Land cover and land use
The floodplains of the Krom Antonies River are covered with wetland vegetation. The gentle valley bottom is mainly used for agricultural purposes; on some of the non-used areas Sand Fynbos might be found. Sand Fynbos is the typical natural vegetation of quartzitic sandy soils. On nutrition poor soils on the slopes, sandstone mountains, Sandstone Fynbos grows. The Malmsbury group areas are in general more nutritious and have higher clay content. They are covered by Renosterveld shrubland vegetation.
All natural vegetation types in the Krom Antonies catchment are part of the Cape Floral Kingdom, the smallest floristic kingdom of the World. One typical feature is its fire resistivity.
The main agricultural product of the catchment is potato, mainly cultivated on large circular fields, which are irrigated by center pivots. In addition, grapes, vine and rooibos are grown.