Congress Contributions
Journals | Books & Book Contributions | Conference Contributions | Reports (not published)
2019 I 2018 I 2017 I 2016 I 2015 I 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993
FROMMEN, T., GRÖSCHKE, M. & SCHNEIDER, M. (2019) Participatory Groundwater Monitoring in India - Insights from a Case-Study in Jaipur. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 21, EGU2019-1543, EGU General Assembly, 07-12 April 2019, Vienna, Austria.
MAGRI; F., Inbar, N., Guttman, J., Möller, P., Raggad, M., Rödiger, T., Rosenthal, E., Shentsis, I., Siebert, C., 2018. Hydrogeological features controlling transboundary groundwater and heat flow in the Lower Yarmouk Gorge, Jordan Rift Valley. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, Abstract No :EGU2018-6972, 8/04-13/04/2018, Wien, Austria.
Shentsis, I., Inbar, N., MAGRI, F., Rosenthal, E., 2018. Assessing water consumption and aquifer discharge by springs based on the joint use of rain and flow data in the Yarmouk River Basin. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, Abstract No :EGU2018-13072, 8/04-13/04/2018, Wien, Austria.
Rosenthal, E., Inbar, N., Möller, P., Siebert, C., MAGRI., F., 2018. The chemistry of water bodies flowing to and in the Lower Yarmouk Gorge. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, Abstract No :EGU2018-12514, 8/04-13/04/2018, Wien, Austria.
Raggad M., Salameh E., Alqadi M., MAGRI F., Chiogna, G., 2018. Implications of projected climate change for groundwater recharge in North Jordan. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, Abstract No :EGU2018-12359, 8/04-13/04/2018, Wien, Austria.
Inbar, N., Rosenthal E., Möller P., Siebert, C., MAGRI, F. 2018. The fault-block structure at the Lower Yarmouk Gorge: pull-apart rim tectonics and groundwater flow path. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, Abstract No :EGU2018-12194, 8/04-13/04/2018, Wien, Austria.
Smit, F., MAGRI, F., Bregman, E., 2018 Coupling earth surface processes and geological structures to explain environmental features as observed onshore Northern Netherlands. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2018: pp. 1519-1523.
FROMMEN, T., GRÖSCHKE, M., AMBRUS, K. & SCHNEIDER, M. (2018) New Insights for Participatory Projects – A Cooperation between Hydrogeologists and a Documentary Filmmaker. 45. IAH Congress, 9-14 September 2018, Daejeon, Korea.
FROMMEN, T., GRÖSCHKE, M., NOELSCHER, M., SCHNEIDER, M. & STRUCK, U. (2018) Anthropogenic and geogenic influences on groundwater quality of urban aquifers in Jaipur, India. 45. IAH Congress, 9-14 September 2018, Daejeon, Korea.
KÖNIGER, P., FROMMEN, T., GRÖSCHKE, M., STANGE, C.F. & WINTER, C. (2018) Soil and nitrate isotope studies on groundwater contamination sources at an agriculturally dominated site in Jaipur, India. 45. IAH Congress, 9-14 September 2018, Daejeon, Korea.
FROMMEN, T. (2018) Hydrogeology and Water Infrastructure of Northeast Jaipur, India. XXVIII. Ph.D. Meeting, 7-8 June 2018, Berlin, Germany.
FROMMEN, T., GRÖSCHKE, M. & SCHNEIDER, M. (2018) Participatory Water Management in India – Theory and Practice. 26. FH-DGGV Conference, March 2018 Bochum, Germany.
FROMMEN, T. & CHAUHAN, D. (2017) Development of a participatory groundwater management in peri urban low-income communities – One project, two perspectives. DWIH Annual Symposium: WaterScapes, 5-6 October 2017, New-Delhi, India.
FROMMEN, T., GRÖSCHKE, M. & SCHNEIDER, M. (2017) A day’s action towards climate resilience in India… XXVII. Ph.D. meeting, 3-5 April 2017, Bayreuth, Germany.
FROMMEN, T., GRÖSCHKE, M. & SCHNEIDER, M. (2016) Facing climate change –Development of a participatory water management in peri-urban slums in Jaipur, India. 43. IAH Congress, September 2016, Montpellier, France.
BICHLER, B.; REISCHER, M.; SPÖTL, Ch.; HÖFER-Öllinger, G.; WYHLIDAL, St. & LINTSCHINGER, J. (2014): Hydrochemie und Isotopensignatur der Karstquellen und des Porenaquifers des bzw. um den Untersberg - dritter und letzter Teil: Abschlusspräsentation, mit einem Sonderbeitrag: Zur Hydrogeologie der Quellen von Hellbrunn, Karstwasser-Grundwasser-Untersberg 2, Wals / Salzburg, Austria, Nov 14-15, 2014
DONADEL, A.K.; HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G.; FRIMMEL, H.E. & SCHROTT, L. (2014): Entwicklung spät- bis postglazialer Flussmündungen in übertiefte alpine Täler - Salzach und Königsseeache, Österreich, Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 107/2
DONADEL, A.; FRIMMEL, H. E.; HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G. & SCHROTT, L. (2014): Der Bergsturz von Grödig - Neue Erkenntnisse aus einer Erkundungsbohrung, Karstwasser-Grundwasser-Untersberg 2, Wals / Salzburg, Austria, Nov 14-15, 2014
FROMMEN, T., GRÖSCHKE, M., KRÖMER. L., GRÜTZMACHER, G., WINKLER, A., SCHNEIDER, M. (2014): Water-Sediment Interactions: Column Design for Ammonium Adsorption-Desorption Experiments.- Tagung der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie FH-DGG, Mai 2014, Bayreuth
GADERMAYR, W. & HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G. (2014): Quantitative Wärmebilanz von Karstgebieten – Projektidee mit ersten Berechnungen an den Beispielen Untersberg und Leoganger Steinberge, Karstwasser-Grundwasser-Untersberg 2, Wals / Salzburg, Austria, Nov 14-15, 2014
GRÖSCHKE, M., FROMMEN, T., GRÜTZMACHER, G., SCHNEIDER, M. (2014): Transport of Sewage-borne Ammonium in a Floodplain Aquifer: Column Experiments with Aquifer Materials from the Yamuna Floodplain in Delhi (India).- The International Conference on Interfaces against Pollution (IAP) “Interfaces in Water and Environmental Science”, 25-28 May 2014, De Harmonie, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
GRÖSCHKE, M., FROMMEN, T., GRÜTZMACHER, G., SCHNEIDER, M. (2014): Development of ammonium concentrations at a riverbank filtration site in Delhi (India) – water-sediment interactions from infiltration to production.- Tagung der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie FH-DGG, Mai 2014, Bayreuth
GRUBER, G.; BIRK S.; ZAGLER, G. & G. HÖFER-ÖLLINGER (2014): Das Abflussverhalten des Karstwassers am Untersberg bei Salzburg, Österreich, Karstwasser-Grundwasser-Untersberg 2, Wals / Salzburg, Austria, Nov 14-15, 2014
HOLZBECHER, E., Energy pile simulation – an application of THM-modeling, COMSOL2014, Cambridge, 2014
HOLZBECHER, E., RÄUSCHEL, H., Heat transfer in borehole heat exchangers from laminar to turbulent conditions, COMSOL2014, Cambridge, 2014
HOLZBECHER, E., SUN F., Modeling a nozzle in a borehole, COMSOL2014, Cambridge, 2014
HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G. & MILLEN, B. (2014): Entwicklung des geologischen Modells eines Basistunnels am Beispiel des Pir Panjal Railway Tunnels, WTC 2014, Iguazú, Brazil, May 11-14, 2014
HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G.; HEIMLICH, K. & HUEMER, H. (2014): Vergrößerung des Erdwärmepotentials durch instationäre Betrachtung – Ansätze in Theorie und in Rechenmodellen, ÖWAV-Seminar Geothermische Heiz- und Kühlanlagen, Linz, Austria, Jun 17, 2014
HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G. (2014): Karstwassernutzung durch Versickerung und Filterung am Nordfuß des Untersberges bei Salzburg, Bauen im Karst 2014, Murg, Schweiz, Nov 08-09, 2014
HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G.; RADONCIC, N.; POHL, W. & KEUSCHNIG, M. (2014): Die "Tektonik" Rutschung bei Mailuu Suu, Kirgisien, IAEG XII Congress, Torino, Italy, Sep 15-19, 2014
HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G.; KEUSCHNIG, M.; KRAUTBLATTER, M. & SCHOBER, A. (2014): Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf hochalpine Infrastrukturen am Beispiel Kitzsteinhorn, Salzburg, Österreich, IAEG XII Congress, Torino, Italy, Sep 15-19, 2014
HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G. (2014): Entwicklung des geologischen Modells eines Basistunnels am Beispiel des Pir Panjal Railway Tunnels, Geo-Kolloquium TU Vienna, Vienna, Austria, Jun 11, 2014
INBAR, N., MAGRI, F., YELLIN-DROR, A., ROSENTHAL, E., MÖLLER, P., SIEBERT, C., GUTTMAN, J. (2014): New structural/tectonical model and its implication on hydrological thinking and groundwater management - the Lake Tiberias, Jordan Rift Valley. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, Abstract No: EGU2014-10007-2, 27/04-02/05/2014, Wien, Austria
KEUSCHNIG, M.; HARTMEYER, I.; HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G.; SCHOBER, A.; KRAUTBLATTER, M. & SCHROTT, L. (2014): Massenbewegungen im Kontext von Permafrost: Ergebnisse einer Felsböschung am Kitzsteinhorn, Salzburg, Österreich, IAEG XII Congress, Torino, Italy, Sep 15-19, 2014
PISCHINGER, G.; MERINGER, J.; ENNEMOSER, G. & HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G. (2014): Digitale fotogrammetrische Dokumentation eines Tunnelvortriebs am Beispiel Gleinalmtunnel, Österreich, Pangeo Austria 2014, Graz, Austria, Sep 14-19, 2014
PUCHER, M.; O’LEARY, P.; HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G. & LÖSCHNAUER, J. (2014): Der autonome Probenehmer für Karstgrundwasserleiter, Karstwasser-Grundwasser-Untersberg 2, Wals / Salzburg, Austria, Nov 14-15, 2014
LECHNER, K.; SPÖTL, Ch.; HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G. & KEUSCHNIG, M. (2014): Karst- und Hydrogeologie in den Zentralalpen am Beispiel Kitzsteinhorn, Teil 1, Karstwasser-Grundwasser-Untersberg 2, Wals / Salzburg, Austria, Nov 14-15, 2014
MAGRI, F., GUTTMAN, J., INBAR, N., RAGGAD, M., SIEBERT, C. 2014. Simulations of coupled fluid transport processes in faulted systems: An example based on the groundwater hydrology of the Tiberias Basin, Jordan Valley. Computational Methods in Water Resources 2014, XX. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, 10th - 13th June, 2014, University of Stuttgart, Germany
MAGRI, F., INBAR, N., GUTTMAN, J., ROSENTHAL, E., YELLIN-DROR, A., KÜHN, M., MÖLLER, P., SIEBERT, C. 2014. Comparative Simulations of 2D and 3D Mixed Convection Flow in a Faulted Basin: an Example from the Yarmouk Gorge, Israel and Jordan, AGU Fall meeting, 15-19 December 2014, San Francisco, California, USA
MAGRI, F., INBAR, N., GUTTMAN, J., ROSENTHAL, E., YELLIN-DROR, A., KÜHN, M., MÖLLER, P., SIEBERT, C. (2014): Potential salinization mechanisms of drinking water due to large-scale flow of brines across faults in the Tiberias Basin. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, Abstract No: EGU2014-8236-1, 27/04-02/05/2014, Wien, Austria
MATZINGER, A., SCHMIDT, M., RIECHEL, M., HEIN, A., BRÄCKER, J., STREHL, C., NICKEL, D., LIBBE, J., SIEKER, H., PALLASCH, M., KÖHLER, M., KAISER, D., BRÜCKMANN, S., MÖLLER, C., BÜTER, B., GROSS, G., GÜNTHER, R., SÄUMEL, I., TAUTE, T., SCHWARZMÜLLER, H., BARTEL, H., HEISE, S., REMY, C., SONNENBERG, H., SCHMITT, T., HEINZMANN, B., JOSWIG, K., REHFELD-KLEIN, M., REICHMANN, B., ROUAULT, P. (2014): Concepts for urban stormwater Management – a novel approach for integrated assessment Malaysia
MILLEN, B.; HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G. & BRANDL, J. (2014): Änderungen hydraulischer Eigenschaften des Gebirges durch Tunnelvortriebe, IAEG XII Congress, Torino, Italy, Sep 15-19, 2014
PRZYBYCIN, A.M., SCHECK-WENDEROTH, M., SCHNEIDER, M. (2014):“The lithospheric-scale 3D structural configuration of the North Alpine Foreland Basin constrained by gravity modelling and the calculation of the 3D load distribution” 9th annual PhD Day of the GFZ Potsdam, March 27th 2014, Potsdam, Germany
PRZYBYCIN, A.M., SCHECK-WENDEROTH, M., SCHNEIDER, M. (2014): “The lithospheric-scale 3D structural configuration of the North Alpine Foreland Basin constrained by gravity modelling and the calculation of the 3D load distribution” EGU General Assembly April 28 – May 02 2014, Vienna, Austria
PRZYBYCIN, A.M., SCHECK-WENDEROTH, M., SCHNEIDER, M. (2014): “The 3D conductive thermal field of the North Alpine Foreland Basin - Influence of the deep structure of the adjacent European Alps” EGU General Assembly April 28 – May 02 2014, Vienna, Austria
PRZYBYCIN, A.M., SCHECK-WENDEROTH, M., SCHNEIDER, M. (2014): “The 3D lithospheric structure of the North Alpine Foreland Basinconstrained by gravity modelling and the assessment of the 3D load distribution and the thermal field” GeoMol Mid-Term Conference June 5-6 2014, Leoben, Austria
PRZYBYCIN, A.M., FREYMARK, J., SCHECK-WENDEROTH, M. (2014): “From the North Alpine Foreland Basin to the Upper Rhine Valley - the lithospheric-scale 3D structural and thermal configuration” GeoMol Mid-Term Conference June 5-6 2014, Leoben, Austria
SCHOBER, A.; HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G. (2014): Steinschlagmodellierungen in Kirgisien und am Kitzsteinhorn, Österreich, Acqua Alta Alpina 2014, Salzburg, Austria, April 12-14, 2014
SHENTSIS, I., ROSENTHAL, E., MAGRI, F. 2014. Database compilation: hydrology of Lake Tiberias (Jordan Valley). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, Abstract No: EGU2014-8283-3, 27/04-02/05/2014, Wien, Austria
SIEBERT, C., MÖLLER, P., ROSENTHAL, E., GUTTMAN, J., YELLIN-DROR, A., INBAR, N., MAGRI, F. (2014): Distribution of Upper Pliocene brines in the northern Jordan Rift Valley. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, Abstract No: EGU2014-11053-3, 27/04-02/05/2014, Wien, Austria
SIEBERT, C., MÖLLER, P., MAGRI, F., KRAUSHAAR, S., DULSKI, P., GUTTMAN, J., RÖDIGER, T. 2014. Identifying the Source and Generation of Thermal Groundwaters based on Stable Isotopes and Rare Earths – the Case of the Lower Yarmouk Gorge Artesian Wells, AGU Fall meeting, 15-19 December 2014, San Francisco, California, USA
SIGL, O.; KRENN, F.; MOHANTY, S.; HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G. (2014): Unterirdische Rohölkavernen in Indien, WTC 2014, Iguazú, Brazil, May 11-14, 2014
STARNBERGER, R.; DRAXLER, I.; HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G. & REITNER, J. M. (2014): Der Beginn des Spätglazials im Nördlichen Alpenvorland - Lumineszenzdatierung und Pollenanalysen an Sedimenten des Salzburger Beckens, Deuqua 2014, Innsbruck, Austria, Sep 25-27, 2014
TAUTE, T., SCHNEIDER, M., THOMAS, L., ELANGO, L. (2014): DSS for planning artificial recharge to prevent / mitigate sea-water intrusions in shallow coastal aquifer at Chennai India. IAH Maraqesh, Maroko
THOMAS, L., SCHNEIDER, M., TAUTE, T., BRÜCKNER, F., BOSCH, K., ELANGO, L. (2014): Hydrochemical evaluation of infiltration processes during artificial groundwater recharge at a check dam site northwest of Chennai India. IAH Maraqesh, Maroko
WODE, F., VAN BAAR, P., DÜNNBIER, U., HECHT, F., TAUTE, T., JEKEL, M., REEMTSMA, T. (2014): Anwendung einer LC-HRMS Screening Methode zur Identifizierung historischer und aktueller Spurenstoffe in Grund- und Oberflächenwasser eines ehemaligen Rieselfeldes. „LC-MS in der Umweltanalytik 2014“, Leipzig.
