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Neue Publikation: Stephan Liebscher (2024): Organising for System Change: “From the Sea to the City” and the Movement Ecology of Migrant Solidarity in Europe.

Stephan Liebscher (2024): Organising for System Change: “From the Sea to the City” and the Movement Ecology of Migrant Solidarity in Europe. In: Antipode (early view), https://doi.org/10.1111/anti.13041

08.04.2024 | Globalisierung, Transformation, Gender

Neue Publikation: Negotiating Migration in Cities: a Relational Comparative Perspective

Von Amandine Desille, Charlotte Räuchle, Ilona van Breugel, Juan Carlos Triviño-Salazar und  Antonie Schmiz

04.10.2023 | Globalisierung, Transformation, Gender