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KFS at the NEEDS 2023 Conference

News vom 14.11.2023

The Disaster Research Unit team recently made impactful contributions at the 2023 Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies (NEEDS 2023 Conference), a gathering centered on building disaster resilient societies. During this pivotal event that took place in the University of Twente, Enschede (Netherland), the team members engaged in activities and discussions crucial to fostering societal resilience. 

 KFS-Team at the Needs Conference 2023

Meet the Team: 

Verena Flörchinger, Isabelle Desportes, and Vicente Sandoval co-hosted the panel "A cultural turn in disaster studies? Exploring epistemological, socio-historical and scalar perspectives" which dealt with the overall question of 'what is the role of culture in building disaster resilient societies'. The panel received the contributions from Terry Cannon (UK), Claudia González-Muzzio (Chile), Barsha Shrestha and Sanjaya Uprety (Nepal), Enrique Arias Arostegui (Peru and Germany), and Miranda Simes (USA). 

Additionally, Verena presented on "Lessons learned from recent floods and mutual learning for disaster risk management" in the conference panel "Flood Risk Governance: International Perspectives to Building Flood Resilient Societies", while Vicente presented "Exploring culture and integration in disaster risk management". 


For more information about the NEEDS 2023 Conference visit the website: https://www.utwente.nl/en/needsconference

Seminar at the Needs Conference 2023

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