ZAGLER, G. & HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G. (2014): Das Hochwasser vom 02.06.2014, aufgezeichnet durch Datenlogger in den Nördlichen Kalkalpen, Karstwasser-Grundwasser-Untersberg 2, Wals / Salzburg, Austria, Nov 14-15, 2014
BICHLER, B., REISCHER, M., SPÖTL, CH., HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G., WYHLIDAL, ST., LINTSCHINGER, J. (2013): Hydrochemie und Isotopensignatur der Karstquellen des Untersberges – Vortrag Tagung Karstwasser-Grundwasser-Untersberg, Salzburg
BICHLER, B., REISCHER, M., SPÖTL, CH., HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G., WYHLIDAL, ST., (2013): Insights and limitations of stable isotopes in groundwater research: a case study from the eastern side of the Untersberg, Salzburg. - Abstract and Poster 12th Stable Isotope Network Austria (SINA) Meeting, Graz.
DONADEL, A., FRIMMEL, H.E., HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G., SCHROTT, L. (2013): Geomorphologie der postglazialen Flussmündungen von Saalach und Königsseeache – Tagung Karstwasser-Grundwasser-Untersberg, Salzburg
GRÖSCHKE, M., WINKLER, A., GRÜTZMACHER, G., SCHNEIDER, M. (2013): Transport and fate of ammonium at a riverbank filtration site in Delhi, India, Conference: Managed Aquifer Recharge: Meeting the Water Resource Challenge. 8th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MANAGED AQUIFER RECHARGE (ISMAR8)BEIJING, P.R.CHINA , OCTOBER 15-19, 2013
GRUBER, G., BIRK, S., ZAGLER, G., HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G. (2013): Das Schwankungsverhalten des Karstgrundwassers Königsseeache – Tagung Karstwasser-Grundwasser-Untersberg, Salzburg
HOLZBECHER, E. (2013): Rock deformation due to geothermal heat production – a modelling study, Celle Drilling, Celle, 2013
HOLZBECHER, E., JIN, Y., EBNETH, S. (2013): Investigating the impacts of hydrogeological parameters on DSI efficiency through numerical simulation, COMSOL2013, Rotterdam
HOLZBECHER, E. (2013): Aquifer physics modes for hydrogeological modeling– an application of the COMSOL physics builder, COMSOL2013, Rotterdam
HOLZBECHER, E. (2013): Poroelasticity benchmarking for FEM on analytical solutions, COMSOL2013, Rotterdam
HOLZBECHER, E. (2013): Coupled hydro-mechanical modelling of deep geothermal heat production, 5th Biot Conference on Poromechanics, Vienna
OBERDORFER, P., HOLZBECHER, E., HU, R., PTAK, T., SAUTER, M. (2013): A five spot well cluster for hydraulic and thermal tomography, Stanford Geothermal Workshop, Stanford
OBERDORFER, P., HU, R., HOLZBECHER, E., SAUETER, M. (2013): A coupled FEM model for numerical simulation of rechargable shallow geothermal BHE systems, Stanford Geothermal Workshop, Stanford
HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G., MILLEN, B. (2013): Stable Isotope relationships of groundwater and runoff at high altitudes – A case study from the Andean Cordillera, Chile/Argentina – Abstract and Poster 12th Stable Isotope Network Austria (SINA) Meeting, Graz.
KOKKAT, A., SAJIL KUMAR, P.J., JEGATHAMBAL, P., JAMES, E.J. (2013): “A study on geostatistical analysis to identify hydrogeochemical processes in a coastal aquifer 25th KERALA SCIENCE CONGRESS, 2013, Trivandrum; 02/2013
MAGRI, F., TILLNER, E., KEMPKA, T., WANG, W., WATANABE, N., ZIMMERMANN, G. (2013): 3D hydro-mechanical scenario analysis to evaluate changes of the recent stress field as a result of geological CO2 storage, (Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-2852, 2013), General Assembly European Geosciences Union (Vienna, Austria 2013).
NISCHLER, W., GAWLICK, H., HEIMLICH, K., HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G. (2013): Die Hydrogeologie des Leopoldskroner Moores – Vortrag, Tagung Karstwasser-Grundwasser-Untersberg, Salzburg, Österreich
PRZYBYCIN, A.M., SCHECK-WENDEROTH, M., SCHNEIDER, M. (2013): “3D structural model of the North Alpine Foreland Basin, Bavarian Part“ 8th annual PhD Day of the GFZ Potsdam, March 6th 2013 Potsdam, Germany, (Poster)
PRZYBYCIN, A.M., SCHECK-WENDEROTH, M., SCHNEIDER, M. (2013): “3D structural model of the North Alpine Foreland Basin, Bavarian Part“ EGU General Assembly April 7-12 2013, Vienna, Austria, (Poster)
PRZYBYCIN, A.M., SCHECK-WENDEROTH, M., DEUTSCH, C., SCHNEIDER, M. (2013): “Lithospheric-scale 3D modelling of the North Alpine Foreland Basin -German Part“ 4th European Geothermal PhD Day May 5-7 2013, Szeged, Hungary, (Talk und Poster)
PRZYBYCIN, A.M., SCHECK-WENDEROTH, M., SCHNEIDER, M. (2013): “3D structure and gravity modelling of the North Alpine Foreland Basin“ Sedimentary Basins Jena 2013 Conference September 23-25 2013 Jena, Germany, (Talk)
PRZYBYCIN, A.M., SCHECK-WENDEROTH, M., SCHNEIDER, M. (2013):“The shallow and deep structure of the North Alpine Foreland Basin - Insights from 3D Structure and Gravity Modelling“ ILP Marseille 2013 Workshop - Lithosphere dynamics and sedimentary basins: The circum-Mediterranean Basins and analogues – October 14-18 2013 Marseille, France, (Talk)
RAICY, M.C., SCHNEIDER, M., ELANGO, L. (2013): Effect of small ponds for improving aquifer potential - A case study from Thiruvallur district, Tamil Nadu, India.- 8th International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge (ISMAR8), Oct. 2013, Beijing, China
REISCHER, M., BICHLER, B., SPÖTL, CH., HÖFER-ÖLLINGER, G., WYHLIDAL, ST., LINTSCHINGER, J. (2013): Hydrochemie und Isotopensignatur des Porenaquifers am Fuß des Untersberges – Vortrag/Abstract Tagung Karstwasser-Grundwasser-Untersberg, Salzburg
ROEHMANN, L., TILLNER, E., KEMPKA, T., MAGRI, F., KÜHN, M. (2013): Fault reactivation and ground uplift assessment at a prospective German CO 2 storage site, (Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-6079, 2013), General Assembly European Geosciences Union (Vienna, Austria 2013).
