HOLZBECHER, E. (2013): Analytical solution for well design with respect to discharge ratio, Groundwater, Vol. 51, 128-134
HOLZBECHER, E. (2013): Competing degradation and dispersion processes in bank filtration, Cutting Edge Science & Technologies towards Food, Environment and Health, Göttingen, Germany
KEMPKA, T., KLEIN, E., DE LUCIA, M., TILLNER, E., KÜHN, M. (2013): Assessment of Long-term CO2 Trapping Mechanisms at the Ketzin Pilot Site (Germany) by Coupled Numerical Modelling. - Energy Procedia, 37, 5419-5426.
KROIS, J., ABENDROTH, S., SCHULTE, A., SCHNEIDER, M. (2013): Dry Season Runoff and Natural Water Storage Capacity in the High Andean Catchment of the River Ronquillo in the Northern Sierra of Peru.- Journal of Latin American Geography, Volume 12, Number 3, pp. 59-89
MAGRI, F., TILLNER, E., WANG, W., WATANABE, N., ZIMMERMANN, G., KEMPKA, T. (2013): 3D Hydro-mechanical Scenario Analysis to Evaluate Changes of the Recent Stress Field as a Result of Geological CO2 Storage. - Energy Procedia, 40, 375-383.
MEFFE, R., KOHFAHL, C., HAMANN, E., GRESKOWIAK, J., MASSMANN, G., DÜNNBIER, U., PEKDEGER, A. (2013): Fate of para-toluenesulfonamide (p-TSA) in groundwater under anoxic conditions: modelling results from a field site in Berlin (Germany). Environmental Science and Pollution Research: 1-16 DOI 10.1007/s11356-013-1902-8.
MENZ, C., THRONICKER, O., SCHWARZMÜLLER, H., SZEWZYIK, U., TAUTE, T., SCHNEIDER, M. (2013): Efficiency of the preventive treatment with hydrogen peroxide to minimize ochre formation in drinking water wells
MENZ, C., TAUTE, T., SCHWARZMÜLLER, H. (2013): Die Auswirkung unterschiedlicher Schüttmaterialien auf die Verockerung und Regenerierbarkeit von Brunnen.
MOHANTY, S.K., SIGL, O., KRENN, F., HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G. (2013): Underground crude oil storage projects in India. - Geomechanics and Tunnelling, 6/5, 509-518.
NAKATEN, B., TILLNER, E., KEMPKA, T. (2013): Virtual Elements for Representation of Faults, Cracks and Hydraulic Fractures in Dynamic Flow Simulations. - Energy Procedia, 40, 447-453.
NOACK, V., SCHECK-WENDEROTH, M., CACACE, M., SCHNEIDER, M. (2013): Influence of fluid flow on the regional thermal field: results from 3D numerical modelling for the area of Brandenburg (North German Basin). Environ Earth Sci., DOI: 10.1007/s12665-013-2438-4
RICKING, M., SCHWARZBAUER, J., APEL, P. (2013): Malachite green in suspended particulate matter and surface sediments in Germany; Download UBA-Homepage, 1-6. (Federal Environmental Agency)
ROEHMANN, L., TILLNER, E., MAGRI, F., KÜHN, M., KEMPKA, T. (2013): Fault Reactivation and Ground Surface Uplift Assessment at a Prospective German CO2 Storage Site. - Energy Procedia, 40, 437-446.
RÜDEL, H., BÖHMER, W., MÜLLER, M., FLIEDNER, A., RICKING, M., SCHRÖTER-KERMANI, C. (2013): Retrospective study of triclosan and methyltriclosan residues in fish and suspended particulate matter: results from the German Environmental Specimen Bank; Chemosphere, 91, 1517-1524.
TAFT, L., WIECHERT, U., ZHANGC, H., LEI, G., MISCHKE, S., PLESSEN, B., WEYNELL, M., WINKLER, A., RIEDEL, F. (2013): Oxygen and carbon isotope patterns archived in shells of the aquatic gastropod Radix: Hydrologic and climatic signals across the Tibetan Plateau in sub-monthly resolution.- Quaternary International, Volumes 290–291, 21 March 2013, Pages 282–298
TILLNER, E., KEMPKA, T., NAKATEN, B., KÜHN, M. (2013): Brine migration through fault zones: 3D numerical simulations for a prospective CO2 storage site in Northeast Germany. - International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 19, 689-703
TILLNER, E., KEMPKA, T., NAKATEN, B., KÜHN, M. (2013): Geological CO2 Storage Supports Geothermal Energy Exploitation: 3D Numerical Models Emphasize Feasibility of Synergetic Use. - Energy Procedia, 37, 6604-6616.
