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Groß Glienicker See im Juli 2022

Groß Glienicker See im Juli 2022
Bildquelle: Dr. N. Mahmoodi

The Einstein Research Unit Climate and Water under Change (CliWaC) is a transdisciplinary research initiative of the Berlin University Alliance to address water-related risks under climate change. CliWaC will bring together social and natural science as well as practical expertise from stakeholders to support the governance of mitigation and adaptation measures in response to climate change.

In an innovative methodological way, CliWaC will bring together social and natural science as well as practical expertise from stakeholders in an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary project to support the governance of mitigation and adaptation measures in response to climate change.

The consortium consists of 28 project leaders affiliated to the BUA members Freie Universität (FU) Berlin, Humboldt-Universität (HU) zu Berlin, Technische Universität (TU) Berlin, and Charité, including two professorships to be appointed at FU (Environmental Policy) and TU (Environmental Governance). External institutions are incorporated by joint appointments with Berlin University Alliance (BUA) members (Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research ZALF) or as external partners (Institute for Ecological Economy Research IÖW).

The Hydrogeology Group at the Institute of Geological Sciences at Freie Universität Berlin will focus in particular on groundwater dynamics and the interaction between surface water and groundwater in the area of Lake Groß Glienicke and Lake Sacrow. In this region, a significant stress on water resources can be observed, which manifests itself in particular through falling lake water levels. The study area is located on the south-western periphery of Berlin. A comprehensive numerical flow model will be setup to investigate the relevant hydraulic processes.

Further information:

Website CliWac

Berlin University Alliance

Launch of the Einstein Research Unit on Climate and Water under Change