SCHNEIDER, M., THOMAS, L. (2013): Characterization of deep geothermal groundwater flow systems in Germany – the example of the Southern German Molasse Basin.- IAH Congress "Solving the Groundwater Challenges of the 21st Century”, Sept. 2013, Perth, Australia
SPRENGER, C., RENGANAYAKI, P.C., ELANGO, L., SCHNEIDER, M. (2013): Hydrochemistry and stable isotopes during salinity ingress and refreshment in surface- and groundwater from the A-K basin north of Chennai (India).- 8th International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge (ISMAR8), Oct. 2013, Beijing, China
THOMAS, L., SCHNEIDER, M. (2013): Threats to the quality of groundwater? – Risk assessment of geological CO2 storage.- IAH Congress "Solving the Groundwater Challenges of the 21st Century”, Sept. 2013, Perth, Australia
TILLNER, E., KEMPKA, K., NAKATEN, B., KÜHN, M. (2013): 3D-Simulation der Salzwassermigration über Störungen als Folge einer CO 2 -Speicherung in Nordostdeutschland zeigt keine Tendenz zur Trinkwasserversalzung. 19. Tagung für Ingenieurgeologie (Munich, Germany 2013)
TILLNER, E., KEMPKA, T., SHI, J.-Q., BACCI, G., NIELSEN, C.M., FRYKMAN, P., DALHOFF, F. (2013): Coupled dynamic flow and geomechanical simulations for an integrated assessment of CO 2 storage impacts in a saline aquifer, (Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol.15, EGU2013-11255, 2013), General Assembly European Geosciences Union (Vienna, Austria 2013).
TILLNER, E., KEMPKA, T., NAKATEN, B., KÜHN, M. (2013): Potential groundwater salinization due to upward brine migration through fault zones for a prospective CO 2 storage site in Germany. Poster presented at 40th International Congress of the IAH 2013 (Perth, Australia 2013).
Zenner, M.A. (2012). Assessing the Impact of Bentonite-CMC Drill-In Fluids on Slug Tests in High-Permeability Aquifers, Proceedings of the 65th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Paper No. 294, GeoManitoba, September 30 – October 3, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
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Zenner, M.A. (2012). Various Displacement Well Response Testing: A Well Performance Testing Methodology to Identify Nonlinear Formation-Controlled Flow, International Conference on Groundwater in Fractured Rock, May 21-24, Prague.
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LORENZEN, G. SPRENGER, C., PEKDEGER, A., RONHANG, M., KUMAR, P., MITTAL, A., GRESKOWIAK, J. (2008). Case studies on Riverbank Filtration in Delhi, India. International Conference on Groundwater Dynamics and Global Change, March 19-22 2008, Jaipur, India
MASSMANN, G., LOVE, A., SIMMONS, C., JAMES-SMITH, J. (2008). Discharge of saline groundwater into a freshwater stream - River Murray, Australia. In: Surface Water–Groundwater Interactions: Process Understanding, Conceptualization and Modelling (Proceedings of Symposium HS1002 at IUGG2007, Perugia, July 2007). IAHS Publ. 321: 134-138.
GRUNERT, A., DIZER, H., LOPEZ-PILA, J.M., GIRONES, H., SELINKA, H.C., RONHANG, M., SANJA, A., MITTAL, A, SPRENGER, C., LORENZEN, G, PEKDEGER, A. (2008): Removal of Viruses from Surface Water during Groundwater Recharge via River Bank Filtration. International Conference on Groundwater Dynamics and Global Change, March 19-22 2008, Jaipur, India
BIRNER J., SAVVATIS A., SCHNEIDER M. (2007): Hydraulische Charakterisierung thermaler Tiefengrundwasserleiter. – Tagungsband – Der Geothermiekongress 2007, Bochum: 198-205.
MASSMANN, G., SÜLTENFUß, J., DÜNNBIER, U., KNAPPE, A., PEKDEGER, A. (2007). Using multiple tracer methods to investigate groundwater residence times at bank filtration sites in Berlin, Germany. In: Fox, P. (Ed.), Man-agement of aquifer recharge for sustainability. Proceedings of the 6th In-ternational Symposium on Management of Aquifer Recharge ISMAR6, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 28.10- 2.11.2007: 456-465.
GRESKOWIAK, J., PROMMER, H., MASSMANN, G., NÜTZMANN, G. (2007). Modeling the redox-dependent fate of a pharmaceutically active compound during managed aquifer recharge. In: Fox, P. (Ed.), Management of aquifer re-charge for sustainability. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Management of Aquifer Recharge ISMAR6, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 28.10- 2.11.2007: 220-230.
TESMER, M. LORENZEN, G., OTTO, R. AND PEKDEGER, A. (2007): Geochemical analyses of the groundwater salinization in the Lübeck basin (North Germany). Proceedings of the intern. Workshop on Geoecology and Environmental Technology, 25^th to 27^th Hanoi (Vietnam), 110-115.
LORENZEN, G. SPRENGER, C., TAUTE, T., PEKDEGER, A. (2007): Studies on Riverbankfiltration in Delhi, India: Background. Poster presentation at the 6th International Symposium on Management of Aquifer Recharge (ISMAR 6), 28.10. – 2.11. 2007, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
SPRENGER, C., LORENZEN, G., TAUTE, T., PEKDEGER, A. (2007): Studies on Riverbankfiltration in Delhi, India: Preliminary Results. Poster presentation at the 6th International Symposium on Management of Aquifer Recharge (ISMAR 6), 28.10. – 2.11. 2007, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
GRESKOWIAK, J., MASSMANN, G., NÜTZMANN, G., PROMMER, H. (2006). Hydrogeochemical changes of seepage water during artificial recharge of groundwater in Berlin, Germany. In: UNESCO (2006), Recharge systems for protecting and enhancing groundwater resources. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Management of Aquifer Recharge ISMAR5, Berlin, Germany, 11–16 June 2005. IHP-VI, Series on Groundwater No. 13: 354-359.
KNAPPE, A., MASSMANN, G., DULSKI, P., PEKDEGER, A. (2006). Exploring surface- and groundwater interactions with the help of environmental tracers and wastewater indicators in Berlin/Germany. In: UNESCO (2006), Recharge systems for protecting and enhancing groundwater resources. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Management of Aquifer Recharge ISMAR5, Berlin, Germany, 11–16 June 2005. IHP-VI, Series on Groundwater No. 13: 297-303.
KÖHLER, S, TESMER, M., OTTO, R., PEKDEGER, A., LORENZEN, G., & HUBBERTEN, H. (2005). Die Genese und Dynamik der Grundwasserversalzung im Raum Lübeck. In Landesamt für Natur und Umwelt des Landes Schleswig-Holstein (Hrsg.): Tagungsband der 72. Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Geologen 17.-20. Mai 2005 in Lübeck, 35-36.
MASSMANN, G., GRESKOWIAK, J., KOHFAHL, C., KNAPPE, A., OHM, B., PEKDEGER, A., SÜLTENFUß, J., TAUTE, T. (2006). Evaluation of the hydrochemical conditions during bank filtration and artificial recharge in Berlin; In: UNESCO (2006), Recharge systems for protecting and enhancing groundwater resources. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Management of Aquifer Recharge ISMAR5, Berlin, Germany, 11–16 June 2005. IHP-VI, Series on Groundwater No. 13: 61-66.
MASSMANN, G., GRESKOWIAK, J., DÜNNBIER, U., ZUEHLKE, S., PEKDEGER, A. (2006). In: UNESCO (2006), Recharge systems for protecting and enhancing groundwater resources. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Management of Aquifer Recharge ISMAR5, Berlin, Germany, 11–16 June 2005. IHP-VI, Series on Groundwater No. 13: 535-540.
SCHULZE, T.; RICKING, M.; SCHRÖTER-KERMANI, C.; KÖRNER, A.; WINKLER, A.; PEKDEGER, A. (2006): Developing of standard operation procedures sediments and suspended particulate matter for the German Environmental Specimen Bank; poster presentation SETAC Europe 16th annual meeting, 7-11 May 2006, The Hague (The Netherlands).
