Jezero Crater’s surroundings are also worth a visit
If everything goes well and the rover is still functioning after the nominal mission duration of one Martian year (two Earth years), it would be possible to start studying the closer surroundings outside the crater. This would allow Perseverance to be used to investigate some of the oldest rocks formed during the Isidis impact – known as megabreccias, these agglomerated debris could provide valuable information about the early history of Mars. To achieve this aim, a route west out of the crater would need to be planned to reach Noachian bedrock, igneous rocks and lava flows from Syrtis Major. This would allow researchers to gain, refine and substantiate comprehensive on-site knowledge of the lithology throughout Martian history. Not to mention that the rover could also collect samples of these rocks for transport back to Earth, which would provide extraordinary scientific added value.