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WP 2: Database management

The Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) project SMART takes into account environmental conditions, ecosystems, socio-economy, water provision, and demand management to conserve the water resources for future generations. For decision-making in natural resources management, a profound database of all available variables and measurements is essential. The database allows for people and institutions with different backgrounds and from various political environments to talk the same language.

The resulting SMART comprehensive database management system (DBMS) was designed to efficiently supply all partners with input data for establishing the required systems (modeling, geographical information systems - GIS). The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ technologically advanced this tool and named it DAISY (Data and Information System). The DBMS is designed to serve as a platform for collecting and storing data and sharing them among the partners to ensure proper, effective, and quick supply of data and information required for the execution of the various project tasks.

Consequently, the project (basin) area and scope were determined and subdivided into subareas of more homogeneous problems and characteristics for the work to focus on more specific local problems. An integral part of the work package was to gather, compile, and organize all data available on the JRV, which were considered relevant to and necessary for the project, including:

  • Agriculture: Current status of activities, crops, irrigation practices and applied technologies, etc.
  • Socio-economy: Inventory of the cities and small towns in the JRV, current population
    and expected growth trends, water ingestion, etc.
  • Geography: Up-to-date maps, aerial and or satellite photography/images
  • Morphology: Up-to-date digital elevation models in GIS-readable base
  • Wells: Well characteristics, well time series of piezometric head and quality (chloride, nitrate, and other elements)
  • Springs: Characteristics (location, elevation, type, aquifer, etc.), time series of discharge and quality
  • Climatic data: Characteristics measured by rain gauges and time series of rainfall data of various aggregations, time series for precipitation and for other climatic data under specific and regional climate conditions
  • Aerial and satellite photography: Gathering/buying particular remote sensing data, time series images for wider areas to characterize the evolution of urban/rural regions
  • Water distribution system: Layout and characteristics (diameter, discharges, etc.)
  • Sewage network: Size, layout, treatment plants, type of treatment and capacity, etc.
  • Water retaining and storing facilities for the collection of runoff: Size, capacity, location.

All data stored in previous projects and those provided by project partners were and are still being reviewed and classified according to database regulations and their relevance to the project. The aim was to produce a logical information structure (variables, units, parameters), to avoid redundancy, and to guarantee data quality. (Klinger et al. 2014, Klinger et al. 2015)