SCHULZE, T.; RICKING, M.; KÖRNER, A.; WINKLER, A.; PEKDEGER A. (2006): Schwebstoff und Sediment – die neuen Probenarten der Umweltprobenbank des Bundes als wichtiges Instrument zur Erfolgskontrolle der WRRL; Posterpräsentation auf der 11. Jahrestagung der SETAC-GLB, 3.–5. September 2006, Landau.
SCHULZE, T.; SEILER, T.-B.; HOLLERT, H.; SCHRÖTER-KERMANI, C.; PEKDEGER, A. (2006): Extrahierbarkeit potentiell toxischer organischer Verbindungen in Sedimenten der Saar; Vortrag auf der 11. Jahrestagung der SETAC-GLB, 3.–5. September 2006, Landau.
SEILER, T.-B.; SCHULZE, T.; LEIST, E.; RASTALL, A.C.; ERDINGER, L.; BRAUNBECK, T.; HOLLERT, H. (2006): Membran Dialyse Extraktion (MDE): Eine einfache, flexible und kostengünstige Alternative zu herkömmlichen organischen Extraktionsverfahren; Vortrag auf der 11. Jahrestagung der SETAC-GLB, 3.–5. September 2006, Landau.
SEILER, T.-B.; RASTALL, A.C.; SCHULZE, T.; RICKING, M.; KOSMEHL, T.; LEIST, E.; ERDINGER, L.; BRAUNBECK, T.; HOLLERT, H. (2006): Membrane Dialysis Extraction: A novel approach for extracting hydrophobic organic compounds from soils and sediments for assessment in biotests; poster spotlight presentation SETAC Europe 16th annual meeting, 7-11 May 2006, The Hague (The Netherlands).
Zenner, M.A. (2006). Zur hydraulischen Funktionsprüfung von Grundwassermeßstellen: Eine Kritik an der Natermann-Formel, FH-DGG-Tagung, 24.05.-28.05.2006, Cottbus.
Zenner, M.A. (2005). Analysis of Slug Tests in Bypassed Wells Using a Generalized Hvorslev-Style Model, Paper No. H21C-1352, AGU Fall Meeting, December 5-9, San Francisco.
MASSMANN, G., DÜNNBIER, U., GRESKOWIAK, J., KNAPPE, A. AND PEKDEGER, A., 2004. Investigating surface water - groundwater interactions with the help of sewage indicators in Berlin, Germany, Groundwater Quality 2004, Waterloo, Canada.
GRESKOWIAK, J., MASSMANN, G., WIESE, B., LEWANDOWSKI, J., HUPFER, M., NÜTZMANN, G., PEKDEGER, A., 2004. Geochemical changes under alternating saturated and unsaturated conditions during artificial recharge via ponded infiltration of surface water. In: P.A.e. al. (Editor), Saturated and unsaturated zone - integration of process knowledge into effective models, Rome, Italy, pp. 157-163.
MASSMANN, G., 2004. Untersuchung und Modelllierung hydraulischer und hydrochemischer Prozesse bei der Uferfiltration im Oderbruch. In: L. Luckner and C. Helling (Editors), 9. DGW-Forschungstage - Innovative Verfahren und Techniken zur In-situ Grundwasserreinigung. Selbstverlag DGW, Dresden, pp. 7-16.
SCHULZE, T.; RICKING, M.; WINKLER, A.; LÄMMERHIRT, M.; WEINFURTHNER, K.-H.; SCHRÖTER-KERMANI, C.; KÖRNER, A.; PEKDEGER, A. (2004): Development of a standard operating procedure „sediments and suspended particulate matter“ for the German Environmental Specimen Bank; In: Institute of Environmental Sciences (Biology V): 2nd Joint Annual Meeting of SETAC German Language Branch and GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, 6th to 8th October, 2004; RWTH Aachen: pp. 213-214.
GARKE, V.; SCHULZE, T.; MAIER, M.; MAIER, D.; TERYTZE, K.; BRAUNBECK, TH. & HOLLERT, H. (2003). Ökotoxikologische Bewertung von Rheinsedimenten, Teil 1: Dioxin-ähnliche Wirkung und ihre Korrelation mit der chemischen Analytik; Poster auf der 8. Tagung der SETAC-GLB in Heidelberg (21.-23. September 2003).
HEBERER, TH., MECHLINSKI, A., FANCK, B., KNAPPE, A., MASSMANN, G. AND A. PEKDEGER, 2003. Fate and Transport of Pharmaceutical Residues in Bank Filtration., 3rd International Conference on Pharmaceuticals and Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Water, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
HEBERER, H., MECHLINSKI, A, FANCK, B, KNAPPE, A, MASSMANN, G, PEKDEGER, A (2003). Natural Attenuation of Pharmaceutical Residues during Groundwater Recharge. Conference Proceedings, ENVIRPHARMA, Lyon.
MASSMANN, G., KNAPPE, A., RICHTER, D., SÜLTENFUß, J., PEKDEGER, A. (2003). Application of Different Tracers to Evaluate the Flow Regime at Riverbank-Filtration Sites in Berlin, Germany. In: G. Melin (Editor). Riverbank Filtration - The Future is Now. Conference Proceedings, Cincinnati Ohio, USA, National Water Institute: 49-56.
MASSMANN, G., SÜLTENFUß, J., KNAPPE, A. & PEKDEGER, A. (2003). Using the Tritium/Helium Age Dating Method to characterise two river recharged aquifer systems in Germany. IUGG Conference 2003, Sapporo, Japan.
SCHULZE, T.; RICKING, M.; WINKLER, A.; PEKDEGER, A.; KÖRNER, A. & SCHLÜTER, C. (2003): Development of a standard operating procedure "sediments and suspended particulary matter" for the German Environmental Specimen Bank; Poster presentation on 1st Conference on Applied Environmental Geology in Central and Eastern Europe (AEG'03) in Vienna, 7th to 10th October, 2003.
SCHULZE, T.; KEMINK, B.; MAIER, M.; MAIER, D.; ERDINGER, L.; BRAUNBECK, TH.; HOLLERT, H. & TERYTZE, K. (2003): Ökotoxikologische Bewertung von Rheinsedimenten, Teil 2: Schadstoffkonzentrationen, sowie mutagene, genotoxische und endokrine Wirkung; Poster auf der 8. Tagung der SETAC-GLB in Heidelberg (21.-23. September 2003).
GRÜTZMACHER, G., BÖTTCHER, G., CHORUS, I., KNAPPE, A. AND PEKDEGER, A. (2002). Cyanobacterial toxins in bank filtered water from Lake Wannsee, Berlin. In: P.J. Dillon (Editor), ISAR-4. Balkema, Adelaide/Australia, pp. 175-179.
KNAPPE, A., HUBBERTEN, H.-W., PEKDEGER, A., DULSKI, P. AND MÖLLER, P. (2002). A multi-tracer study on bank filtration processes in Berlin. In: P.J. Dillon (Editor), ISAR-4. Balkema, Adelaide, Australia, pp. 239-244.
KOHFAHL, C., E. HAMANN AND PEKDEGER, A. (2002). Modelling of artificial water oscillations in a flooded lignite mine. In: P.J. Dillon (Editor), Management of Aquifer Recharge for sustainability. Balkema, Adelaide, pp. 261-264.
KOHFAHL, C., GRESKOWIAK, J. AND PEKDEGER, A. (2002). Reactive Transport Modeling of oxygen diffusion and pyrite weathering based on faseroptic oxygen measurements in a column experiment, ModelCARE 2002. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling, Prague, pp. 447-451.
MASSMANN, G., PEKDEGER, A., MERZ, C. (2002). Geochemical Processes During Riverbank Filtration in a Polder Region Bordering the River Oder, Germany. In: Dillon, P. 4th International Symposium on Artificial Recharge of Groundwater, ISAR-4, Adelaide, South Australia, A.A. Balkema Publishers: 89-94
MECHLINSKI, A., HEBERER, T., KNAPPE, A. AND PEKDEGER, A., 2002. Untersuchungen zum Verhalten von Arzneimitttelrückständen während der Uferfiltration. Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft. Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Eichstädt/Germany.
