apl. Prof. Wolfgang Gossel
- since 2009 Research associate at the State Agency for Agriculture, Enviroment and Rural Areas, department for Geology and Soil
- 2000 - 2008 Head of department for groundwater management and approval procedures for groundwater uses (German Water Act)
- since 2000 Appointment as lecturer at Freie Universität Berlin
- 2000 Habilitation, teaching qualification for hydrogeology; Topic of the thesis: Estimation of groundwater recharge rate for water managment of a planning area
- 1996 - 2000 Head of Department for groundwater management and groundwater investigation programs at the State Agency for Nature and Enviroment of Schleswig-Holstein
- 1987 - 1995 Research associate at the State Agency for water management and coasts of Schleswig-Holstein, Head of Department of Section 3, Geohydrology
- 1987 Promotion to Dr. rer. nat., topic of the thesis: Hydrochemistry, thermometry and flow conditions of groundwater in the southeastern districts of Berlin (West) - Neukölln, Kreuzberg, Tempelhof, Schöneberg
- 1983 - 1987 Research associate at the Institute of Applied Geology of the Freien Universität Berlin, Working Group of Prof. Dr. H. Brühl, Field of Activity: Geochemistry, hydrogeology, hydrology, engineering geology, thermometry
- 1981 - 1983 Research associate at the Chair of Applied Geology, Univ. Münster, setting up a lab for heavy metal analysis, supervision of the ZEEMAN-AAS
- 1981 - 1982 Freelancer for the consulting engineers of WINKELMANN, Münster
MSc-HG001: VII - Hydrogeologische Labormethoden: Erstellung hydrogeologischer Karten, Winter Semester (2 SWS)
MSc-HG003: VI Modellierung in der Hydrogeologie I: Strömungsmodellierung, Summer Semester (2 SWS)
MSc-HG003: VI Modellierung in der Hydrogeologie I: Transportmodellierung, Summer Semester (2 SWS)