Wasja Bloch was awarded was one of the three award winners for the best oral presentation atthe annual meeting of the DGG2015. The title of his talk was: "Hinweise auf metamorphe Entwässerungsreaktionen in der Subduktionszone der zentralen Anden, abgeleitet aus volumetrischen Vp/Vs-Beobachtungen".
- The 2004 publication by A. Kaselow and Serge Shapiro has been chosen to receive theJournal of Geophysics and Engeneering - Best Paper Award for its high impact in the field.
- Editor's Citation 2013 for Excellence in Refereeing is presented to C. Langenbruch for outstanding service to the authors and readers of Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth.
- Virgil Kauffman Gold Medal to Serge Shapiro by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists
- Best Student Chapter Award to the Student Geoscientific Society e.V. by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists
- Award for Young Scientists of the German Geothermal Association (GtV) to C. Langenbruch
- Appointment of Prof. Dr. Shapiro to an Adjunct Professor of the Geological department of Pittsburgh University (USA)
- Geophysics "bright spot" (see Leading Edge, vol. 24, issue 12, pp. 1206-1207) Lüth, S., Buske, S., Goertz, A. and Giese, R., Fresnel-volume migration of multicomponent data. Geophysics, vol. 70, No. 6, S121-S129, 2005.
- AGU Journal Highlight, Rauch, K., Cyclicity of Peru-Chile trench sediments between 36 and 38 degrees S: A footprint of paleoclimatic variations? Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L08302, doi:10.1029/2004GL022196, 2005.
- Karl-Zoeppritz-Award of the German Geophysical Society to Dr. E. Rothert.
- Jack E. Oliver Honorary Visiting Professorship (Cornell University) to Prof. Dr. R. Kind.
- EAGE Cagniard Award, A. Goertz, C. Müller, S. Buske and S. Lüth for their contribution on "Fresnel-volume multicomponent migration", presented at the 2003 EAGE meeting in Stavanger.
- The Institute of Physics (UK) Fellow to Prof. Dr. S. Shapiro.
- Golden Spike Award by HLRS (High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart) to E. Saenger.
- AGU Journal Highlight: Parotidis, M., Shapiro, S.A. and Rothert, E., Back front of seismicity induced after termination of borehole fluid injection.
- Auf ihrer 64. Jahrestagung 2004 in Berlin ernennt die Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft Herrn Professor Dr. rer. nat. Peter Giese in Würdigung seiner hervorragenden Verdienste um die Geophysik in Deutschland und deren internationale Einbindung zu ihrem Ehrenmitglied.
- AGU Fellow für Prof. Dr. Rainer Kind.
- AGU Journal Highlight: Rothert, E., Shapiro, S.A., Buske, S. und Bohnhoff, M., Mutual relationship between microseismicity and seismic reflectivity: Case study at the German Continental Deep Drilling Site (KTB)
- SEG Best Paper in Geophysics Award, S. Shapiro, E. Rothert, V. Rath and J. Rindschwentner for their paper: Characterization of fluid transport properties of reservoirs using induced microseismicity
- Emmy-Noether Fellowship (German Research Foundation) for T. Müller