PEKDEGER, A., MASSMANN, G., SÜLTENFUß, J., EL GAMAL, H. & KNAPPE A., (2002). Bestimmung des Grundwasseralters mit Hilfe der 3H/3He Methode bei der Uferfiltration - In: M.-T. Schafmeister & Meyer, T. (Hrsg.): Grundwasserressourcen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Erschließung und Naturschutz. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, Heft 19, S. 92, Hannover.
SCHULZE, T.; WETTERAUER, B.; SCHWARZBAUER, J.; HOLLERT, H. ; BRAUNBECK, TH. & RICKING, M. (2002): Ecotoxicological potential of DDT and its metabolites; Poster presentation on 3rd EUROPEAN MEETING ON ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY, Geneva, SWITZERLAND (December 11-14, 2002).
HOLZBECHER E., MASSMANN G., HORNER C. & PEKDEGER A. (2001): Redox-processes in the Oderbruch aquifer (northern Germany); In: GEHRELS H., PETERS N.E., HOEHN E., JENSEN K., LEIBUNDGUT C., GRIFFIOEN J., WEBB B., ZAADNOORDIJK W.J. (2001): Impact of Human Activity on Groundwater Dynamics, Proceedings of the 6th Scientific Assembly of IAHS Maastricht 2001, IAH Publication no. 269, pp. 229-237, ISBN 1-901502-56-2
KEMINK, B.; ULRICH, M.; GARKE, V.; WETTERAUER, B.; KOSMEHL, TH.; GLAß, B.; SCHULZE, T.; MAIER, M.; MAIER, D.;ERDINGER, L.; BRAUNBECK, TH. & HOLLERT, H. (2001): Ökotoxikologische Gefährdung von Trinkwasser durch partikulär gebundene Schadstoffe, Teil 1: Mutagene, genotoxische und endrocrine Wirkung; Poster auf dem 6. deutschsprachigen SETAC Symposium in Berlin (10./11. September 2001).
KNAPPE, A., FRITZ, B., PEKDEGER, A., MÖLLER, P., DULSKI, P. AND H.-W. HUBBERTEN, 2001a. Using the REE Gadolinium as a new tracer for sewage influence in aqueous urban systems. In: R. Cidu (Editor), WRI-10. Balkema, Villasimius/Italy, pp. 1111-1114.
MASSMANN, G., PEKDEGER, A. MERZ, C. & SCHAFMEISTER, M.-TH. (2001): Geochemical changes along infiltration-paths in a river recharged aquifer in the "Oderbruch" Region, eastern Germany; In: New Approaches in Characterising Groundwater Flow, Proceedings XXXI. IAH Congress Munich:Volume 1, pp 577-582, A.A. Balkema, ISBN 90 2651 849 8
MASSMANN, G., PEKDEGER, A., MERZ, C. & SCHAFMEISTER, M.-TH. (2001): Redox chemistry of a river-recharged aquifer in the "Oderbruch" region in eastern Germany; In: Rosa Cidu (2001): Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Water Rock Interaction WRI-10, Villasimius, Italy, Volume 1, pp 561-565, A.A. Balkema, ISBN 90 2651 834 X
SCHULZE, T.; WETTERAUER, B.; SCHWARZBAUER, J.; RICKING, M.; HOLLERT, H. & BRAUNBECK, TH. (2001): Vorkommen und toxische Wirkung von DDT und seinen Metaboliten in Sedimenten Berliner Gewässer; Vortrag auf dem 6. deutschsprachigen SETAC Symposium in Berlin (10./11. September 2001).
ULRICH, M; KEMINK, B; LEIST, E.; GLAß, B.; SCHULZE, T.; MAIER, M.; MAIER, D.; BRAUNBECK, TH. & HOLLERT, H. (2001): Ökotoxikologische Gefährdung von Trinkwasser durch partikulär gebundene Schadstoffe, Teil 2: Vergleich der Epositionspfade Extrakt und Gesamtsediment im Bakterienkontakttest und Fischeitest; Poster auf dem 6. deutschsprachigen SETAC Symposium in Berlin (10./11. September 2001).
WETTERAUER, B.; ISLINGER, M.; SCHULZE, T.; RICKING; M.; SCHWARZBAUER, J.; HOLLERT, H. & BRAUNBECK, TH. (2001): Cytotoxische und endokrine Wirksamkeit von DDT und ausgewählten Metaboliten; Poster auf dem 6. deutschsprachigen SETAC Symposium in Berlin (10./11. September 2001).
BOHN, A.; PEKDEGER, A.; WINKLER, A. & MAIWALD, U. (2000): Untersuchungen zur Beeinflussung der Schadstoffmobilität durch Milieuvariationen bei der Rekultivierung ehemaliger Braunkohletagebaue.- in: Isenbeck-Schröter, M., Scholz, C. & Herbert, M. (Hg.): Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, Heft 12, HydroGeoEvent 2000, Wasser-Gestein-Wechselwirkung, S. 117.
BORGES, S., MASSMANN, G. & SCHAFMEISTER, M.-T. (2000):Quantifizierung der Transferfunktion des Laufgrabens im influenten Strömungssystem des Oderbruch; In: Herbert, M., Isenbeck-Schröter, M., Scholz, C. (Hrsg.), Hydro-Geo-Event 2000, Wasser-Gesteins-Wechselwirkungen, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, H. 12, S. 89, Heidelberg.
FRITZ, B., SOMMER-VON JARMERSTED, C., PEKDEGER, A., WISCHNACK, S., JEKEL, M. (2000): Investigation of sewage water components as trace elements.- EGS Millennium Conference on Earth, Planetary & Solar Systems Sciences, 25-29.4.2000, Nice, France.
FRITZ, B., HEIM, B., KNAPPE, A., SOMMER-VON JARMERSTED, C., PEKDEGER, A. (2000): Sewage water components used as trace elements to investigate water quality in Berlin/Germany.- 3rd International Symposium on Wastewater Reclamation, Recycling and Reuse, 3-6 Juli 2000, Paris.
FRITZ, B., HEIM, B., SOMMER-VON JARMERSTED, C. & PEKDEGER, A. (2000): Investigations on river bank filtration processes influenced by permnently changing hydrochemical conditions.- International Riverbank Filtration Conference, 2-4 Nov.2000, Düsseldorf, Germany
FRITZ, B., SOMMER-VON JARMERSTED, C. & PEKDEGER, A. (2000): Investigation of surface water and groundwater affected by sewage water.- 6th Scientific Assembly of the IAHS, Maastricht 2001.
FRITZ, B., HEIM, B., SOMMER-VON JARMERSTED, C. & PEKDEGER, A. (2000): Hydrochemical investigations of river water quality coupled with remote sensing techniques.- 6th Scientific Assembly of the IAHS, Maastricht 2001 (submitted).
HERVIDA, A.; BOON, A.; MAIWALD, U.; WINKLER, A. & PEKDEGER, A. (2000): Mobilität organische Schadstoffe in der Bergbaufolgelandschaft.- in: Isenbeck-Schröter, M., Scholz, C. & Herbert, M. (Hg.): Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, Heft 12, HydroGeoEvent 2000, Wasser-Gestein-Wechselwirkung, S. 170.
MASSMANN, G., PEKDEGER, A., QUAST, J. & SCHAFMEISTER, M.-T. (2000): Das Verhalten von Eisen und Mangan in einem anoxischen Grundwasserleiter im nördlichen Oderbruch; In: Herbert, M., Isenbeck-Schröter, M., Scholz, C. (Hrsg.), Hydro-Geo-Event 2000, Wasser-Gesteins-Wechselwirkungen, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, H. 12, S. 110, Heidelberg.
SCHULZE, T. (2000): Screening and identification of organic compounds in the sediments of lake Weißer See (Berlin, Germany); Poster presentation on 5th SETAC German Branch Symposium in Hamburg (11./12. September 2000).
