Determine objectives
Determining objectives for Watershed Management
Image Credit: Anette Stumptner 2007 after data from Heathcote 1998
(Over)grazing in teh Ükök river catchment in Kyryzstan
Image Credit: Tilman Rost 2010
After the problems of the watershed have been identified and analysed the objectives of the Watershed Management project should be determined by the planning committee.
The objectives must be recorded clearly for each problem.
Additionally, the objectives should be ranked according to their importance in discussion with all members of the planning committee.
For example: two of the main objectives discussed for the Ükök river catchment in Kyrgystan are:
- to stop overgtrazing by 70 % in the mountain top aras in the next six years.
- to raise funds about 40% to reapair water infrastructure.
The planning committee of the Gina River catchment had long discussions about the objectives of their Watershed Management project. A consensus were quickly achieved about the two main objectives (see figure).
The task of the planning committee is now to select a watershed management strategy.