SAJIL KUMAR, P.J. JAMES, E.J. (2013): “Physico-chemical characteristics and their sources in groundwater in the Thirupathur Taluk, Tamil Nadu (south India)”. Applied Water Science Springer-Verlag 3: 219-228
SAJIL KUMAR, P.J. (2013): “Interpretation of groundwater chemistry using Piper and Chadha´s diagrams: a comparative study from Perambalur Taluk” Elixir Geoscience 54: 12208-12211
SAJIL KUMAR, P.J. (2013): “Impact of Tanning Industries on Fluoride Dynamics in Groundwater around a Tannery Cluster in South India”. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, Springer-Verlag 90:338-343
SAJIL KUMAR, P.J., DAVIS DELSON, P., VERNON, J.G., JAMES, E.J. (2013): “A Linear regression model (LRM) for major ions of groundwater in Vaniyambadi industrial area, Tamil Nadu, India”, Chinese journal of Geochemistry, Springer-Verlag, 32:019–026
SAJIL KUMAR, P.J., ELANGO, L., JAMES, E.J. (2013): “Assessment of Hydrochemistry and water quality in south Chennai coastal area”. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 10.1007/s12517-013-0940-3
SAJIL KUMAR, P.J., JOSE, A., JAMES, E.J. (2013): “Spatial and seasonal variation in groundwater quality in parts of Cuddalore district, South India” National Academy Science Letters, Springer-Verlag 36:169-179
SAJIL KUMAR, P.J., THOMAS BABU, P., DAVIS DELSON, P. (2013): “Levels and distribution of nitrate in groundwater in parts of Vellore District, Tamil Nadu”. Elixir Pollution 55:12782-12784
SAJIL KUMAR, P.J., DAVIS DELSON, P., VERNON, J.G., JAMES, E.J. (2013): “A Linear regression model (LRM) for major ions of groundwater in Vaniyambadi industrial area, Tamil Nadu, India”, Chinese journal of Geochemistry, Springer-Verlag, 32:019–026
SKLORZ, S., MONNINKHOFF, M. (2013): Grundwassermodell Isfahan, Iran- Übernutzung von Wasserressourcen frühzeitig erkennen und gegensteuern. DHI-WASY Aktuell1/2013
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FERNÁNDEZ-CHACÓN, F., BENAVENTE, J., RUBIO-CAMPOS, J.C., KOHFAHL, C., JIMÉNEZ, J., MEYER, H., HUBBERTEN, H. AND PEKDEGER, A. (2010): "Isotopic composition (d18O and dD) of precipitation and groundwater in a semi-arid, mountainous area (Guadiana Menor basin, Southeast Spain)." Hydrological Processes 24: 1343-1356.
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TOSAKI, Y., MASSMANN, G., TASE, N., SASA, K., TAKAHASHI, T., MATSUSHI, Y., TAMARI, M., NAGASHIMA, Y., BESSHO, K., MATSUMURA, H. (2010). Distribution of 36Cl/Cl in a river-recharged aquifer: Implications for the fallout rate of bomb-produced 36Cl. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 268:1261-1264.
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HOLZBECHER, E., C. KOHFAHL, M. MAZUROWSKI, A. BĄCIK, M. DOBIES, M. SCHNEIDER (2009): "The Sensitivity of Thermohaline Groundwater Circulation to Flow and Transport Parameters: A Numerical Study Based on Double-Diffusive Convection above a Salt Dome " Transport in Porous Media doi: 10.1007/s11242-009-9480-4.
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EINSIEDL, F., MAYER, F., SCHÄFER, T. (2008): Assessing the incorporation of H2S in groundwater fulvic acids using traditional isotope technique and sulfur K-edge XANES spectroscopy. Environ. Sci. Technol. 42(7): 2439-2444. (link).
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KALMYKOV, S., SCHÄFER, T., CLARET, F., KHASANOVA, A., SHCHERBINA, N., PERMINOVA, I., TETERIN, Y. (2008): Neptunium speciation in the humic-acid goethite system. Radiochimica Acta 96, 685-691.
KOHFAHL, C., BROWN, P., LINKLATER, C., MAZUR, K. AND PEKDEGER, A., (2008): The impact of variability of pyrite concentration, dispersion and mineral equilibrium on the sulphate release due to pyrite weathering: a combined modelling approach for specific field conditions. Applied Geochemistry 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2008.10.001
KOHFAHL, C., SPRENGER, C., BENAVENTE HERRERA, J., MEYER, H., FERNANDEZ CHACON, P. AND PEKDEGER, A. (2008). Recharge sources and hydrogeochemical evolution of groundwater in semiarid and karstic environments : A field study in the Granada Basin (Southern Spain); Applied Geochemistry 23(4): 846-862.