SCHUHMACHER, P.; MERZ, C. & WINKLER, A. (2000) Migrationsverhalten umweltrelevanter Stoffe unter wechselnden Milieubedingungen im oberflächennahen Grundwasserleiter des Oderbruchs.- in: Isenbeck-Schröter, M., Scholz, C. & Herbert, M. (Hg.): Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, Heft 12, HydroGeoEvent 2000, Wasser-Gestein-Wechselwirkung, S. 66.
WINKLER, A., MERZ, C. & SCHUHMACHER, P. (2000): Migration, Precipitation and ageing of Heavy Metals under changing redox environments in a shallow aquifer of the Oderbruch (NE Germany).- 31st. International Geological Congress, Rio de Janeiro, August 2000, Abstract volume (CD-ROM)
WINKLER, A., TAUTE, T., PEKDEGER, A. STROETMAN, I & MAUE, G (2000): Influence of autochthonous microorganisms on the migration of redox-sensitive radionuclides.- 31st. International Geological Congress, Rio de Janeiro, August 2000, Abstract volume (CD-ROM).
ZIEGLER, D., WISCHNACK, S., HARTIG, C., JEKEL, M, FRITZ, B. , PEKDEGER, A. (2000):Verhalten organischer Verbindungen bei Uferfiltration mit Klarwassereinfluß in Berlin.- Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft - Fachgruppe in der GDCh, 29-31.05.2000, Weimar.
ZIEGLER, D.,WISCHNACK, S., HARTIG, C., PUTSCHEV, A., FRITZ, B., PEKDEGER, A.,JEKEL, M. (2000): Behavior of pharmaceutical substances and DOC during bank filtration in Berlin.- .- International Riverbank Filtration Conference, 2-4 Nov.2000, Düsseldorf, Germany.
FRITZ, B. & HEIM, B. (1999): Verteilung von hydro-chemischen Inhaltsstoffen in Oberflächengewässern am Beispiel des Tegeler Sees und ihre Auswirkung auf das Uferfiltrat.- Vortrag im Workshop: Wasser- und Stoffaustausch zwischen Oberhavel und Tegeler See –Konsequenzen für den Phosphathaushalt – 24.2.99, Institut für Wasser- Boden- und Lufthygiene des Umweltbundesamtes; Berlin.
KNAPPE, A., SOMMER-VON JARMERSTED, C., PEKDEGER, A., BAU, M. AND DULSKI, P., 1999. Gadolinium in aquatic systems as indicator for sewage water contamination. In: H. Ármannsson (Editor), GES-5. Balkema, Rotterdam, Reykjavik/Iceland, pp. 187-190.
BOHN, A.; MAIWALD, U.; WINKLER, A. & PEKDEGER, A.(1988): Stoffmobilisierung und Veränderung der Rückhaltekapazitäten von Sedimenten durch Milieuveränderungen bei der Rekultivierung ehemaliger Braunkohlentagebaue.- in Terra Nostra Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 98/3, Geo-Berlin ´98, gemeinsame Jahrestagung DGG, DMG, GGW & Pal.Ges., S. V36-V37.
GIESE, L.B., PEKDEGER, A. & DAHMS, E (1998): Thermal fluids and scalings in the geothermal power plant of Kizildere, Turkey.- in Arehart, G.B. & Hulston, J.R. (eds.): Water-Rock-Interaction – WIR-9, S.625-628, Balkema, Rotterdam.
MERZ, C. WINKLER, A & SIECKMANN (1998): Migration behavior of trace metals under chan-ging redox conditions in the shallow aquifer of a mesoscale Oder River polder (Oderbruch). In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. Proceedings of the General Assembly, Nice, April, 1998.
ÖZGÜR, N., PEKDEGER, A., WOLF, M., STICHLER, W., SEILER, K.-P. & SATIR, M., (1998), Hydrogeochemical and isotope geochemical features of the thermal waters of Kizildere, Salavatli, and Germencik in the rift zone of the Büyük Menderes, western Anatolia, Turkey: preliminary studies: .- in Arehart, G.B. & Hulston, J.R. (eds.): Water-Rock-Interaction – WIR-9, S.645-649, Balkema, Rotterdam.
ÖZGÜR, N., VOGEL, M. & PEKDEGER, A., (1998): A new type of hydrothermal alteration of the Kizildere geothermal field in the rift zone of the Büyük Menderes, western Anatolia, Turkey: .- in Arehart, G.B. & Hulston, J.R. (eds.): Water-Rock-Interaction – WIR-9, S.679-682, Balkema, Rotterdam.
SCHULZE, T.; RICKING, M. & PACHUR, H.-J. (1998): PAHs im Weißen See (Berlin); Posterpresentation 2. Tagung Junger Geochemiker der GUG in Hannover (Mai 1998)
SIECKMANN, I.; MERZ, C. & WINKLER, A. (1998): Migrationsverhalten umweltrelevanter Spurenstoffe unter wechselnden Milieubedingungen im oberflächennahen Grundwasserleiter des Oderbruchs.- in Terra Nostra Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 98/3, Geo-Berlin ´98, gemeinsame Jahrestagung DGG, DMG, GGW & Pal.Ges., S. V333.
SOMMER von JARMERSTED, Ch., MAIWALD, U., PEKDEGER, A., SCHAFMEISTER (1998): Hydrogeochemical Investigationms on arsenic contamination of a shallow aquifer.- in Arehart, G.B. & Hulston, J.R. (eds.): Water-Rock-Interaction – WIR-9, S.185-187, Balkema, Rotterdam.
WOITH, H., MILKEREIT, C., ZSCHAU, J., MAIWALD. U. & PEKDEGER, A: (1998): Monitoring of thermal and minerals waters in the frame of READINESS.- in Arehart, G.B. & Hulston, J.R. (eds.): Water-Rock-Interaction – WIR-9, S.809-812, Balkema, Rotterdam.
WINKLER, A; TAUTE, T; PEKDEGER, A; STROETMANN, I; & MAUE, G (1998): Influence of autochthonous microorganisms on the migration of redox-sensitive radionuclides.- in Arehart, G.B. & Hulston, J.R. (eds.): Water-Rock-Interaction – WIR-9, S.123-126, Balkema, Rotterdam.
WINKLER, A; TAUTE, T; PEKDEGER, A; STROETMANN, I; & MAUE, G (1998): Influence of autochthonous microorganisms on the migration of redox-sensitive radionuclides.- in Arehart, G.B. & Hulston, J.R. (eds.): Water-Rock-Interaction – WIR-9, S.123-126, Balkema, Rotterdam.
PEKDEGER, A.; MAIWALD, U.; SOMMER VON JARMERSTED, C.; WINKLER, A.; WIPPERMANN, T. (1998): Geochemische Modellierung von wässerigen Lösungen, Handbuch zur Erkundung des Untergrundes von Deponien und Altlasten, Bd. 6, Geochemie, S.322-345, Springer, Berlin.
ÖZGÜR, N., HALBACH, P., PEKDEGER, A., SÖNMEZ, N., DORA, O.Ö., MA, D.-S., WOLF, M. & StICHLER, W., 1997, Epithermal antimony, mercury, and gold deposits in the rift zone of the Kücük Menderes, Western Anatolia, Turkey: preliminary studies: in: Papunen, H. (ed.): Mineral Deposits: Research and Exploration, Where do They Meet?: 4th Biennnial SGA Meeting, Turku, Finland, August 11-13, 1997, p. 269-272
MAIWALD U, WINKLER, A., PEKDEGER, A (1996): Deponie als Bergbaufolgelandschaft: Einfluß variierender Milieubedingungen auf die Sorptionseigenschaften tertiärer Sedimente.- Grundwasser und Rohstoffgewinnung (B. MERKEL, P. G. DIETRICH, W. STRUCKMEIER & E.P. LÖHNERT (Hrsg.), GeoCongress (2), :314-320, Verlag Sven von Loga, Köln
SCHAFMEISTER, M. -TH., MAIWALD U, PEKDEGER, A (1996): Räumliche Strukturanalyse hydraulischer .und hydrogeochemischer Parameter im Umfeld des ehemaligen Tagebaues Lochau.- Grundwasser und Rohstoffgewinnung (B. MERKEL, P. G. DIETRICH, W. STRUCKMEIER & E.P. LÖHNERT (Hrsg.), GeoCongress (2), :314-320, Verlag Sven von Loga, Köln
TAUTE, T., MAUE, G., DOTT, W., PEKDEGER, A., STROETMANN, I. WINKLER, A., (1996): Einfluß der autochthonen Mikroflora auf die Sorption und Remobilisierung des Technitiums und des Selens.- Grundwasser und Rohstoffgewinnung (B. MERKEL, P. G. DIETRICH, W. STRUCKMEIER & E.P. LÖHNERT (Hrsg.), GeoCongress (2), :482-488, Verlag Sven von Loga.
