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What are the admission requirements?

Admission is limited. The number of placements available in the master's degree program is specified in the admission regulations of Freie Universität Berlin for each admission date. Further information can be found under Application, Admission and Enrollment


Am I eligible for the master program?

Please note that your eligibility for the master program is assessed based on the Regulations on the allocation of study placements at the end of the application procedure. Therefore no assessment on your personal eligibility can be given before you have finally applied for the master program.


Are there any special/additional procedures for international students?

As an international student, you need to consider certain matters concerning your language skills and educational qualifications. You can find detailed information under Studying at Freie Universität Berlin. If you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact us. Contact information is available under Contact and Academic Advising.

Do I need to understand or speak German or English?

The official course language at Freie Universität Berlin and Nanjing University is English. In addition, you will be required to successfully complete a Chinese language course during the study period at Nanjing University. More information under Application, Admission, and Enrollment.


Does the FU Berlin provide bridging course to fulfil the admission requirements?



How do I apply for the master's program?

The application for admission must be submitted in writing to the university management – Applications and Admissions Office – of Freie Universität Berlin. Further information is available under Application, Admission, and Enrollment.

When do I apply for the master's program?

April 15 - May 31, Program start: Winter semester.

Where can I find detailed information about the program content?

Detailed information about the program content and the modules included can be found in the Program Structure.

Is it possible to combine the master's program with a minor subject?

It is not possible to combine the master's program with a minor subject. However, you are allowed to choose specific elective courses from different departments and areas of interest. Get more information under Program Structure.

Is it possible to apply for a scholarship at Freie Universität Berlin

Freie Universität Berlin does not award any grants or scholarships. Students, however, do not pay any tuition fees; the university only charges semester fees and contributions each semester. Further information can be found here


Working while studying in Berlin

To get a job it is necessary as citizen from non-EU countries to have a residence and working permit. But even then as student you are not allowed to work fulltime. It is 120 full days or 240 half days per year, this limit cannot be crossed. Those wanting to work more than these days have to apply again for more time. If wanting to work during the holidays the 120/240 regulation is also valid. Internships are only excluded from the rule if they are obligatory for the study program.

Everybody who wants to earn money in Germany needs a tax payer’s account number, this means you need to register at the finance office. For so called 450€-Jobs (meaning you don’t earn more than 450€ per month) you do not pay taxes but for jobs during the holidays where you probably earn more, taxes get relevant. You need to be careful if you get any financial help like for example a scholarship how much money you are allowed to earn in addition. (Source)

Does FU Berlin provide scholarships for international students?

No, however more details on scholarships for international students can be found here.

Does FU Berlin provide an accommodation service?

Yes, more details can be found here.