Aseela Haque

Institut für Geographische Wissenschaften
Fachrichtung Humangeographie
Geographien globaler Ungleichheiten
2011-2015 | BSc. Political Science (minor in English Literature) at Lahore University of Management Sciences |
2015-2016 | Sub-editor at The Express Tribune |
2017-2020 | M.A. Global Studies at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, M.A. Thesis “Playing on the back foot: Cricket as postcolonial cultural practice in Berlin”. |
2018 | Research project at Urban Resource Centre in Karachi. Documenting flyovers and underpasses in Karachi. |
2020-2021 | Pre-doctoral fellow at Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies |
Wintersemester 2024/25
- HS - Methods in Geographies of Global Inequalities
Wintersemester 2023/24
- HS- Methods in Geographies of Inequalities
Sommersemester 2023
- S - Regionale Themen der Anthropogeographie: AG Entwicklungsforschung
Wintersemester 2022/23
- SG - Geographien der Globalisierung:Cricket, Identity, and Diaspora
Sommersemester 2022
- S - Regionale Themen der Anthropogeographie: AG Entwicklungsforschung: Infrastructure, politics, and the city
Research Interests
My research takes urban roads as the primary frame to examine the politics of infrastructure and inhabitation in Karachi, Pakistan. It contributes to and brings together scholarship on infrastructure, inhabitation, and more-than-human geography. Accordingly, it attends to the liminal forms of human and non-human inhabitations that are sutured in relation to roads and ones that are violently unmade in order to further roads. It focuses on the governance practices and lived realities that produce roads as sites of tensions and encounters shaped by social categories of class and gender. Through careful ethnography, it offers ways of conceptualising how infrastructure, urban governance, and everyday improvisations for humans and non-humans constitute the urban, in all its conflictual and convivial forms.
- Haque, A. (2024). Inhabiting flyover geographies: Flows, interstices, and walking bodies in Karachi. Urban Planning, 9.
Batool, R., Fleschenberg, A., Glatti, L., Haque, A., Holz, S., Khan, M.S., Pal, S., Shah, R., Tareen, M. 2021. Researching South Asia in Pandemic Times: Of Shifting Fields, Research Tools, Risks, Emotions and Research Relationships. (2021). South Asia Chronicle, 11, 419-467.
Haque, A. S. (2021). “Playing on the back foot”: The Pakistani Male Diaspora and Cricket in Berlin. New Sociological Perspectives, 1(1).
- Haque, A. (2024). On More-than-human Public Space: Kabootar Chowk in Karachi - Spotlight On Animals and the City. IJURR.