TAUTE, T., MAUE, G., DOTT, W., PEKDEGER, A., STROETMANN, I. WINKLER, A., (1996): Einfluß der autochthonen Mikroflora auf die Sorption und Remobilisierung des Technitiums und des Selens.- Grundwasser und Rohstoffgewinnung (B. MERKEL, P. G. DIETRICH, W. STRUCKMEIER & E.P. LÖHNERT (Hrsg.), GeoCongress (2), :482-488, Verlag Sven von Loga.
JARMERSTED, VON, C., PEKDEGER, A. & THOMAS, L. (1995): Hydrochemical composition of formation waters at 4.000 m depth (continental deep borehole, KTB).- in: KHARAKA, Y. K. & CHUDAEV, O. V. (Eds.): Water Rock Interaction WRI-8, 481-485; Balkema; Rotterdam.
LUTZ THOMAS, ALBERTSEN, MANFRED, PEKDEGER, ASAF, KNOKE, HOLGER, HORSTMAN, B.W. & SCHENK, DIETMAR (1995): XPS-FROCKI- Chemical characterization of fluids and their modelling with respect to their damage potential in injection or production processes using an XPS.- Proceedings International Symposium on Oilfield Geochemistry, San Antonio Texas, 14-17. Feb., 1995,: 385-395, Soc. of Petroleum Engineers.
MAIWALD U, WINKLER, A., PEKDEGER, A (1996): Deponie als Bergbaufolgelandschaft: Einfluß variierender Milieubedingungen auf die Sorptionseigenschaften tertiärer Sedimente.- Grundwasser und Rohstoffgewinnung (B. MERKEL, P. G. DIETRICH, W. STRUCKMEIER & E.P. LÖHNERT (Hrsg.), GeoCongress (2), :314-320, Verlag Sven von Loga, Köln
MAIWALD U., WOITH H., PEKDEGER A. & MATTHESS G.(1995): Relationship between radon in groundwater and the uranium content of the aquifer: A case study from NW Turkey.- 3rd International Colloqium on Rare Gas Geochemistry, Amritsar (India), S. 50.
NEVZAT ÖZGÜR & PEKDEGER, ASAF (1995): Active geothermal systems in the rift zones of the Menderes Massif, western Anatolia, Turkey: in: Kharaka, Y. K. and Chudaev, O. V. (eds.): Proc. Internat. 8th Symp. on Water-Rock Interaction, Vladivostok/Russia, p. 529-532.
ÖZGÜR, N. & PEKDEGER, A. (1995): Active geothermal systems in the rift zones of the Menderes Massif, western Anatolia, Turkey: in: Kharaka, Y. K. and Chudaev, O. V. (eds.): Proc. Internat. 8th Symp. on Water-Rock Interaction, Vladivostok/Russia, : 529-532. Balkema; Rotterdam
PEKDEGER, A. & ÖZGÜR, N. (1995): Hydrogeochemical investigations on acid drainage water from the antimony mine of Emirli, Western Turkey: in: Kharaka, Y. K. and Chudaev, O. V. (eds.): Proc. Internat. 8th Symp. on Water-Rock Interaction, Vladivostok/Russia, : 891-893. Balkema; Rotterdam
PEKDEGER, A. & SOMMER-VON JARMERSTED, C.(1995): Physikalische und chemische Eigenschaften des Grundwassers.- in: DGG-Seminar: Hydrogeologie und Geophysik, Sonderband III/1995, :84-89; Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft e. V., Hannover.SOMMER-
PEKDEGER, A. & ÖZGÜR, NEVZAT (1995): Hydrogeochemical investigations on acid drainage water from the antimony mine of Emirli, Western Turkey: in: Kharaka, Y. K. and Chudaev, O. V. (eds.): Proc. Internat. 8th Symp. on Water-Rock Interaction, Vladivostok/Russia, p. 891-893.
SOMMER-VON JARMERSTED, C., PEKDEGER, ASAF & THOMAS, LUTZ (1995): Hydrochemical composition of formation waters at 4.000 m depth (continental deep borehole, KTB).- in: KHARAKA, Y. K. & CHUDAEV, O. V. (Eds.): Water Rock Interaction WRI-8, 481-485; Balkema; Rotterdam.
STROETMANN, I., DOTT, W., SOKOTNEJAT, R., WINKLER, A. & PEKDEGER, A. (1995): Influence of microbialogical activity on the mobility of redoxsensitive radionuclides in sediments.-Tagung Budapest September 1994 - in press.
THOMAS, L., ALBERTSEN, M., PEKDEGER, A., KNOKE, H., HORSTMAN, B.W. & SCHENK, D. (1995): XPS-FROCKI- Chemical characterization of fluids and their modelling with respect to their damage potential in injection or production processes using an XPS.- Proceedings International Symposium on Oilfield Geochemistry, San Antonio Texas, 14-17. Feb., 1995,: 385-395, Soc. of Petroleum Engineers,
WINKLER, A.; STROETMANN, IRMGARD; TAUTE, THOMAS.; MAUE, GEORG; DOTT, WOLFGANG; PEKDEGER, ASAF (1995): Microbiological alteration of the transport behaviour of redoxsensitive radionuclides in sediments.- in: Water- Rock-Interaction (WRI 8), Kharaka, Yousif K. & Oleg V. Chudaev (eds.), S. 277-281, A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam
WINKLER, A..; STROETMANN, I., TAUTE, T..; MAUE, G., DOTT, W., PEKDEGER, A. (1995): Microbiological alteration of the transport behaviour of redoxsensitive radionuclides in sediments.- in: Water-Rock-Interaction (WRI 8), Kharaka, Y. K. & O. V. Chudaev (eds.), : 277-281, A.A.Balkema,Rotterdam.
WOITH H., MAIWALD U., MILKEREIT C. & PEKDEGER A. (1995): Radon in deep ground waters along the North Anatolian fault zone.- 3rd International Colloqium on Rare Gas Geochemistry, Amritsar (India), S. 31.
NEVZAT ÖZGÜR & PEKDEGER, A. (1994): Active geothermal systems in the rift zones in the Menderes Massif, western Anatolia, Turkey: The 9th Symposium of International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits, Peking/China, v. 2, p. 575.
STROETMANN, I., KÄMPFER, P., DOTT, W., SCHÜLE, J., SOKOTNEJAD, R., WINKLER, A. & PEKDEGER, A. (1994): Influence of Microbialogical Activity on the Mobility of Redox - Sensitive Radionuclides in Sediments.- Material Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 333, S: 745- 751, Material Research Society, Pittsburgh.
SCHAFMEISTER, M.T. & GH. DE MARSILY (1994): The influence of correlation length of highly conductive zones in alluvial media on the transport behaviour.- in: Dracos & Stauffer (eds.): Transport and Reactive Processes in Aquifers, S. 171-176, Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5410 368 X.
McElwee, C.D. & Zenner, M.A. (1993). Unified Analysis of Slug Tests Including Nonlinearities, Inertial Effects, and Turbulence, EOS Trans. AGU, 74(43), Fall Meeting Suppl., 235.
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