Program Structure
The program subdivides into the following areas of study and the master's thesis:
1. Numeric modeling containing the modules
· climate variability and climate models
· models for weather and environmal
2. Theoretical meteorology containing the modules
· theoretical meteorology I
· theoretical meteorology II
3. Weather and climate diagnostics containing the modules
· weather and climate diagnostics
· extreme meteorological events
4. Satellite meteorology containing the modules
· satellite meteorology
These four areas of study convey fundamental contents and methods of meteorology on an advanced level.
5. Special meteorological topics/compulsory optional subject
This area of study permits specialization according to individual skills and goals.
6. Affine areas of study
This area of study affords the oppotunity for an interdisciplinary perspective.
7. Master's thesis and oral exam
The master's program ends with the master's thesis.
Study and examination regulations, study plans
Contents and qualificational goals of individual modules are regulated in the study and examination regulations.
The master's program's structure is illustrated additionally by the exemplary study plans.
Both are to be found here (in German only).