2013 - 9th Meeting
Microseismic Monitoring: Imaging and Analysis of Microseismic Wavefields
- Joint Arrival Time Optimization for Microseimic Events Recorded by Seismic Borehole Arrays
- Precise Seismic Event Relocation Using Waveform Cross-correlation and Source Specific Station Terms
- Fault Plane Solutions for Multiplet Events
- Rupture Propagation Imaging at Microseismic Scale
- Simultaneous Inversion of Anisotropic Velocity Model and Microseismic Event Location: Synthetic and Real Data Examples
- Microseismic Reflection Imaging: Methodology and Applications
- Modeling Reflection Coefficients at a Thin Fluid Layer Representing a Hydraulic Fracture
- Overview of a Data Set of a three Stage Hydraulic Fracturing Treatment in a Shale Gas Reservoir
Microseismic Monitoring: Physical Fundamentals and Interpretation
- Relations Between Elastic Rock Heterogeneity, Stress Fluctuations and the Gutenberg Richter b-value of Earthquakes
- Triggered versus Induced Events and Bounds of the Magnitude Probability
- Numerical Simulations of Pore Pressure Diffusion in Hydraulically Heterogeneous Media
- Influence of Hydraulic Heterogeneity of Rocks on Pore Pressure Changes Induced by Reservoir Stimulations
- Permeability as a Function of Stiff and Compliant Components of Pores and Cracks and its Stress Dependence
- Influence of Nonlinear Fluid-rock Interaction on the Back Front of Seismicity
- Permeability Tensor Characterization from the Back Front of Seismicity