There are four types of actors:
The loner:
likes to do most things by himself because he does it faster and best;
doesn't want to bother or worry other people;
feels that his knowledge and skills are often superior to most people;
only ask for help as a last resort (and when it may be too late).
The loner attitude is a major abstabcle to effective networking.
The socializer:
- tries to make a friend of everyone she/he meets;
- tends to know people's names and faces but not what they do;
- is not usually systematic or ordered about follow-up-contact in random;
- may not listen too deeply and is quick to move on.
The socializer is a random networker, following little or no formal contact system.
The user:
is likely to collect information without really connecting with the people;
tries to make 'sales' or 'pitches' on the first encounter;
talks and focuses on own agenda;
has superficial interactions;
keeps score when giving favours.
There is too much user-led networking. Focus on ways how it can be avoided.
The builder/networker:
has a 'giving' disposition or abundance mentally;
is generally happy to ask others for help or guidance;
listens and learns about people carefully;
is regularly in the look-out for useful information frim which others can benefit;
has a well-ordered and organised networking system.
This type is out there for others, or on call to offer help whenever it is needed.