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Climate Workshops

The research group Urban Climate & health of Free University of Berlin organized three different climate workshops at TU-Berlin Campus El Gouna in Egypt. The workshops have been held in the frame work of the DAAD- transformation Partnerships and in cooperation with Cairo University, American University of Cairo and Helwan University:

1. Climate Workshop in El Gouna from 17.02. to 04.03.2013 (Galerie)

2. Climate Workshop in El Gouna from 07.10. to 21.10.2013 (Galerie)

3. Climate Workshop in El Gouna from 11.09. to 29.09.2014 (Galerie)

4. Climate Workshop in El Gouna from 27.11. to 11.12.2015 (Galerie)

The participants were from Germany and Egypt (ca. 35 students). The objective of the workshops was supporting the transformation process in Egypt, through different lectures and measurements, which enable the students to learn and work in an international and interdisciplinary atmosphere. The climate workshops made it clear for all the participants, how important the meteorology especially the urban climate for urban developer is and how can we reach the sustainable urban development as well as energy efficiency. The urban climate plays also an important role in Energy Engineering, Urban Development and Water Engineering, which are the majors of the master study at TU-Berlin Campus El Gouna.