KOHFAHL, C., RODRÍGUEZ, M., FENK, C., MENZ, C., PEKDEGER, A., BENAVENTE HERRERA, J., HUBBERTEN, H., MEYER, H., KNAPPE, A. AND LÓPEZ GETA, J.A. (2008). Characterising flow regime and interrelation between surface water and groundwater in a salt lake basin by means of stable isotopes, hydrogeochemical and hydraulic data; J. Hydrol. 351(1-2): 170-187.
KUNZE, P., SEHER, H., HAUSER, W., PANAK, P.J., GECKEIS, H., FANGHÄNEL, TH., SCHÄFER, T. (2008): The influence of colloid formation in a granite groundwater bentonite porewater mixing zone on radionuclide speciation. J. Contam. Hydrol.: 102, 263-272. ( link ).
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MAGRI, F., BAYER, U., PEKDEGER, A., OTTO, R., THOMSEN, C., MAIWALD, U. (2008): Salty groundwater flow in the shallow and deep aquifer systems of the Schleswig-Holstein area (North German Basin).- EGU session SSP3 (Dynamics of Sedimentary Basins -Evolution, Salt- and Fluid Dynamic).- Tectonophysics, Volume 470, Issues 1-2, S. 183-194; Amsterdam.
MASSMANN, G., DÜNNBIER, U., HEBERER, T., TAUTE, T. (2008): Behaviour and redox sensitivity of pharmaceutical residues during bank filtration - Investigation of phenazone-type residues; Chemosphere 71(8): 1476-1485.
MASSMANN, G., NOGEITZIG, A., TAUTE, T., PEKDEGER, A. (2008): Seasonal and spatial distribution of redox zones during lake bank filtration in Berlin, Germany; Environm. Geol. 54(1): 53-65
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GRESKOWIAK, J., PROMMER, H., MASSMANN, G., NÜTZMANN, G. (2006): Modelling the fate of the pharmaceutical residue phenazone during artificial recharge of groundwater; Environm. Sci. & Technol. 40(21): 6615-6621.
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MÖRI, A., ALEXANDER, W.R., GECKEIS, H., GEYER, F., HAUSER, W., SCHÄFER, T., EIKEN¬BERG, J., FIERZ, TH., DEGUELDRE, C., MISSANA, T. (2003): The Colloid and Radionuclide Retardation Experiment at the Grimsel Test Site: Influence of bentonite colloids on the radionuclide migration in a fractured rock. Colloids & Surfaces A 217, 33-47. (link).
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THOM, S., HENTSCHEL, BERND, SOMMER-VON JARMERSTED, CHRISTIAN & PEKDEGER, ASAF (1995). Die Grundwasserversalzung in der Werratalaue durch Uferfiltration.- Z. dt. geol. Ges. 146, Sonderband Hydrogeologische Beiträge 14: 114-121, Enke, Stuttgart.
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WINKLER, A. & PEKDEGER, ASAF (1995). Der Einsatz von Radiotracertechniken bei der Untersuchung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln (PSM) in Böden.- Zeitschrift der deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 146, Sonderband Hydrogeologische Beiträge 14: 1-7, Enke, Stuttgart
WOITH H. & PEKDEGER A. (1995). Soil radon and non-tectonic effects: A contribution to the joint german-turkish project on earthquake prediction research.- in Dubois C.: Gas Geochemistry: 135-146.
WURL, J. ,SOMMER-VON JARMERSTED, C. & PEKDEGER, A. (1995). Geogene und anthropogene Grundwasserbeeinträchtigungen Beeinträchtigungen der Grundwasservorkommen im südwestl. Stadtgebiet von Berlin. .- Zeitschrift der deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 146, Sonderband Hydrogeologische Beiträge 14, S. 243 - 249, Enke, Stuttgart

HEYNISCH, S., PEKDEGER, A., RICHTER, B., SCHAFMEISTER, M.-TH., SKALA, W. (1994). Knowledge Based Systems for Risk Assessment of the Subsurface of Contaminated Sites.- Math. Geology 26(4): 505 - 517.
MAIWALD., U. & M. LODEMANN (1994). Continuous recordings of physicochemical and hydraulic parameters during the pumping test 1991 at the KTB pilothole (KTB-VB). Scientific Drilling 4 (3): 95-99.
MAIWALD, U. & PEKDEGER, A. (1994): The influence of open-cast lignite mining on adjacent ground water systems.- Mineralogical Magazine: 553-554, London
ÖZGÜR, N., & PEKDEGER, A. (1994): Aktive und fossile Geothermalsysteme in den kontinentalen Riftzonen des Menderes Massives, W. Anatolien/Türkei.- Berliner Geowiss. Abh., (A) 167: 131-141, Berlin.
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